The final redpill: White people can solve all their problems, with zero violence: IN ONE MONTH. But it will never happen.

THE reason for our replacement (As clearly stated by the UN in their plans for, what they literally call, 'replacement migration'" is due to below replacement level birthrates. It's descimates economies and nation's FAST, so they needed to import breeders. Anyone would would breed and be wage slaves.

If every adult white person paired up and fucked each other with the purpose of impregnation at the same time, we could literally save Europe tonight. There's something like 1 billion white people, but because you guys like to purity spiral, let's say 800,000,000 white people. Now let's cut out the very old and too young, I'll just say 500,000,000. So 250m white women get creampied, with no birth control, by 250m white men, every day for one month. This means you're going for a whole period cycle. According to the medical journal, "Human Reproduction" you got about a 38% chance of getting pregnant after a month of trying. This means we could have 95,000,000 white babies in one month. That's more than double the population of Germany. Spread that around Europe? Your problems are over. Imagine the MSM saying "W-what are you doing? S-stop it!"

"Make Love not War" isn't a hippie pacifist mantra. It's literally the answer.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Interesting. Tell me more.

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Do your part and have a minimum of 4 kids. Get on welfare if you have to.

Yeah the problem is white kids are expensive and there aren't enough big-dicked white men around anymore because they've been poisoned. Look at the recent study out of Italy that shows the chemical in non-stick pans (CFCs) reduced men's penis by 0.5 inch and made them thinner. And that's just one of the myriad of poisons were are ingesting through plastics, pesticides and cleaners etc. Even if you don't drink out of plastic you are probably eating food that was prepared with plastic tubing or containers.

This is a problem that is going to take a couple decades to solve, white men need to stop poisoning themselves, and the laws need to change to foster more childbearing and make it less expensive.

This. but unironically.

benis in bagina
works for poos and chinks why not huwhites?

>So 250m white women get creampied, with no birth control, by 250m white men, every day for one month.
And how are you going to make that happen?
I keep telling you nazi fucks that if you want to save the huwhite race polygamous marriage needs to be legalized to let Chads fix the birth rate problem. But you guys won't listen.

OK I'll give you a bump.

But people need to get married first.

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no because we are in an emergency state and mairrage is financial slavery

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the EXCUSE for our replacement is low birth rates. You think they won't find another excuse retard?

Corporations don't want to pay for raising babies.. they'd rather import full operational slaves from the 3rd world. The idea was never to replace the wypeopo, but to maximize profits.

All of our problems comes from corporate technocracy that see value in only one thing, profit.

>Just ignore the the JEWS pushing open borders in Media propaganda, & at the legislative level
>And & that we already out number the Jews 50 to 1
>You need BREED MORE Goyim to "win"
>More growth for muh (((economics)))
>Dont let the (((Pyramid scheme))) crash
>to hell with being a sustainable population
>to hell with what our current infrastructure & environment can support
>You can live in boxes and eat s.o.y like the chinks
>good goy


Attached: jews open borders.jpg (881x1024, 251K)

the vast majority of modern white women are grossly overweight and militantly feminist

>why don't 500 million people just do this thing that goes against their media programming

>that shows the chemical in non-stick pans (CFCs) reduced men's penis by 0.5 inch
I'd like to see it that study. How the fuck did they narrow it down to that? And what kind of pan should you be using? Also, half an inch shouldn't stop you you fuck

But I prefer asian woman, I rather be selfish and let the white race of the future die so I can enjoy my current life in wealth and sleeping with any Asian woman I find, I don't want kids anyways, I got over 2mil in inheritance money honestly I rather just enjoy life as given

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This might be the most retarded post I've ever seen. Yes, increasing our numbers surely will be a bad thing. Let's just die off. That'll show em.

You dont get it you're proposing the kikes agenda?

The reason why the economy needs birthrates is the demand for paying the interest for the printed money that rules the world.

I dont know if youre just stupid or a kike.

If we want freedom and destroyment of kikes and fugees, we need to get rid of the printing press kikemoney. Thats all. No free gibs = No fugees.

The fat thing is statistically false and the feminist thing is something that can be cured.


Yea but under democracy they'd lose by our sheer numbers.

It will never happen because no whites outside of Jow Forums give a fuck about muh purity and muh bloodlines.
>just pump out white trash welfare leeches, we can win this race to the bottom!
Truly the master race.

The one on the right looks like she has to take a dump

do it on mememememememememememe

I wonder who's behind this post

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no, we need to let our pop decline to an equilibrium and resist BS calls for replacement migration in the meantime

Our "replacement" is more about kike debt spending and impossible shit money system. It can never pay back itself without a huge population growth. They can make money on any sort of nigger so they dont care if they ruin countries to keep their like scheme going. It's a joke.

If they truly wanted to have a bigger population of natives, reward those who have children with tax incentives. Dont bring in welfare leeches to scam the middle class.

Money system


Ok, fixing Fiat currency would solve alot of problems. But how would raising our birthrates do anything but help?

> If every adult white person paired up and fucked each other with the purpose of impregnation at the same time.

If we can all gather for a purpose in the first place then we may as well go the entire mile and gather for the purpose to kill. The ensures our survival more than simply breeding. It is quality over quantity anyhow, that is an even bigger redpill. We need eugenics, not breeding like African's.

Might as well. It's either that or disappear. Choose one.

God everytime I see this gif she looks more like a cryptkeeper prop

>No we need to wait until literally 80% of whites are 60 years old or up and helpless
Explain your reasoning.

whatever you say bud
more for you I guess

But... I'm an incel and don't want to take care of children

That is only a rationalization they give for it. If it were the case, then they wouldn't bring the immigrants in and just let them leech off welfare.

Whites have a spiritual problem as a people that have yet to be worked out. Having children won't exactly fix that. Besides, Earth is overpopulated. We should be focused on drastically reducing nonwhite populations (by force if we have to) not increasing white populations.

At least you're being honest. Fix yourself. No fucking excuses, I don't care how autistic you are.

But you see there is the hangup. No respectable man wants to have kids without being married, and nobody wants to get married because the institution of marriage has been destroyed. Less and less white women want to be pregnant, and less and less white men want to be fucked over by a possible future divorse. We have become very picky after our divorce laws and will only marry and have kids with people we absolutely and unconditionally trust. And that kind of thing just doesnt exist anymore.

That will never happen.

Survival of the fittest. If we were the fittest we wouldn't be getting bred out of existence. The fittest doesn't passively accept its own destruction.

You gotta take into consideration how unhealthy everyone makes themselves and all the chemtrails, vaccines etc on top of that making people sterile or whatever. Like probably a hundred million of those can't reproduce even if they wanted to. And maybe thirty thousand trannies.

The world is full, we don't need more people. I live in a country with 236 ppl/sqkm. Can you imagine how much that is? We need less ppl, not more.
More ppl. also mean higher prices for property to own, because its already impossible to own land and a house on it and pay for it in a common workers lifetime.
Reason for that is also kikemoney. We work for it our whole life as where (((they))) just push a button to create it, and that drives the prices.

Just solve the money problem and all others will be gone forever.

>Jow Forums
>not neet autist physically repulsive virgin
>has money to raise kids

So are you just blackpilling it?

This. We done fucked ourselves :^)

I’d rather have 200 whites than 2 billion godless secular white babies

>Besides, Earth is overpopulated.
Who the FUCK cares that Africa, China and India are overpopulated?
Canada and the US are nowhere near being overpopulated, if you stop the influx of immigrants.

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But the god damned Salarians created the genophage by giving more than half the womenz birth control, that they pee out and affect other women and crogan too.

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To beat the nigger you have to become the nigger, huehuehue

You can barely write a coherent sentence faggot.

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>missing the point this much
We ALREADY have the number to OUT the Jew faggot. (bye vote or by force)
And if the Jew goes bye-bye
So does open borders
multicultural propaganda
BBC Porn & race mixing propoganda

>jews calls for jews to be outed
your a fucking spastic

Fuck man
And it’s only going to get so much worse
If whites don’t start fucking out sheer hatred for the eternal Jew then we are lost

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> That will never happen.

It's more likely to happen than gathering all at once to make babies. I have never heard of such a thing, meanwhile, I have heard of genocides and invasions and wars all throughout history.


It's not that half-inch should stop you, it's that if this one chemical causes half-inch loss, what are the rest of the chemicals doing? We have kids being born now who were exposed to these chemicals in the womb thanks to their mothers's diet / chemical exposure. Nothing is being done about it, it's barely even studied. You can imagine the total effect is probably 1-2 inches + when all the toxins are accounted for.

If you have a 6"+ dick then yeah you should be starting a family, but what about all those basedboy 4" dicklets out there? Good luck finding a woman who will bear your children, I mean it definitely happens, especially in religious environments, but we all know those environments are shrinking by the year as the Jew media penetrates ever deeper into your child's mind through YouTube and Snapchat, etc.

You have to look at all these issues if you want to increase the birthrate. Women have "rights" now and that includes the right to spend their entire lives as roasties. There is simply no incentive to settle with a 4-5 inch anymore and raise his kids, when instead she can fuck around and collect more welfare with baby niglets.

My dick size increase 1.5" to 7.25" over the last few years (I'm now early 30s) and I'm still not exactly sure why. I have been gradually gardening my own food and cooking more, but I still eat fast food and processed shit once in a while.

Thats ridiculous. If you really care that much you should start crowd funding some services for couples. Pay for their shit. Give them free day care. That will give them a real incentive to have kids.

They even screwed us with sperm banks, all those stories of judges forcing alimony on male donors after single mothers didn’t get enough gibs.

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>Can you imagine how much that is
I live in New York City. That's fucking baby shit.

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As if that shit wouldn’t get shut down with record speed.

2, 7, 9.

Glad we agree

>basedboy 4" dicklets
That's fairly rare. If that's a problem you got, save up for surgery.

they dont want native Europeans, they dont want smart people (thats why they import retarded savages and not chinese or slavs), they want destabilized atomized chaos to easily divide and rule over

Thanks for sharing.

Redpilled. Men need to grow their penis size by any means necessary.

T. Known Boss

Why would it get shut down? There are tonnes of private companies that provide healthcare, education and all those kinds of services. In fact there are probably lots of new-parent pri-comps out there that provide the same service to some degree or another.

I don't know what it's like in your state, but in California, women wont' even look at you unless your 7" minimum (which I am now thankfully). Also masturbation from a young age is killing dick size as well.
thanks for the backup, far too many people are ignoring this issue. the whole "muh dick" meme needs to die. dick size is of such elemental importance, it's baffles me why people don't understand this. every healthy white man should have a 6" dick, that's just how it was. I don't think this 4-5" dicklet shit started until the plastic/toxin/ masturbate all you want era.

You said crowdfunding, anything related to white progress gets shut down with crowdfunding sites.
But yes, Jow Forums should unironically start a breeding charity.

>236 ppl/sqkm
Wait, is this a joke? I actually looked up people per km in NYC and it's 10,431 per sqkm. Now it's a dense city, but 300 per sqkm would be a ghost town to me. How the fuck are you complaining about 236?

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the good news is that I believe if you quit jerking and avoid toxins as best you can, your dick will grow. Like I said it happened to me...went from 5.75" in 7.25" IN MY LATE 20s / EARLY 30s. How is that possible unless something that was holding it back was eliminated?

i got a better idea
all white people could just stop paying taxes for one cycle
all govts would go broke and realise that only white males contribute taxes
then nobody pays until the govt represents them and send the invaders home

If you make your new-parents services available only to certain areas with predominantly white people then the demographics will allow you to get away with doing it for whites

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>People get rounded up
>Scared white boi payes taxes again

>Get on welfare if you have to.

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Everybody thats "redpilled" is too autistic to ever be with a woman

You know why niggers are so low IQ and have so many genetic shortcomings?
Fucking everyone without being selective
Us whiteys don't have so many children BECAUSE we actually look for a suitable mate with good genetics instead of just fucking the first hole we find, which leads to having kids with great genetics
You jew

>get on welfare
Brainwashed by jews white trash mutt confirmed

This will get ridiculed, but just in case anyone is reading this an open-minded I think it also has to do with your heart as well. As you know your heart is like a pump that fills your dick with blood, well if you have a weak heart it cannot pump up your dick, if you have a strong heart it can pump so much blood into your boners that it gradually stretches out. you also have to learn self-control because your dick will get all charged up and want to cum during these huge boners, but if you become aware all of the muscles inside and around (this is kind of like skeletomuscal IQ) you can prevent yourself from cumming and the boners will grow larger.

Since your heart is involved, if you want to get occultic, your heart chakra, and really all of your chakras are involved as well. This means you need to balance love with hate, etc. etc. (don't interpret this as being a cuck, OK) A really mentally imbalanced hateful person is going to weaken their own heart, and therefore their dick.

Now the black dick is physiologically different and I am not sure it works the same way at all. I should also point out that BBC is a myth, if you don't believe look at porns carefully. It helps if you know something about cameras and perspective, but the white porn dicks are just as big, if not bigger, than the black. If you see some ridiculous long 10" dick that's a prosthetic dick. What you think Hollywood (Pornowood?) can't create a fake dick with all that tech? Its easy and the most perfectly demoralizing thing. White and black chads have 7-7.5" dicks basically. Rarely, rarely you'll see a guy with 8-8.5", could be any race. THere's a reason the world's longest dick is a white guy, remember that.

that's why i'm gonna have 6 kids

The leaf gets it
Your corporations and elite are literally destroying the planet while you retards are too distracted by unimportant shit

But who owns those corporations?

You fags dont get it that it is the average for the whole country?
The US has an average of 33,8 ppl/sqkm. Do you even know what youre talking about?
Its not my fault you've chosen to live in a fucking shithole city.

you are LITERALLY a dumbfuck

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>breeding age white female """people""" care about the welfare and genetic fitness of their progeny

Maybe 3% of them think that way.

All appropriate implementations of the term. Kill yourself.

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ok ill literally kms

Funny, that's Gavins message. But fuck him right? Idiots.

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I'm Asian. Can I join?

>user hasn't realized we live in a high-tech barbarian society now.
Why do you think twerking has gotten so popular?
We monkeys now.

sorry mate, door is that way.

>white people can solve all their problems by having more babies
>forgetting about the problem that caused all of this

*Takes over Australia*

weird but good post, I guess

PS this is a self-fixing problem. The onset of populations that don't want kids is a very recent thing, and they will simply be outbred by the people who do value large families. That sort of thing will continue to be passed down. The trick is, you can't be letting other people into your country while this process is going on

>see this complex issue? you should simply solve it!

jesus you're an idiot
>all we have to do is get more bananas to solve the huge banana drought

>go on welfare

Disgusting Kristian vikernes degenerate poster

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We need to scream this from the roof tops.

Very simple minded. You're only scratching the surface. Two points:
>Elites have been promoting low birth-rates for years now. They've been burdening families with economic problems while also promoting the eternal-bachelor/sexual liberation lifestyle on the media. In the meantime, they give all the financial aids aviable to foreigners and promote that they procreate, even with white women. They don't import families, they import foreign men in military age to breed with natives.
>Elites alredy calculated the ideal density of human population and they stablished that we need to get rid of billions of people from the planet. Some either dared to say that this will happen voluntarily or involuntarily (through war, diseases, crisis...). They even designed maps of human density, to force people out of rural areas and cage them into mega cities (of course that doesn't apply to them and they would be able to move around freely or build their mansions next to the Niagara Falls if they want to).

Now, what's the end game? Is it really Kalergi's plan to make a negroid mixed race of no nation, no culture, no loyalty to anything but to obey the law of the land? Or do they really want to push a darwinian reaction to get the civilized races to cull the inferior ones that breed too much and prepare us for automatization and transhumanism?

1. White people have babies
2. Borders magically close

Perfectly logical

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