Are Macron's concessions true to the protestors' desires?

He offered terrible socialist policy and removing some lower tax brackets necessiting greater tax of higher earners (whites) and reducing business ensuring a worse economy?

If that is what the French were out for then god help us all.

Attached: macron-101218-m_0.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

Not by any means, cheap retoric that nobody buy

do you have an english translation. my french sucks

Sorry in revising some sentences i made it totally fall apart:

He offered terrible socialist policies like increasing minimum wage and raising lower tax brackets - necessiting greater taxation of higher earners (whites) and reducing national business ensuring a worse economy.

...Anonymous (ID: qzfo7jak)
12/10/18(Mon)15:46:19 No.196256138
Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

they shouldnt stop protesting until he resigns and someone whos a real french whute middle class takes power

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Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

Of course but who do they want in? A communist or le pen?

Former yellow vest supporter here, it’s great to see the yellow vest movement crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we can’t let them have the nuclear codes.

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a less socialist version of le pen apparently is what conservatives want. I just want anybody that doesnt bow to sjws or soros

no. The protests will continue this saturday and the one after that, and again, and again..

>Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points
He hasn't. And you have an EU flag. Which is the symbol of the genocide of the indigenous people of the european continent. In other words, you're either a jew, a race traitor or a sodomite

You realize Governments just turn around and hand taxes back to rich people in the form on Government Contracts to companies they own, right? Good luck trying to tax a rich person out of being rich.

So is this an attempt not so much to satisfy the movement but rather to set a narrative that these are the things the movement wants?

All three actually. But I'm also gilet jaune.

>here are 100 €, now fuck off...

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Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.


Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

You never let us down Straya.

I don't support taxing the rich much at all. I don't think anything beyond a flat tax rate is just and is manifestly poor for the economy.


Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

Jews are over represented in higher wealth but still always the small minority of those earners. It just hurts innovative, hard working whites.

>how do you do fellow [insert here]?

Attached: fellow_white_people11.png (607x827, 325K)

Yes, no wonder France is a shit hole