Bully the absolute shit out of me
Bully the absolute shit out of me
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*reaches over and pats you on the back* why would we do that, we’re your friends
*I give you a quick smile then you smile back*
>meme flag
not even worth bothering
Post your pic
not Jow Forums related
You constantly find excuses to underachieve because you're afraid that if you actually try you'll actually fail, and you'd be right. Eventually you'll have a stroke, alone, and wind up a potato. One day the nurse will unplug your life support and hurriedly draw a thin blanket over your body because she needs a smoke break.
I love you, user. And God does too, even if you don't believe in him.
your absolutely positively fucking beautiful mate , full homo nonstop daydreaming about you
i hope you choke on saliva
you realize your whole country (and this includes you) is not pol related because you are irrelevant right?