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bump for justice. I want to know who this person -- who is now a public figure -- is.
we have a right to know who this guy is. I think this happened somewhere in Minnesota, but my autism isn't that strong
Find the article, get the name of the school
look at the school site find the faculty names
in this video look for clues for what is being taught
there is a board in the background with hand drawn pictures, find the dudes name then we go to work.
I've looked at a few, largely repetitive articles, and none of them say the name of the school. Did you see one that did?
Looks like an art class
The reason I think it's Minnesota is because the guy who uploaded it also has a video from there on his channel
OH SHIT just saw this, he outright refuses to identify the teacher or school
can't blame him
what a fucking pussy
He's the reason you saw it at all.
He's covering up government corruption. The school is the government, violating the kid's free speech and equal protection rights is corruption. Kill yourself, faggot
Youtube channel
about tab
The home of The Frank Sharp Experience and related content...
still a pussy
Dude, in his video, he says he's not going to name the teacher because the ENTIRE SCHOOL is corrupt. So, he identifies an even BIGGER problem, but refuses to even name it (sound familiar)?
FUCK this little punk
We can get a location through this video
look for street names and addresses
That video shows the school
yeah, checking street view for all Minneapolis area high schools
Bump. Give him hell boys.
Did you even watch the video OP?
that's a better image. of course I watched it you fucking cunt. The school is Southwest High School
I never even knew I could not care this much until OP made this thread.
Well we’re at it, we should get this antifa guy. I called him but he blocked me. He was legit, it’s not someone giving out someone else’s name
did somebody say this was an ART class?
fuck off kike
Sam Hyde
bump. we have the name of the school. he's not on the website, I'm scouring facebook, can somebody do linkedin?
this guy?
maybe you should call the school I bet they would know. highly doubtful that any of us would.
ahhh, "teacher pages" good job, i was about to waste a bunch of time searching kikebook
you couldn't have gone through all those names one by one; you have some connection to this, don't you?
>It's funny cause lots of high schools have rules against hats and if the teacher did a better job of making it about that rule and nothing else it wouldn't be an issue but he's so controlled by ideology that he let the kid keep baiting him into the political discussion and people feeling "uncomfortable".
Please ignore the greentext
some faget
that's Dundon, or at least it appears to be him. I'm reasonably certain
definitely him. look at that hairline. chin.
well then the original outrage thread needs to be re-posted with the guy's identity
if the highschool has a not hats on indoors policy then the maga hat kid is just being a faggot
no, you fucking Jew, in the video the guy basically says the policy isn't enforced, which means there's no policy. Selectively enforcing it against the MAGA hat is unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination, violating the student's free speech and equal protection rights
Having a policy and not enforcing it and having no policy are pretty different you dumbshit.
Long before all of the legalize marijuana shit if you got caught with a couple grams here nothing would happen even though they technically were supposed to arrest you.
>Jew as an insult
if you didn't already know that was the guy, then you're pretty based
>Jew as an insult
>there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish