Well damn, looks like he’s going to prison. He’s still hilarious, but i honestly can’t believe i bought his whole shtick of having no reason to be corrupt and just wanting to make America great again. I think dude’s just a legit psychopath and will always crave more power. I gotta say he’s a good con artist though. He definitley had me and a lot of others fooled. He does have a history of conning contractors and that whole Trump University fraud thing, so I’ve really only myself to blame for falling for it. Luckily I was never very outspoken about him, and thank God voting records aren’t public in my state. I’ve already apologized to the few people I actually defended him to.
Well damn, looks like he’s going to prison. He’s still hilarious...
he had me too, i went to like two of his rallies and genuinely believed he was out there fighting for the common man against the hordes of spics coming in and the sjws letting them. never again will i trust a politician again, unless they break uncle ted out and he goes full code geass.
haha yea same lol, oh well guess it's time for Madame President xd
Not gonna lie, former blumpf supporter it's over he's finished nuclear codes
>Well damn, looks like he’s going to prison
>everyone i don't agree with is a jewish shill
nice argument. wouldn't schlomo like him anyway since he gives so much gibs to israel?
Yes, thank god he wont get the nuclear codes, now, I can cancel my weekly therapy sessions I've been going to since november 2016 and focus completely on transitioning into a woman
Everyone here right now
Lmao bro, youre a damn schizo if you deadass think everyone who doesn’t like this clown getting paid by Israel