Stall Swastika at CSUN

This was drawn in a bathroom stall at a california college.

Interesting how the image the news website uses is not the full image, and some websites are reporting that the N-word was drawn as well.

Is this hate speech? Is this politically motivated? False Flag? Someone trolling? Serious?

My bet is its either a false flag made by some sjw or a pollack trying to troll sjws. Why would someone give a warning? Why would they scheduele a mass shooting? Why would they decide to do it during finals week, when there is only a few classes being held? It makes no sense. It looks like it was written in two different inks.

What are Jow Forumss opinions on this irl shitpost.

Attached: part0.jpg (720x1280, 118K)

jesus christ this is like a new level of watcha doin rabbi

>What are Jow Forumss opinions on this irl shitpost.
The Swastika is a sign for energy, the direction determines whether it is inflow or outflow.

Aether is real.

Attached: 1531695382533.jpg (1600x1120, 406K)

Swastika isn't even in the right orientation, either a retarded neo-nazi or a massive false flag.

Attached: 6413F33B-CD4A-413E-9C5F-4C61DB8E1372.png (1100x400, 182K)

I hope they catch the nigger that wrote this.

Attached: clinton creepy.webm (540x500, 2.83M)

Let me guess its finals week.

I guess you know you're a true Jow Forumsack when you get massively triggered by incorrectly drawn swasticas.

Hey rabbi! Whatcha doin?


Do it faggot