Why is auto racing gradually losing popularity in the US? This is a great tradition going back almost a century, but fewer and fewer younger people are getting involved with racing. A lot of local tracks have actually closed since the 90's, and others aren't doing well. Racing track memberships are generally down. Why are today's young people allowing these racing traditions - which are important culturally, not just as a form of entertainment - to die?
Why is auto racing gradually losing popularity in the US? This is a great tradition going back almost a century...
because modern engines are hard to work on and our dad's have white collar jobs and we don't know how to do shit
Nailed it...
Because most of them are faggots who sit inside all day and get scared by loud noises. That and they hardly have any money.
>I'm gonna go 'round the track real fast and keep turnin' to the left
It's because the engines being used in american closed wheel racing are already outdated, and manufacturers don't want to make those.
Because back then things were good, entertainment had its place.
Now things shit,everyone trying to survive and not lose the house.
Things are shit no matter how you look at them so, why would I spend time watching fun racing when I'd better spending it learning new trade.
If I had to guess.
Less disposable income.
The supply of cheap, viable vehicles for entry level racing is dwindling, disposable and well built shitboxes of the 90's and even early 2000's are now becoming collectible.
Absolute failures of fathers who don't even teach their children how to change a tire, let alone build or race a shitbox.
Literally no where to keep, let alone wrench on a car for most people in built up cities.
so what do you find entertaining?
Cars/Insurance/Gasoline is far more expensive these days. You can't work for a summer and buy a decent car with race potential.