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I guess she found the true lever of power, didn't take long.

This means they got to her, and less than 6 months after being elected her rabble rousing days are already over.

I was hoping she'd be a real South American Commie, and not a Bernie style shill. Oh well, looks like she wont be leading the Golems in open revolt of the DNC party structure and smash the Pelosi Jews.

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do you think someone (((prompted))) her to amplify this distant, irrelevant facet of her family history on hanukkah to engage in race-baiting and dissuade a certain latinos for trump minority in the right wing?

Annnnnnnd she can now become the face of modern Bolshevik movements worldwide.

She just keeps on winning. Time to educate the masses.

Where can I buy this Jew dowsing device?

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She sensed it

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>senses jewish ancestry from many generations past

A jewdar this strong leaves even many Jow Forumsacks to shame

Fuck off and go restore your foreskin

pretty sure she's just pandering and is full of shit

Why do I feel the strong urge to blast Berger's face with baby batter?

> a holocaust yellow star
That's just a regular star. It's not even a star of david.

She's going to be the Trudeau of Congress; instead of cosplaying as different ethnicities or disabilities, she'll cosplay as different women in history.


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"It's like...you know when I threatened Donald Trump Jr, by saying that I would use my new government powers when I'm sworn in? Yeah I'm pretty sure I can destroy his life....well, it was at that moment I knew I had Jew in me. I could feel it."

This was evident when she walked back her comments on Israel. If she wants party funding or good committee assignments she'll pay homage. They'll let her spout her socialist nonsense but when it comes time to vote she'll have to fall in line

>tfw my gf is also 0.1% Ashkenazi Jewish
Now she cant stop rubbing her hands together now and refers to me as stupid goy, what do I do

Buy her a nice oven.

Welp, that about does it. No more Identity boxes to check off

It's just a PR stunt. Everyone knows that people, even on the left, think she's rather dumb. So, since people generally think Jews are smart then making her Jewish will bolster her image.

That's also why all these articles talking about it also show her wearing glasses now.

It's all so tiresome.

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Hahaha she’s playing these dumb kikes