Democracy (((Oligarchy))) and the Enemies of the People

Democracy is pernicious. In a monarchy, the only recourse of the people is violence. But in a democracy, a thousand false freedoms, which are no more than convenient release valves for the oligarchy, prevent them from ever improving their situation. How many kings dared to replace their populations?

UN Migration Compact:

>13. "We must empower migrants to become full members of our societies, highlight their positive contributions, and promote inclusion and social cohesion."

translation: more positive discrimination

>31. "We commit to ensure that all migrants, regardless of their migration status, can exercise their human rights through safe access to basic services. We further commit to strengthen migrant-inclusive service delivery systems, notwithstanding that nationals and regular migrants may be entitled to more comprehensive service provision..."

translation: more rights for Jamal and Muhammed than native citizens

>32. "We commit to foster inclusive and cohesive societies by empowering migrants to become active members of society and promoting the reciprocal engagement of receiving communities and migrants in the exercise of their rights and obligations towards each other...''

translation: you have to change your culture for Jamal and Muhammed

>33. "We commit to eliminate all forms of discrimination, condemn and counter expressions, acts and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, violence, xenophobia and related intolerance against all migrants in conformity with international human rights law. We further commit to promote an open and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants in partnership with all parts of society, that generates a more realistic, humane and constructive perception in this regard."

translation: you're going to jail for pointing out facts, immigration is an unconditional good

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Other urls found in this thread:

What harm can a few needy migrants cause

Honestly, why are you shilling your shitty blog post on every single thread?

gotta slip the real motivation in there somewhere

I'm surprised that the elite are doubling down in the wake of Trump and resurgent nationalism. Either they are ignorant of how hated they are, or they realize that they have total power, and plan to crush us mercilessly.

kill yourself shill rat

Why would you expect anything else?
People in politics are not uniquely self-critical or empathic. They're out to make life better for themselves and the people they personally know. Do you think politicians in their insular social circles have any understanding or - more importantly - care that people might not like them? They're self-righteous, and whoever isn't on board is "the enemy" or otherwise either insignificant or lacking legitimate concerns.

>Enemies of the People

(tranyfaggotry/race mixing/ "childless" lifestyle)




maybe that's true. maybe there are no Cato's left. but if they are so ignorant and self-centered, then democracy really is unrealistic in its goals

what happened to all the white boomers though? did they just hand over the keys and to the jews? they are just as complicit. we have very few allies. otherwise we would not be in such a rotten position.

Democracy has no goals - people who push democracy typically do so because the word itself is basically a synonym for 'good' in their minds.

Think back to your school days; every bit of history most people tend to get can be summed up by "democracy = good, and all other political organization = backwards".

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Look, most people are just left with shattered lives. It’s like this all around the world. Why? It’s the most truly politically incorrect truth known to man. It’s not racial Jews or Women or Blacks or Whites: that’s how the 1% want you cuck you. Just think a’lil about all of it, tax breaks for corporations, illegal foreign campaign contributions, lobbiests, a wholly fake reporting news agency (FOX), Nixon’s crimes, Republican attempted privitization of every industry. Please think, because most people on here are paid or are complete stooges, really dumb. Or maybe just antagonizing for kicks. Well not all of us are hopelessly rich incels with time to burn. Most of us are working stiffs with kids and bill who have no rights at work. We WILL win, you better believe it.

A king? A monarcy? That’s the gayest shit I’ve ever heard. Let’s me up, pal, I’ll beat that Idea right the fuck outta ya.

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I'm not really interested in what most people think. Most people are what Hobbes called parrots. They repeat words and phrases without understanding the logical structure behind them, and become confused and upset when that structure is manipulated otherwise, hence the npc meme's truth.

Democracy as a concept however makes collective self-determination its goal, whereas liberalism, which is somewhat antagonistic to democracy, makes individual self-determination its goal. You can see how the latter is favored today, even if liberals making glaring and contradictory exceptions to it (i.e., diversity, immigration, etc., all being unconditional goods to be imposed on the individual). My point is that collective self-determination is probably a fantasy on a large scale, and is probably only possible in small, elite groups.


Migration causes pollution.

this is such a fucking shilling. Migration doesn’t solve birthrate problem, it’s useless in the long run.

Having choices is good. Being free is good. WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK IS wrong with voting majority rule. Worked for our forfathers, has worked for us.

Germany’s thousand year third reich only lasted for like 12 years and crippled most of Europe. Genocide is not too productive in the long run. Sorry faggots, no uniforms or marching for us, fuck off

anarcho-communists miss the point i think. the reason that the 1% exists is because matter (in both the capitalist and marxist versions of the world) is the only good. if matter didn't replace family, community, love and God, then people would think differently about making the hording of matter into their life-goal.

>Democracy as a concept however makes collective self-determination its goal
It's a failure of abstraction that people typically appeal to some "greater good" when justifying a rulership. People think their own beliefs ought to be adopted - or at least given lipservice to - by others, and talking about "society at large" or using "we" or "our" is just how they've learned to voice that desire as if it had some kind of objectivity.

>WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK IS wrong with voting majority rule
Tom and Bill vote that you do [x thing you don't want to do] - their outnumbering you doesn't oblige you or make morally legitimate them forcing you to do x thing.
You recognize that in your regular life - it's the same abstracted to a greater number of people.

>migration is necessary to meet labour demands and ensure the vibrancy of economies
How could they say things like that?
The unemployment rate, especially in Europe, is very high.
More immigrants = more unemployed = more costs on the welfare.
Are they simply stupid or what

I believe this is a good indictment of liberalism. I am stunned to read it here.

Democracy has led to the and wealthiest greatest country in human history. It is directly a result of our protected freedoms, one could argue.

One change, patriotism is collective self-determination. Nationalism is collective self-incarceration. Word.

you are just proving his point. having choices is not an unconditional good. giving a child the choice to only eat candy is bad. giving people the choice to pick what type of bridge they want, rather than a skilled engineer, is also not good. some choices need to be taken by those with superior knowledge. finally, the idea that you can choose everything is a fiction. you don't choose your language, your community, your ancestors, etc., but these each serve as the things through which you realize your freedom. obviously if you are born in the woods, without any of these being imposed on you, then you are screwed. making choices is not the goal of life.

It's wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner. Democracy does not work outside of homogenous groups.

What we choose and what we do not is importaint to consider philosophically, but it can’t be answered with bad science like racial eugenics. Choosing leaders, why not. Perhaps we need more democracy, not less.

>Are they simply stupid or what
No, but it's the kind of thing people on the left like to hear. It's one of the commandments in their religion.

>One change, patriotism is collective self-determination. Nationalism is collective self-incarceration. Word

This sort of thinking is typical of the modern man, with his love of choice-making, who thinks he can have it all.

>"I love my nation, but don't show it preference to other nations"
>"I love my wife, but don't show her preference to other women."

When you truly chose something, you must give up something else. If you didn't have to make some sacrifice, then the first thing would be insignificant.


Hoarding goods or power should not be the goal, not personally nor collectively.

Not so. Look at Germany today thanks to Bush HW. Successful, free, peaceful.

That's right, import slaves to take care of the Boomers. I'll be sipping coffee collecting my NEETbux while the ship sinks.

i think some sort of eugenics program would have saved me from reading this nonsensical post.

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Americans suck.

i didn't know it was possible to pack so many subjective qualifiers into a single tweet.

Well said.

Just swap out "migration" for "slavery" and you have the talking points of literal slavers 200 years ago (and every other slave holding society in history).

>Open borders for Israel.

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>(((migration is DESIRABLE for migrants and host populations alike)))
I miss Hitler

But it's none of those things

-You can control your borders, if you choose
-It is not necessary as untold nations and civilisations have existed without it (also labour demands with mass unemployment?)
-It is definately not desirable. Except for the immigrant I guess.