Markus "notch" Persson, creator of Minacraft is aware of the agenda

Attached: Screenshot_20181210-193437__01.jpg (1080x674, 124K)

1. Sweden
2. No



That's a political statement you fucking leftist shill.

It's quite unusual how this is coming from a billionaire living on Beverly hills. Notch has a lot of free time and probably browses /v/

The Amerimutt is afraid

You know they would send the thread back here.

>fat manbaby gaymen billionaire says something
>it doesnt make sense
who would of though

Attached: 1510469856064.jpg (500x543, 67K)

>animenigger sven is a retarded leftists
Wow, who would've though huh?


>rich white man cries about being oppressed

>Sells his company he created in his bedroom for 2 billion dollars
Nah, he's a man baby

everybody with 110+ iq is aware of the agenda, wheter they believe it to be a conspiracy or not. they're just not willing to risk their social lives/job to speak up

And that's why it's good people like notch can do it because he is retired

What are they gonna do to him? Doxx and get him fired?

Good, we need someone to financially backup our movement.

>has Fuck You money
>they can’t take anything away from him
Kek powerless

Was he being ironic? Big if true


They can always Vince Foster or Aaron Swartz him. At the least they can Martin Shkreli him.

He literally browses /v/ newfag

People who say newfag makes me yikes hard.

check his twitter he's tweeting similar things all the time

Stop posting this shit. When he actually does something we should take notice.

Hes doing more than any britt is doing

For what? Notch is too nerdy to be involved in any finance heists.

> "OI whai you posting what this very popular and admired public figure is saying, whenever has that had any effect?! Oi post BBC porn instead!!"