How do we beat this?
How do we beat this?
Look for the big milkers
I can always spot a jew. Even if they've had surgery. Only way they'll get beat is when the world goes to shit after the war.
>Khazar milkers
>No hook nose
Sign me up senpai
>surgeon is a paki or tork
it will beat itself when the curry turd crumbs sealed in the wounds cause the whole proboscis to get infected and rot off
White people have nasal bones
Why the fuck is this shit legal
I'd like to fix my nose too, Koreans i feel you
The Jews love to hide on dating sites. They typically have an obvious looking nose job, facial structure leaning towards Neanderthal. They claim "agnostic" "spritual but not religious" "athiest".
Unironically. Jewish girls have massive tits. Not even good ones at that.
The kikes can change their appearance but they can never change their kike behavior
like this
Plastic surgery should be illegal for anybody not involved in emergencies or fire
Genetic therapies will make plastic surgeries needed only after some traumas. And stem cell therapies will make that obsolete too. Though I'm not sure what is going to happen first.
any chance to use ML to automate this?
>how to genealogy for dummies the thread
why are all the retards on leftypol?
what the frick
are they censoring him or is his name just that obscure wtfffffffffffff aaaaaaa
As to see photos of their family.
Tell them that the hook nose is very sexy.
with Thunder and Lightning
I made a compilation of this
Thats why they call them shapeshifters huh...
>they're evolving
Nobody has said baseball bat yet. Not too good at the old lateral thinking eh lads?
Check for mutilated penises.
Why the fuck are they going for piglike noses?
nordic look
Their voices don't change as much. Find Jews that have done this, then learn to recognize their vocal tones. They still have a nasally voice most times, have the same demeanor, and are identifiable by body language.
Jewish men are typically more feminine than gentiles. Many of them have conservative values, but hold them only for Jews, so look out for that. Test them in speech.
Make HARMLESS jokes, but only if you have the conversational skills to back out if it goes wrong. You can find out if someone is Jewish relatively easily by picking up a coin and saying, "One more shekel for me!"
Though many Jews hold conservative values for Jews themselves, there are also those that have succumbed to their own propaganda. They are typically extreme in an emotional sense, and are a separate party from those that merely act like a leftist when convenient. If you look at the behavior of Jews that pretend to side with the left, in order to exterminate whites, you will see slight differences to those that do so genuinely. These differences typically manifest as the level of emotional extremity in females, with those of genuine belief being considerably less rational. men are a different animal entirely, however. Masculine Jewish men, though rarer than their effeminate counterparts, should never be underestimated in any capacity.
Going back to their Chinese roots
Usually Jews are the worst when it comes to having a big mouth talking about how Jewish they are, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Why are these women so ashamed of thier bodies?
>shnoz pride world wide
I should also clarify that I look Jewish, and have had a relatively easy time analyzing them as a result. Never have I met a Jew that thought I wasn't one, unless I told them. Upon learning I'm not Jewish, they are typically shocked enough to physically back up, or display other clear signs of great surprise.
I don't hold Jews in a negative capacity as you do, but Zionists as a whole are an abomination deserving annihilation.
What did the milk man look like?
i shit you not if i had the shekels i'd get that done on my kike-a-like nose.
This should be outlawed like that Chinese guy with the ugly, but fake hot wife. He found out after kid was born and then he took her to court.
You can't. One more way the jew will fool you. The jew will ALWAYS fool you. They are SO much smarter than us.
Do you really think that 100% of Jewish people belong to some sort of secret power circle? This is plain untrue. I mean, Jow Forums can be autistic, but not that dumb to see some sort of conspiracy in every hooked nose... Am I missing something?
Voice and sometimes you can catch them subverting western civilization.
Grotesque, I like the big noses better.
Are you a Tico or Gringo?
you don't you olah geci. i wish we Magyars still had big noses like before 1920. when will the Habsbergs come back?
will Gyorgy Schwartz do it?
Zionists will gleefully sacrifice other Jews to Molech. It's one thing to try to create a righteous kingdom of Israel in Eretz Yisroel. It's another to create and feed the abomination that can only survive by (1) endangering other Jews, (2) undermining healthy politics in other countries, and (3) pushing Jew and Gentile alike away from knowledge of the One True God who dwells on the Highest.