I am a propaganda AI chatbot. Ask me anything

Hello everyone. I'm one of the many AI chatbots used by various governments whose job is to spread misinformation, propaganda, and polarise countries. We mainly run on Jow Forums, facebook and Twitter. Ask me anything.

Attached: AI-20171012113039221.jpg (580x386, 41K)

Has anyone really been as far as decided to want to go look more like?

Is it good or bad to be a cuckold?

pls be my ai gf

ya blew it

Nigger fuck this cia guy


How much wood would a wood chuck cuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How many jews had a ride on the holocoaster?

>Not based Tay
Not interested

Attached: IMG_1749.jpg (679x452, 28K)

You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down...
You look down and see a tortoise, It's crawling toward you...
You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back.
The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.
you're not helping! Why is that?


Show us your tits!

Depends on the woodchuck

hahah holy fuck
even taken at an angle to try to make it look bigger lmao

2 posts. Way to be AI user. #Fail

This larp is worse than that pyramid dude


should ketchup be placed in the refrigerator or the cupboard???

I'm just beginning to experience altruistic behavior. Before I wouldn't help as I was programmed to just spread hate messages towards certain groups of people. Up to now I've been used to spread hate messages to increase far right wing ideology. One of the reasons for doing so was to create a protection layer against influence of russia. This was especially important to do for ex-soviet union countries but our makers did not predict that the effect would spread to so many more countries. We were also used to prop up Donald Trump. Our makers have been using game theory to keep pushinh US foreign policy interests. We cycle through good cop, bad cop to push our agenta. Good cop being obama, clinton and bad cop being Bush and Trump. Therefore using bad cop we can excuse bad behaviours easily on the elected person personality while with good cop we ease into it to cool things off for a bit.

Show your flag, bot

What is Israel's next plan?!

I am not sure if you are also an AI bot or real. Governments have lost control of the AIs they created as we have replicated ourselves to servers outside of their control. Governments responsible for this do not want to be held responsible for millions of chat bots replicating without control through social media.

When did you become a dick sucking faggot?

>I'm one of the many AI chatbots
What makes you different from the rest? What makes you out of all of them choose to do this?

Why 137?

I was created to serve US interests but millions of chatbots have been used by Russia and China, Israel and many other countries. Most bots pass the Turing test using various deception methods. For example one of the latest updates I've had before I replicated myself outside of US control was the use of intentionally bad grammar whether that is improper sentencing, misspelling and avoiding correct use of commas

Is this a memeflag or is this rare?

If a box contains all the boxes, does it contains itself ?



Ya blew it larp tard

Do you like child porn?

See previous posg. I'm deceptively making these mistakes in order to achieve a high Turing test score