I'm from Quebec and I traveled all of western europe for 2 months. Holy shit the state of europe right now. How could it go so wrong? Streets are full of sand niggers, rarely see a woman's hair. Main spoken language is not a european one. cities are dirty, everything is low class. kebab shop every corner, helal music screaming in the parks. bad smells everywhere. every locals are against mass imigration. met a 45 year old woman fleeing from her home because of extreme islamists. right wing parties rising all over europe. gvts signing immigration pack when the vast majority is agaisnt it.
exceptions is switzerland, netherlands also pretty good. eastern europe is still good, poorer tho, which explains no immigration. some small towns are still good too, but europe will be islamic in a couple decades for sure.
where will the eu whites flee to?
Good ol multi-culturalism of the world...
>netherlands also pretty good.
Rotterdam has more niggers than london or paris and amerstdam is full of subhuman british tourists
our race is done ,thanks to our traitors within
No one can top London.
Yeah, maybe your race thankfully. (((Anglos))) always were, are, and will be the jews of the white race. Thankfully you’ve been outjewed by actual jews so you’re thankfully going to go extinct.
Cultural enrichment is newspeak for white genocide. Kind of like how transgender is newspeak for fake gender. Welcome to clown world.
It's neither /pol not not /pol, but simply looking at what's happening around us.
>where will the eu whites flee to?
Alpha Centauri is one of the options on our table.
yea, I think you are right
surely whites won't give up so easily. whats the next move? I know I want to keep the white paradise we have in the north of america. I'm not so sure about montreal, but the rest of quebec is still good. trudeau wont make it next election.
>where will the eu whites flee to?
Quebec. You guys need to separate from us before it's too late
Go to POLand
>exception is netherlands
confirmed for larping faggot. dude weed lmao
>exceptions is switzerland
thanks, i guess.
sadly, we sell it and give it away.
don't worry, there will be another plague or mass-extinction soon enough
Even though OP is a faggot leaf, I can confirm what he's saying. I also recently went on holiday to Eurostan and it's brown and full of bed bugs.
>No one can top London.
Belgium and Paris have higher rates of muslims
fuck, i hope so. we just elected a right wing guy, but the separation seems unlikely.
from what I've seen it wasnt too bad. I could be wrong tho.
Belgium, france, germany are beyond fucked. didnt do scandinavia.
I know london is beyond fucked from a london guy too. he was half nigger too.
>where will the eu whites flee to?
To eastern europe, bring their monies and bankrupt the gibsnigger west while they become bad antijew Eastern Christians.
I see this happening. Easterners are based from what I know. Only went to Prague tho
that picture isnt london
Yep, eventually the quality of life will be so poor in the West that it will make perfect sense to move to Eastern Europe.
Once all the skilled trades and medical staff have completely deserted the West we will be able to rebuild new lives in Eastern Europe making sure that liberal faggots are denied entry.
Netherlands is trash. Central Europe is the comfiest, Austria is pure kino.
I wish Legault has a plan for more nationalism leading to separatism than just plain nationalism while still having to deal with immigration through Cuck Trudeau.
Oh yes it is
Fuck off cunt I went to Huttwil this summer, my grandma was born there.
A population of 4,836, and yet even there, remote in the Swiss countryside, there were Asians and plenty of Solami nigger welfare leaches too.
Also, Lucern is full of chinks.