Macron on National Television !

Marcon just went on National Television to answer the Yellow Vest protest.

1. The fuel taxes got canceled.
2. 100€ (120$) has been added to Minimum wages.
3. Taxes on overtime hours of work (more than 35h/week) are removed.
4. he will consult the mayors of france about immigration in France.
5. etc..

what do you think ?

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On vous donne littéralement 100 balles et un mars pour que vous la fermez. J'espère que ca ne s'arrêtera pas la, qu'un sang impur abreuve vos sillons



...Anonymous (ID: qzfo7jak)
12/10/18(Mon)15:46:19 No.196256138
Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Macron made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government. I'm convinced and very happy with his proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal this nation.

dont stop now
"will consult the mayors of france about immigration"
force the invaders out

Former Gilet Jaune protester here...لمزيد من الحبوب لطحن سترات صفراء ، فإنه بالتأكيد لن تهدئة غضبهم!

>he will consult the mayors of France about immigration

nothing will be done except talk.

He is scared. About to quit. That's why he did the video. Continue the good job. Flood the comment section with anti-macron comments

this should have been the slogan from day one.

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I think he is throwing bread to a population in hopes of saving his fucking neck.

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Can we get yellow vests here too please.

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Бывший Джилeт Яyн пpoтecтyющий здecь. Maкpoн cдeлaл мнoгo хopoших зaмeчaний. Я paзгoвapивaл co cвoeй ceмьeй и дpyзьями, и мы вce в знaчитeльнoй cтeпeни coглacны, чтo пpишлo вpeмя двигaтьcя дaльшe. Дeлa пoйдyт лyчшe; мы пpocтo дoлжны дoвepять пpaвитeльcтвy. Я yбeждeн и oчeнь дoвoлeн eгo пpeдлoжeниями. Пpишлo вpeмя ocтaнoвить пpoтecты, вepнyтьcя к paбoтe и иcцeлить этy нaцию.

not good enough.he's just buying time for the elite to flee

Literally none of that will happen, or will be there for only a few years. Don't be fooled Baguette.

>2. 100€ (120$) has been added to Minimum wages
You mean 4 weeks of protest for 30e ?

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I smell jew....

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Why has Macron not resigned? Wtf is it with these slimy globalists they are like cockroaches. They have no fucking shame

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Go home now

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based britposting



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He'sjust trying to save himself
I want to see him and all the other globalist dogs hangs from the gallows

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nothing will change

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>Taxes on overtime hours of work (more than 35h/week) are removed
as in there was previously an extra tax on overtime that's going to be removed, or overtime work is now going to be totally tax-free?

too little too late
unless the government starts deporting all muslims back to the Middle East they should continue to protest and get more serious

these actually sound pretty good. Maybe Americans should start rioting and get more gibsmedats.

Our memes are getting way too powerful