Where were you when the European Union began creating its own standing army?


Where were you when the European Union began creating its own standing army?

Protip: It's happening right now

Attached: its happening.jpg (343x361, 23K)

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imagine forming a pigeon copy of the US because you watched too many hollywood movies that lied to you about how good it was and then not even having an army

Your way behind m8, was revealed like 2 years ago on here

Attached: 1540887096531.jpg (1660x2906, 988K)

The point is they're starting to be more overt about it

only got a flea version of this pic?


yes flea version as you cant read that shit even when zoomed in.

>phone poster problems

Attached: KBEU army being sold.jpg (1623x279, 114K)


>Marianne reports that police in France had a "secret weapon" they could have used as a last resort against protesters this past weekend; An "incapacitating liquid" that would have "neutralized" crowds of people the size of football fields.

Also, Macron has his secret weapon, probably a fentanyl mist like Putin used in the theatre terror attack.