Macron is on TV begging for his life

After a month of tone-deafness in response to the yellow-vest riots, Macron is on TV now promising the moon in attempt to placate the 80% of the public that wish the dissolution of his government.
Will they forgive him, or is it to late to try to stuff the toothpaste back into the tube?

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dead man walking

>on TV begging for his life
link or you're just baiting.

Will euro fags actually do something? or just sit and be replaced.

how long will he continue to dab on french people

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Most Israelis on this board are gettin a bullet in their heads that's for sure.


Get the Guillotine

>no sauce
go fuck yourself, and anyone who takes the bait needs to go the fuck back

Hopefully the Frogs will storm the Bastille and make France great again.

Off With His Head!

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Governments should live in constant fear of their people, not the other way around.

This is good.

He finished about 10 minutes ago, the live streams have ended.

Hang him he asked for it his nigger friends can attend his funeral

Let zem eat big black cake!

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Whoever his bodyguards are they need to step in

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It must suck to be a poor nigger who's too lazy to steal a TV.

Macron is gassing his own people, just like Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al Assad. Macron is a human rights violator, and we need the US to intervene and snatch Democracy from the hands of totalitarianism.

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>giving money to cable companies and outlets that actually support niggers, tranny insanity, and liberal hypocrisy
>y-your a nigger

He needs to resign and rip up the paris accord agreement.

Macron is doing Niggers
He said "let them eat Black dick"

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What happened to Macron? I thought the protests were OWS tier, was it that bad?

God Bless America

it would be cool if he got guillotined on live tv

Heard m8, freedom in 30

>stuff the toothpaste back into the tube?
Can that be done? Could save me some shekels

They're fucking retards if they believe him. He'll backstab them if they let up the pressure.

why dont you pay attention you stupid fuck

>Wants link to youtube that actually supports niggers, tranny insanity, and liberal hypocrisy..

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I used to get in arguments with people who make the same LE FRENCH SURRENDER joke so it's good to see the modern frogs vindicating my arguments a little by standing up to their retarded statesmen.

>they think this wont appease most people
>they think this isn't the final nail in the coffin of these protests

Newsflash faggots, not everyone went out those weeks to take back France. They went out because they felt their wallets getting smaller. Now that he addressed that most people will go back home.

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Only if you cut the tip and cuck your women to loki.


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>dont even mention youtube
>this jew brings up youtube
nice shilling, schlomo

Yellow vests = brown shirts

No, it's true. He promised that if everyone would just calm down, they could discuss things later. Everyone knows what that really means, though.

this could be dynamite if plastered over paris, it adopted as the slogan of the yellow jackets. good luck frogs

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I saw his speech. He's basically a dead man walking at this point. And France is only the beginning. EU on suicide watch

Have people already forgot how based this guy is ?

godam, french people that are rioting are subhuman hybrids anyway and the cause of the problems are theirs, the cause of the taxation problem are theirs,

the subhumans are eating themselfs up and this is only the beginning, no white person would riot to begin with, or even allow any of this tax shit to happen in the first place,

build a fucking wall below denmark and then kick every non nord out

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But he didn't. This was about MIDDLE CLASS whites. Giving an extra $100 every month for minimum wage workers sure helps the migrants in their first job here, but not the middle working class.

Observing these numerals.

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Why doesn't Macron just resign? If you are unable to quell the crowd and unwilling to capitulate to their demands, your should let someone else take the wheel.

>He'll backstab them if they let up the pressure.
This. Keep the pressure on, frogs. Take back what is yours.

The Jews won't let him resign, they need a body in the wreckage.

Is this real? I love him now

>how based this guy is

kek yeah he's so based memeflag fag

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Show Princess Ivanka pictures of "beautiful French babies" getting gassed and we will get an intervention in no time.

he wants to be replaced by a more worse pro-German puppet.

assuming there's some worse puppet than a Rothschild banker who is hooked to his granny.

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What the fuck hahahahaha, does grandma know?

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I fucking laugh out loud every time.
WHAT are these pictures from?

His offer to the people is pretty generous. He already agreed to cancel the planned taxes for the poorest pensioners and promised $100 for the poorest workers.

If he resigns now or the French kill him like the happeningfags here want then the people risk what was promised to them. New president wouldn't have same kind of desperation to make promises.

There are no French opinions here fags

He should tell them to stop being so selfish and nationalist and un-patriotc.

>previous president just got the guillotine
>"New president wouldn't have same kind of desperation"

>Try a tax increase to help the environment, and to help pay for the massive influx of welfare recipients that your dumbass populace voted to import
>Get blowback, mostly from the very same shitskin welfare recipients you were trying to help
>They destoy the city, making more taxes necessary

France is just being a dumb bitch as usual.

Wait... his answer was to robin hood 2 tanks of gas from the bourgeois to the proletariat?

The point was to not waste taxes for stupid bullshit.

He returned to saint martin (french overseas territory) which had at that time been recently hit by a hurricane.

This is one of the least shitty things he's done.

No good deed.

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His offer is bullshit. He is going to increase taxes to finance his little "gifts". Money has to come from somewhere, and he clearly isn't going to reduce state spending.
He is just throwing bread crumbles at people, anyone who falls for has a two digits IQ

>gets called a whore for jews
>jew jumps up and demands blood libel

kek. So beautiful and brilliant.

I don’t get the photo
The queen has always been ugly even as a young woman,m

Why would you even become a president if you think your country can't afford the gibs for the people, he would just quit or not even take the job. Another option would be some mega socialist who promises them even more for popularity, even if they can't afford it.

>promising the moon
He barely promised anything

I'd say begging for his life is an accurate summary.

That's just a bribe. He will sell them out almost immediately. Yellow vests are idiots if they let him cling to power after this shitshow he has plunged them into.


try and have fun user

What is all this about increased gas prices?

Isnt it insulting or treasonous to make fun of the Queens attire so face to face by a politician

They are trapped in a socialist mire.

But maybe they can create a happening for us.

How many IQ points do you think this half nigger country has ?
That is right.
French people gonna take it and patiently wait for their future enslavement (what niggers do)

Actually he BTFO the movement

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Nice post you one post wonder.

I know. If the economy was already bad enough to collect more taxes with the excuse of saving the planet then I don't know where him and his government are going to get that hundred dollars on top of having to cancel their tax plans. Maybe he's just lying and playing time until their terms are over, then at some point someone will have to do what they were going to do.


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Freedom delivered

I agree. Just for the sheer novelty.

hero macron is destroying cia attempt at franco maidan and saving europe from american nazis

lol this movement is dying. fucking hilarious. people trying hard to lie and meme in hopes that others will go out and try to bolster the few people just out there to break and burn shit
>spray a few people
>slap some people around
>they disperse

I dont think thats an apt comparison. They arent targeting anybody other than the state with their actions. Brown shirts would target communists and minorities for persecution.

>... or is it to late to try to stuff the toothpaste back into the tube?
i await insights from toothpaste

Hopefully next weekend is big, small chance for Brussels to burn, there's a union strike on Friday, yellow vests on Saturday and plans for a march against UN migration pact on Sunday.

How is Belgium doing? Your government broke apart because of the UN Migration Pact and now you have to wait until May to have a new election because some idiot wrote into the law that your elections are always synchronous to EU Parliament Elections?

the protest won't go anywhere. you should have known this for the fucking fact that its on the weekend "because people have work"
-people still have jobs
-people are still comfortable and fed
you disrupt food/housing, then you get what you guys are masturbating over. if it were a real happening, people wouldnt be going fucking home

Fucking lol m8

It's too cucked movement from the beginning, one day of mayhem and then six days of rest for Macron every week. All guillotine memes are overhyped too. If they made a permanent camp in the Champs Elysee like in Maidan then Macron would be flying out of the country very soon.
It seems like they want him to stay as their leader but only want him to back off on few policies.

That pic lol'd me. Cheers faggot

you are completely right

Probably gonna ca down, but shit is gonna hit the fan 100x harder in a year when the global recession happens.

POO commandos travelled back in time to assassinate Julius Ceasar?

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To frenchies:
What are the plans for the coming saturday?
How is the mood and talk on Facebook, is it visble winding down?
Will they even get what Macron is promising now or will he fuck u over as soon as the anger goes out?

There is no peaceful solution.

A few brave men will start a guerilla civil war that will tire out the police and force the military to intercede.
Then the mainstream gun owners will awaken, then the real war will begin, then the military will fracture along racial/political lines.

Then we win or lose. It's our chance, and it looks good for us.
Just look at France. That's how you get change done. We can do much better.

Have you noticed the dramatic increase in shill/bot posting the last couple weeks? This is what they are afraid of.

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Former Gilet Jaune here. Just listened to his speech and I have to say that I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

...Anonymous (ID: qzfo7jak)
12/10/18(Mon)15:46:19 No.196256138
Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

mad skills lad

1 out of the 4 parties of the majority government left and the 3 remaining made their minority government, now 4 parties are demanding a motion of confidence from the prime minister, if he doesn't get majority vote there I guess we don't have a government anymore. I don't know if his representation in Marrakech could be seen as illegal then or not.

could globalist shills be more obvious than that?

...Anonymous (ID: qzfo7jak)
12/10/18(Mon)15:46:19 No.196256138
Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

we're not shills, we're as french as they come
fucking kek

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all of the uk protests have gotten d-noticed

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>Anonymous (ID: yWOaIbzX) 12/10/18(Mon)21:59:51 No.196257533▶
>...Anonymous (ID: qzfo7jak)
>12/10/18(Mon)15:46:19 No.196256138
>Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

...Anonymous (ID: qzfo7jak)
12/10/18(Mon)15:46:19 No.196256138
Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.