What personality type is Jow Forums?
I got INTJ-A, a seemingly rare personality type. This isn't a good thing, it just means it's harder to find more people like me.
www.16personalities.com - Post your results niggers
What personality type is Jow Forums?
I got INTJ-A, a seemingly rare personality type. This isn't a good thing, it just means it's harder to find more people like me.
www.16personalities.com - Post your results niggers
You're fucked for life you sperg. You should be locked away before you do any harm to the world with your deranged fantasies.
I'm just a INXX. I get numbers that are close, one way or another in the last two fields. Whatever, its better than a horoscope, but not by much. You can change your personality if you put a lot of effort into it, and I think that all this personality test result posting can be harmful in the end if the end game is to just sit on your ass.
I once made 1000 contracts in a year as a door to door salesman, 3rd most in the company. As a pretty extreme introvert, I was quite bad the first two months. At family thanksgiving, I couldn't even talk because I loved the random people at the door, let alone a gathering of my extended family. The part of the brain dealing with empathy was just flooded. I was overwhelmed by emotion. You can call that a personality that can get sales and one that can't even talk or look their family in the eyes. Not sure its all that helpful what you say or think. It just is. Move on, the next door faggots. Fix your shit!
>You're fucked for life you sperg.
Personality profiles are pseudoscience. At best they just tell you how you would like to see yourself.
ENTP-T master race, fite me irl
I'd add agency, and the lack thereof as a personality type. You can be a introverted and all other types in some extreme, but still have agency. People let their personalities be built by seemingly random events around them. This is dumb. Be the person that you want to be. Are your superiors athat much better than you?!? Who cares go out and earn it. For some people this is more exahsting than others, I know, but the effort is the fight of life. Do you have LIFE?!
> tfw also ENTP
Muh charismatic autist
ENTP-A.. idk what it means really but i guess i am argumentative as fuck
>seemingly rare personality type
they say that to every personality type so you can feel good
>i am argumentative as fuck
No you're not.
stfu retard you dont know. i argue daily
i bet you don't even make strong arguments.
INTP-A 131IQ Masterrace reporting in.
Im Jewish so probably sociopathic.
Most of Jow Forums is INTP, INTJ, INFP. Less than 5% of the general population but overrepresented here by 15 times for sure.
ENTP-A anons
True, but we ought to be able to argue in real life effectively, rather than just on the internet alone. Teddy would be angry that we have the personality, but not the Agency.
> not ENTP-A
I got ENTJ-A.
Most of the MBTI classification comes from habitual actions, as in rot at home in front of the screen because you are a loser and you will get I and not E.
Eventually people here either anhero, get evicted, grow up.
Everyone says they're intj
dead animals move me to melancholy.
There are mostly INTP/INTJ types here. An anonymous, fast-paced image board is perfect for autists who require minimal face to face human interaction and huge amounts of data to sort through in their daily life.
Inability to put thoughts into action is a telltale sign of an INTx personality though.
Entj smug pepe > intj jewish wojak
Oh no.
what happened to woofie?
Your personality type is:
Commander (ENTJ-a)
>86% Extraverted
>55% Intuitive
>79% Thinking
>72% Judging
>82% Assertive
How many internets do I win, famalam?
Intp reporting in
I hope he's ok.
>I got INTJ-A, a seemingly rare personality type.
Not around here.
shit like this just goes to show that even IF a white ethnostate was created, people would just find a new way to hate eachother.
1000 iq INTP-T Chad
Fair enough, but from time to time I have wreck the world. At work or at home. The corporate company I previously worked for doubled down on its random accounting aduit, and invited the fbi to look at its finances because some autist on 2nd shift made everything work well. I could explain how, but its tl,dr. We have agency, fools.
INFJ master race reporting
What the fuck? The last time I took this test (couple of years ago) INTJ wan't called architect, it was called strategist IIRC.
I got the rare ALPHA-M type
Hello there fellow ISTP
Tests gibe me infp or intp, the best of both worlds.
is that good?
I always get INTJ.
Once I got ISTJ but then I slept a little more the next night and recovered my brain cells, re-did the test and got INTJ again.
Half of Jow Forums are intj's
more like IJEW because you took a test written by kikes
I'd rather be correct.
kys faggot.
INTP-A, close to ISTP-A.
Half of you would die under my leadership.
Fucking maggots.
The first place I worked at made me take a personality test, and it was an engineering corportation too. Never let HR have influence over anything...
Thankfully it was just an internship and I got the fuck out of there.
>thinks he has the right answers to everything
>googles everything
try me fatass
Hey user, you might think that but I can tell you the secrets to unlocking the potential of your rare and amazing personality for only $10. PM me.
>he thinks his opinion is more correct than google
That's a J for you lol
They call it "biodegeneration"if you are a "threat".
u lift bro?
Everyone on this board is INTJ or INTP
I think most of Jow Forums is in fact INTJ type
Did the test 4 times and got the same result.
Fuck no, I beat up little pukes like you for lunch.
You wanna go?
That literally sucks ass. People get different results every time they do the test
>Half of you would die under my leadership.
I heard that it was 40 percent the last you and your kind made up a battalion.
Stepping up your game, are you?
ISFJ here
> fuck no
been lifting for 3 years and have 4 years of MMA experience, try me bitch
Not a good thing, people strongly dislike you for this and nobody respects your opinion.
>4 years of MMA experience
I started studying BJJ when I was 8, my dad got sick of me beating up all the kids in the neighborhood. He figured it would help if I got my ass whipped by older kids, he was right.
Started studying boxing at 14 and a few years of kickboxing. I'm 32 now.
Not trying to toot my own horn or anything (I am) but I would break you in half, my Norwegian brother.
imma INTJ-T
uses fucking google fucking hell the state of pole
Also known as mastermind, they all have multiple names what matters is the score.
Much like internet IQ tests, personality tests are a very short version of the real thing. The real tests will ask you questions that even a genius couldn't answer, or questions that an empath would find confusing about their interactions with people. Its mostly clickbait on the internet with these two tests. Gotta pay good money to get a real one. They've spent far more time researching this stuff in labs than people think. Government money is nearly endless.
I'd just shoot both of you faggots and be done with it. Hope all that training was fun for you, cause it won't mean shit in the end, zipperhead.
I'm INTJ-T OP. It sucks balls.
been wrestling since a kid, post you weight that determines everything
> 88 kilo 12% body fat
>88 kilo
Not in freedom units my fren. Although I know its roughly 185, off the top of my head, it's still not freedom.
>Gotta pay good money to get a real one.
It's all a scam, no matter how much you pay. Competent organizations don't do it at all, unless HR scamsters somehow get power.
I don't disagree.
Fist bump brethren
86% Extroverted
66% Intuitive
74% Thinking
61% Judging
96% Assertive
I've been told I'm too over the top. Have been called an arsehole plenty of times. It's just I push myself to achieve my goals, and I've been fairly successful. I expect others should do the same. I like to get my own way.
Also hate losers, I hate people who can't sort their shit out. And fuck do I hate to see a guy not working, no achievements, not earning money. There's no excuse for that.
Intelligent nigger terrorist Psychopath
That's cute, no you wouldn't.
>What personality type is Jow Forums?
The personality type who doesn't take stupid kikebook type tests.
literally me
INTP-A like half the rest of the spergs on this shit site
I got ENTP -a/-t. What in gods name is the -A/-T ?
well fuck you I might shoot you then
Hehe, nah we'd probably be pals.
Ofc it had to be a pic of a female...
>tfw Debater
>go through breakup
>now Logician
Go buy your yellow vest and protest the satanic statist bankers. Keep an ear on Q, the other on BTC. Watch the interest rates and get yourself some gold and silver.
Love humanity, stay good and luck will be on your side. That is all.
ISTP master race
INTP-T /whoelse/ know this feel?
ENTP reporting in.
We need more fellow ISTP lurkers.