Life is a simulation

Life is a simulation.

But not the simulation you think of.

It is Egocentric in nature, a Megalomaniac Simulation of selfish, self-centered, self-serving, individualistic, pompous, self-absorbed, narcissistic, egoistical, egoistic, individualist, conceited, egotistic, self-indulgent, stuck-up, vainglorious, egomaniacal, megalomaniac, self-concerned, self-interested, self-loving, wrapped up in oneself Simulation.

That is mind control is a thing. That is why people are easily influenced. They don't see. They are blind and ignorant. Once you have opened your eyes everything becomes clear.

That is the very essence of The Devil. The control and power of evil and darkness. It is the very tool that powerful bankers and corporations use to dominate the politics of the world. And they have been doing it for a few hundred of years already. You know them very well.

And you free yourself of reality once you break through the simulation.

Attached: Screenshot_20180531-184619.jpg (1080x1474, 524K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you just tell me how to get happy fast

I have provided the signs for you to follow my friend.

Through good health you will find fulfillment

Take your sperglord /x/&Jow Forums circlejerk elsewhere

You are still very much blind to the truth but I hope you find the light hidden within the brain. The pineal gland. The Crown Chakra. God's kingdom of heaven.

I tried, without results. Following the normal life I got better results. I was open, patient and observant. Nothing. Ever.

The trick is to break the system.

Don't eat sugar. You don't need it. It is unhealthy. It reacts to fats and clogs your arteries with low density cholesterol.

Develop a habit of intermittent fasting. 18 hours minimum. Human growth hormones peak at around 1000-2000% which burns stored up fat energy and makes you lean.

Try to rely on ketones for energy. It's the best source of energy for your brain. It also elevates your mood

OP, I'm gonna watch those videos, but I think it's important for you to know that you're a self-congratulatory dork. You're dissatisfied with your life, so you tell yourself you have some deep knowledge no one around you has. You do this because you're mentally weak.

We live in an alienating society where most people are "asleep," going through the motions to stay fed, rarely being mentally present. They don't do this because they've been brainwashed. They do this because life is fucking hard, and our economic and governmental systems are deteriorating. The system does not support self-actualization for most people.

A preferable system would support fulfillment. People are fulfilled by creative progress and achievement, meaningful and rewarding interpersonal relationships, and novel experiences. The current system does not facilitate those things - people are isolated, they do jobs that aren't meaningful to them, and they're trapped in unstimulating environments.

There are many methods people take to break out of that. One is spiritual - some forms of spirituality just numb a person and makes them a good citizen. This is mostly religions that promise a paradise in the afterlife, like most forms of Christianity. There are others that do the opposite, and make the person more present. There's a strand in most religions that do this, but usually less popular ones - in Christianity there's Quakerism, in Islam there's Bektashi Sufism, in Buddhism there's Soto Zen.

There are also lots of speculative political theories on how to make a more just system.

You misidentify the culprits. Most egoists are not normative, but rather descriptive - they focus on breaking free from society's restraints. Likewise, Satanism, though juvenile, focuses on doing the same thing.

Want to "wake up?" Meditate. Build meaningful relationships. Get educated, and get the skills you need to have the career you want. You're no better than anyone else.

Attached: dogenstirner.png (381x448, 110K)

How to hack reality part 1.

Upon introducing himself as "phil peterson, he looks to left very hard. He lied in the first sentence

Eat very little sugar. Fasted a bunch of times by chance. Had a downer phase and lost apetite. I am lean af. Work out just a bit and get great results. Believe me I was deep in that stuff. Talked to like minded people. Tried sooo much. Now I am a half normie. Took the usefull lessons over to normiehood.

I'm really happy to hear that from both of you.

But there is.... WAY more to the story

Maybe I came on too strong/critical (I'm the long post).

The second video is good, but he's literally just saying things I've heard before from Buddhism. Still worthwhile, though.

Well give us some key words. A hint to check if we are on the same level.

Well what I've been doing is taking advantage of ketones and the insane percentage of human growth hormone production in my system.

I've also been dissecting religions, including lucferianism. In fact, I think your description of religions practicing more for the self is what I would call Lucferianism.
Then you have the Animus and Anima, the masculine and feminine features of the subconscious.

I basically perceive reality with intense clarity. I feel like I can learn anything

He's not me (the long post), but it's not about the self vs. the other. You don't understand what I was saying, indicating you don't understand even the basics of Buddhism. Based on this, it sounds like you're getting into pseudo-spiritual ideas, without understanding religious philosophy. That's a common pitfall.

Being fully present isn't about selfishness. If anything, it helps you help other people, because when you're free of delusion and can be fully present, then you can decipher how to act most effectively, including for others.

Read fewer infographics on /x/, and go read some legitimate religious philosophy.

As I've said. I've dissected religions to the point where I recognise the inspiration drawn from astrology, its source.

Everything revolves around a duality. Masculine and Feminine. Sun. Moon.

You can find the Sun worship inspiration in every religion. Even Christianity.

The main idea is that the devil dwells inside our egos. Every human being is inherently good, until you teach them to do evil.

Astrology is not the inspiration.

There are two orientations: everything is interconnected and God is within everything, or nothing is connected, and God exists separate from the world, so we must strive for Him.

The interconnected perspective is the view of Taoism, Zen, Sikhism, Quakerism, Tengriism, Sufism, and most forms of paganism.

The disconnected view leads to a lot of violent conflict, and is the view of destructive but influential sects like Pentecostalism and Salafism.

Sun worship is very common, where it's worshipped as the creator of life. That's a pretty common idea.

The feminine/masculine duality is also a common idea, though I strongly question its universality.

Satan/The Devil/Lucifer means something very different for Christians than he does for Satanists. When Christians talk about God, they're really talking about their understanding of the universe. In their paradigm, Christ is the truth, and the Devil is untruth.

Satanists are not for untruth. They're starting from a completely different cultural reference point. For Satanists, Satan/Lucifer is a rejection of the destructive, controlling nature of Christianity as an institution, so for them, Satan is really symbolic for truth and thinking for one's self. This is why Christians and Satanists talk past each other - they're using the same language to refer to different things.

Of course, this is all a little silly because the modern Satanism/Luciferianism of the Church of Satan and The Satanic Temple are thoroughly modern; there's no connection between them and historical devil worship whatsoever. They're also a fairly inconsequential group, though the Satanic Temple's political activism and anti-cult activity deserves to be lauded.

Got a question for us then? Otherwise fuck off

>all religions are inspired by astrology
wrong. and also different groups had different 'astrologies'
>the main idea is all humans are good
wrong again. many religions/cultures view humans as inherently flawed. some view humans as inherently evil.
>evil is only what is taught
again, wrong. some religions view evil as a force in the world, some view it as a misunderstanding, some view it as a perversion, some say that true evil doesn't exist at all and it's a trick of our limited understanding.

look, it's great that you're thinking about stuff, but you need much much greater depth and breadth of knowledge if you're going to make grand sweeping proclamations like that.

Instead of trying to convince yourself you've proved me wrong, how about you bring forth some evidence?

This picture for example contains astrological information, as well as information of the conscious and the subconscious.

And it is also the ancient understanding of the brain and consciousness.

Attached: Screenshot_20180504-034113.jpg (1194x1018, 351K)

No, that's literally a low res image of the milky way with the shape of a holy figure in the middle, with the sun and moon on greek pillars, and random religious symbols on top. It's completely meaningless.

Go to /x/. This shit isn't helpful, and you've repeatedly demonstrate that you don't understand world religions.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I'm and now that I see you have a few screws loose, I'm embarrassed for engaging.

People like you are really common on the internet. You think you have some special occult knowledge that grants you great insight, and then when people try to dig into it you just get really cryptic and evasive. You're not any more insightful than the people you're talking to, and if you had something worth sharing, you'd share it rather than being evasive and posting goofy images.

There's more to religion, philosophy, and spirituality than this nonsense.

You belong on /x/. You're not interested in the truth, you're only interested in distraction.

Ooooh if you can't recognise the picture then I feel sorry for you.

You have yet to discover true potential.

Here's an image for you to contemplate.

Attached: 51b8e89ceab8eaa87d000009-750-562.jpg (750x562, 105K)

The user you're thumbing your nose at is spending a small amount of time on giving you legitimate advice and you're just letting your fragile ego control you. See this quote again.
>OP, I'm gonna watch those videos, but I think it's important for you to know that you're a self-congratulatory dork. You're dissatisfied with your life, so you tell yourself you have some deep knowledge no one around you has. You do this because you're mentally weak.

It's ok kiddo, we all picked up "the antichrist" in middle school and had this phase - you'll grow out of it.

>It's ok kiddo, we all picked up "the antichrist" in middle school and had this phase - you'll grow out of it.
why did you remind me

This thread proves that people are still leagues away from true enlightenment

I'll just leave this here.

If you're the OP, then I'm pretty sure you're particularly unenlightened.

In your first post, you said being selfish is bad, and it's part of the "simulation." You listed every synonym for selfishness you could possibly think of. It's ironic, because you demonstrate how self-absorbed you are by acting superior.

Then you say mind control is a thing. You don't argue it, you just say it. Okay.

Then you say the devil IS selfishness, and bankers use it.

Then you link to a video about a physicist's alternative theory to string theory, which says there are more dimensions, and we're all connected by the fabric of the world. Then you have a second video where a guy literally just goes over the basics of Buddhism, but curiously he avoids calling it Buddhism, even though it's transparently Buddhism 101.

OP, you're drowning in your own delusions.
Here's some real life: