How come women get so much free passes even from conservatives when it comes to vile sickos?

How come women get so much free passes even from conservatives when it comes to vile sickos?
Everybody always keeps ranting about gays and MtF trannies,but nobody is ever really worried about female deviants that do exists and sadly aren't really even that uncommon.

Attached: fempedo.png (824x1144, 686K)

>implying women have agency

The men responsible for these women should be placed in the stocks... or worse.

>you must discipline wamyn
>you can't disciple wyman because they have no agency, discipline men instead

You're at work and some three-year-old is taking all the cans off the shelf you just stocked and throwing them on the floor. What do you do?

I don't give him voting rights or rights to own property.

>Age of attraction
Burn them all...


human nature is to forgive women because they're a valuable resource.

Dude what fuckin site is that/are you on? Rhetorical question I don't actually want to know. You need to like tell the feds about that shit. Tell the other 4channies though lol take 'em down.

Women have backing from state power to do as they please. It's not possible to fix women because anything you might do will be stopped by the state. You cant even withhold your resources from them because the state just takes it from you and gives it to them.