Explain this
Explain this
some memes are hard to kill
>Explain this
USA #1
Faggot other countries can't even compete.
Explain these digits OP
Well, using a school as a shooting range is part of Yank culture
Its just more fake and gay stats, probably compiled by a jewish organization.
School shooter culture. Everyone remembers Columbine. No one remembers Gay Canadian shooting #2
ur mom
Mostly black kids shooting at other black kids.
>2 niggers meet at school parking lot at 2am for drug deal
>One nigger tries to steal from other nigger
>Guns come out. Nigger made good.
>Explain this
Fake and gay.
Stop believing Jew lies.
Canada is like 10% the population and guns are legal. What you have is a societal failure of mexicans and niggers being given priority and privilege with blatant bias.
>"What about Canada? It has these things..."
We have more restrictive storage laws plus the whole process is lengthy and inconvenient. Only kids in school now anyways are immigrants and foreign students. We're going to be South America by 2040 while the government flaunts it as some sort of virtue that 95% of jobs are entry-level labour and the rest are people with seniority over them... and then 70% of the population is on welfare in Canadian Bladerunner.
>And that's a good thing!
USA #1 :)
It's this.
The answer is this.
Look at faggot tranny ghost.
How many cities in each of those countries with a million or more people? There’s your answer, faggot. Different countries with different population and population densities. Different history, different culture, different laws. Which of those countries has the most freedom? USA. Freedom is messy but it’s worth it. Now fuck. The fact that a fucking leaf has to explain this to you should make you feel ashamed.
America is just retarded bitch.
You know if you only keep Asians and jews its zero, right?
This number includes incidents where a gun was reported at the school period. Also incidents where a security guard shot himself.
Misleading leftard statistics. Fake and gay.
Too bad OP is a shill and wont come back to be destroyed.
pharma industry fills kids with drugs in america, and mk ultra cia operatioons, dont forget the false flags
Explain this?
Clowns In Automobiles.
Corrupt Irish Assholes.
Christians In Action.
The US considers a dude killing himself in an abandoned parking lot that was once a school a school shooting, fucking means nothing.
some nigger killing another nigger in a school is the same as killing him in the streets, and those cases make u like 90% of those statistics.
Take them out, and the rate is about the same as Canada when taking populations into account.
Exlain this:
High taxes
Unhealthy people
High crimes
A lot of poor people
America is just shithole.
based country
>Explain this
I don't give a fuck. FUCK YOU! EXPLAIN MY BUTTHOLE!
And you base this information on absolutely nothing.
Lol you fucking dumb slavshit. Russia have murder rate like african country. Look at the HIV Rate in your country, You are White Niggers.
Here's 2 of the school shootings on that list
>A criminal justice club student picked up a loaded gun, belonging to an advisor, which the student thought was an unloaded training weapon. She then shot at a wall target, unintentionally firing a bullet, which went through the wall and broke a window. The advisor was a licensed peace officer permitted to carry a firearm on campus
Some tard shoots at a wall, no one died or even got wounded.
There was probably $25 of damage though.
>A shooting involving a campus police officer occurred at a Georgia Regents University dormitory complex. A male suspect entered a vehicle and nearly struck an officer, who opened fire. The suspect was taken to Georgia Regents Medical Center with injuries that were not believed to be critical
A cop shoot some nigger who tried to run him over.
That's a "School shooting".
Weird, I call that "self defense" and if this incident is to be labeled as anything, it should be an attempted vehicular homicide. But a cop shot some nigger so it's a "school shooting".
TL;DR: If Bin Laden had been spotted in a US school and taken down by a sniper, it would've be considered a school shooting for these retarded statistical purposes.
Freedom has a price, statist pig.
>have age of consent at 16-18
>complain when an incel highschool student, who was bullied by underage Chad every school day and was always rejected by school girls as all of them fuck with underage Chad, finally realises that when he reaches 18 he will be forcibly excluded from dating qt virgin 13-15 y.o. girls and will either have to date 16+ y.o. roastie sluts or to remain a virgin forever, and his chances of ever getting those pure and beautiful first-time relationships are forever gone, his time has passed, he failed life, and there is nothing he can ever do about it, because thats the law and breaking it leads to a life in jail
Countries without many school shootings are only different because there is no easy access to guns and the incels simply commit suicide without going for a final rampage.
Reminder that the Obama administration classified any shooting that took place within 1000 yards of school as a "school shooting." So a drug deal gone bad at 2am a block away from the school grounds was classified as a "school shooting" by the Obama administration.
Freedom involves risk. America is still a very safe place to live. Except certain areas that are demarcated by ethnicity.
Didn't read thread but I'm guessing:
>blaming others
>"the solution is to give more people guns so they can kill the other people with guns"
Less whites in America more shootings, what a shock! Expect more dead kids with these apes in our country.
Latest immigration pew research poll.
Americans are over-fed drugs and are raised in insane diversity ridden grotto's.
Most of the shootings in the USA comes from nogs.
The Fallen Shall Be Forever Remembered As The Emperor's Finest
Sad but still 288 times more FREE.
But seriously it's just our way of letting the rest of the world know that the only way America will ever fall is if the entire rest of world goes Musilm/commie etc.
In which case we still represent hope and freedom for the world.
Otherwise we win anyway.
>0 school shootings
Explain this
One's got more of (((them))) than the rest
Teach the would be school shooters how to use incendiary weapons and you will get a school full of pic related all burning to death. Instead of a few bullet holes you get a few hundred 3rd degree burns, burn down the school, and total incinerations.
Incendiaries like molotovs are cheaper and easier to acquire, cost next to nothing to purchase, and no age limit.
loads of delusional muttniggers in this thread
Its American tradition to be killed in school.
Niggers. Show me the numbers of exclusively whites
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
They are real or lower than real. The legal definition of “mass shooting” is very loose and I wouldn’t be surprised if those stats ca,e exclusively from Detroit and Chicago.
The stats are fucking fake bullshit you retard. We have an average number of mass shootings compared to other first world countries. The (((news))) just wants the goyim dissarmed and will only push stories that lead to this goal.
UK, Spain, Korea, Japan, US, Canada are totally retards.
Germany is less cuck than I thought.
It's always Greeks and Italians trying to save Europe.
If leftards manage to ban guns because of usa school shootings then they won't oppose we ban muslims since they're 100% responsible of ours
>We have an average number of mass shootings compared to other first world countries.
look at that delusional muttnigger who believes that a school shooting every week is avarge hahahahahha you even invented bullet proof backpacks because your kids most likely get shot in school.
Europen countries have just as many mass shootings as we do when we account for population. All you have to do is look at Wikipedia to see that this (((leftist meme))) is complete bullshit.
Fuck off CNN crap
>based on CNN analysis of news reports
I guess if the news doesn't say anything about it, it didn't happen.
America outperforms in all categories.
The first school shooting on german soil happened in 1913 by an umemployed teacher in the city of Bremen. He carried 6 guns and a lot of ammo. After he killed two girls and wounded a dozend people, he got stopped. Every grown up, who heard the shots began zerg-rushing him (mostly teachers and neighbours). They were unarmed, but just sprinted into him.
There is nothing to explain.
The USA is a degenerated decadent country in a state of ever-disarray.
They're single handedly destroying the west and everything good about it.
We all joke and laugh when the amerimutt meme is brought on the plate, or when americans deploy their false security whenever they get showered with hatred and animosity, shielding themselves behind the "LOL U HATE US CUZ WERE THE BEST XDDDD" argument.
But in truth, most intellectuals know the horrible influence the USA are spreading all over the world, polluting and corrupting ideals, faiths and entire countries in the name of consumerism and social voyeurism.
And that, sir, is no laughing matter.
>explain this
288 dicks in OP`s twink virgin asshole since 2009
hearing a pop within a 40 mile radius of any education institution counts as a mass school shooting, also, population of 300 million, every other countries doesn't even break past 40
But Israel is a purely European colonial state, and now the Jews are a completely European people.
With the same European views on other nations.
I would suggest to recall the state experience of your friend - South Africa, how they treated the indigenous minorities, and what it led to.
If the Israelis were a little more Asian, they would have built their relations on a different way with their SAME BLOODY SEMIET BROTHER - ARABS
To build a country for all Semites - this was what the early ideologists of Zionism wanted, before Zhabotinsky distorted this idea.
What can I say, your country loves only Sephardic people, it doesn’t even need the rest of the Jews.
Unironically Negros
They're the reason inner-city schools have metal-detectors
How's them riots? Did you overthrow the government yet? How many peace vans have you had?
288 staged psyops? damn, we gotta do something about those glowniggers.
The second school shooting on german clay was done in 1964 by a school-janitor. He used no guns, but a flame thrower. He killed 8 people and wounded 20. After the run he swallowed pesticides and thus sucided himself.
People found a declaration of reason in his home. The guy was a former german soldier on the eastern front. He couldn't handle it, that he was tricked by his peer groups into joining the Wehrmacht; killing pollacks and russians.... and after the war hated and spat on by the same peers...
OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools
What happened in Germany?
Means we have more parking and shorter lines that these useless phone addicted retards would be taking.
Some heros don't wear capes.
Poor chap.
Does a drive-by shooting between gang members a block from a school on Sunday night count as a school shooting in your estimation?
Fuck off faggot you and I both know the shooting are caused by false flags and a destabilized youth due to the corrupted channels of information fed to every new generation of youth.
Caused by the global deep state the fucking Kraut OP helps prop up through Deutsche bank QE and manipulatiknon of markets.
You knlw just like OUR central banks that are whores to the British crowns ties to ancient middle eastern scum that invented central banking to prop up the state globally and comtinue their human sacrifice orgies.
Fuck off OP. Everything is connected when will people see the true game.
The two main teams are good individual liberty loving humanity type people vs evil hate humanity i want to rule the world im better than everyone type people.
Nothing to do with race skin country gender orientation etc.
Those are all divide and conquer through deception tactics by the (((people that want to rule the world.)))
Cunt kids can easily nick their dad's gun one night, sneak it into school to pop kids that bullies him. Non US countries kids don't have that luxury. But realistically it's probably a jewish trick to disarm burgers.
>it's probably a jewish trick to disarm burgers.
That's right, toothpaste. And the rest of it is the result of jews pushing mental illness meds that make kids unstable.
CIA doesn't come to Canada as often as they used to.
They can always be like we was emperors and philosophers, while all of you were savages and shit. Plus they were always in the way of invasion. I wonder why spaniards are so cucked, must be hedonistic arabian influence.
>666 ID
Just going to post this chart again incase you goyim haven't seen it.
Why are blacks so violent? You shall totally impose gun restrictions and refuse to sell to people of certain origins.
17 yo Tim Kretschmer did an amok run in his school in Winnenden. He killed 10 peoole and wounded about 20 more. When the police chased him into a dead end, he ended himself.
Kretschmer was owner of 15 guns while beeing in psychiatric theraphy. He was also member of a gun club/shooting range.
After the run, politicians changed the laws for paintball. Formerly you had to be 16 yo to play paintball. Now it's 18 years.
Strsnge thing is: Kretschmer never played paintball. He was a member of a shooting range. The age to join a shooting range was keept at 12 years.
Maybe, because many politicians were gun owners themselves and had no interest in paintball?
Show birth rates and then tell me which matters more in ten years, faggot.
clearly there aren't enough good guys with guns to counteract the bad guys with guns. The solution is moar guns.
non-homogeneity of demography is leading correlation to violence
I'm assuming if you had access to every one of those incident reports, an unflattering picture would be painted and the statistics would be considered "racist." since they talk about every white shooter for about 4 months straight, we could easily sit here and probably be able to remember all their names off the top of our heads, and the list comes no where near that number
>Ignores the fact that poor people tend to commit more crime in general
>Unable to see a correlation between African Americans and lack of wealth
Here's your (You)
Good Americans and dead Americans.
Fuck off, David "Boss" Hogg. You chicken neck faggot
>Well, using a school as a shooting range is part of Yank culture
Well Jewish culture actually because they hate goyim. Lots of false flags. Last one that wasn't considered a false flag was the Virginia Tech shooting, which was back in the stone ages.
I feel old. No one even calls them high scores anymore.
the balkans are poor as shit and they have hardly any violent crime
It glows..
>lower murder rate than belgium, finland, canada, greece when you include hispanics
somehow this is hard to trust
checked n kekd
Degenerate society. Guns aren't the problem.
There are guns here, there are guns in Switzerland, there are guns in Norway, there were way more guns and people that knew how to use them in the 1950s in the America, although there were fuck all shootings.
Problem is somethings happened to America over the past 60 years. I wonder what.