Good looking and confident guy doesn't get laid in 2 years

I'm a good looking and confident guy that can easily get the girls that he wants any day of the week, and I feel like that is actually harming me. I see dudes that have a much harder time picking up girls get laid way more often than me, and actually I haven't gotten laid in 2 years.

I feel like the fact that I can easily get girls makes me extremely choosy, so I know what I want and won't settle for anything less. the problem is of course that what I want is extremely hard to find, so I end up rather not taking anyone home than taking someone home that isn't perfect

sometimes I think that if I had a harder time picking up girls I'd get laid more often because I'd just grab whatever opportunities I have.

as a male am I retarded? is there something wrong with me? why don't I want to fuck anything that moves when I got the chance?

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I used to think this OP but then I had a drink and realized thay my pussy is unclean and girls want you to act funny over the phone and I'm not good at just giving myself to thin air because of the wind and stuff. Most guys that get girls get them because they give in to the world of girls and guys like us dont get it so we bore them and have to play vidya and drink the weekends away. Im starting my second one now. Might get another before 6. See ya then and good luck. I hope girls like that you have a huge heart.

you and me don't sound anything alike

I just spent the last 3 nights going out and each night I had a different girl that was into me, but when it came to making out I just teased them a bit and then stopped

it's like I have fun flirting with girls but then once they want to take it further I lose all interest, I don't fucking get it

You say it's harming you, but I don't see where the harm here is. Do you think it's harmful to get laid less than other guys? That's the only way I can interpret your post. How does this harm you?

Look, do you WANT to get laid more? Well, according to you, this is within your power, so just go do it.

Are you comfortable not having sex all the time? Do you have good self-esteem and are you keeping yourself busy? Are you improving yourself as a person? If the answer is yes, then what's the problem?

If, however, I may offer some advice:
>I end up rather not taking anyone home than taking someone home that isn't perfect
This is stupid. It's stupid because perfect people don't exist. If you're waiting for someone perfect, you're never going to get laid again. Just so we're clear. You will never have sex again.

Yeah, I cucked myself into being a vrigin into my twenties that exact way. Turns out I was just scared of being vulnerable , and used that as an excuse to not face my anxiety.

Nothing wrong with being choosy at all, I noticed it makes me attractive when womeon notice I'm not some desperate fuck.

But you need to learn to differentiate when you're really not attracted and when you're just shittalking a girl in your head ecause you're afraid of making a move.

good looks aren't good enough.

Its cause youre female or it was too easy i had that in my 20s and now im like really bored to the point that ive taken on injury and disability to just kind of die off i got so bored. But mostly its that women seem to have taken up space pirate/soldier syndrome and need to feel satisfied with what comes from things like that being made out to be for them and their interests rather than just the luck some of us have as boring people with muscles and cunning. Whatevers though man. I got an hour and a half before i buy number three!

go to bed, you're fucked up

good points, thank you

>Look, do you WANT to get laid more?

you made me realize that I don't know what I want. if I try to formulate it what I'm looking for is someone that I'm truly attracted to and that I feel a connection with, and that's the type of person that I want to get laid with

but I do feel a sort of pressure of not sleeping with many girls. I am afraid that in 20 years I'll look back and fucking regret not having gone through that experience. do you know what I mean?

>But you need to learn to differentiate when you're really not attracted

I think that basically I love flirting and I am very curious and interested in getting to know girls, but there are few girls that I'm truly attracted to, so in a sense I am sending mixed signals to myself. if I only flirted with girls that I am truly attracted to I would flirt with 10 times less girls

Its 4 49 and I have 12 dolkars

>I think that basically I love flirting and I am very curious and interested in getting to know girls

Thats actually quite great, and the way it should be. SOunds like you need to learn to first identify when you're actually into a girl beond flirting, and then be bold and make a decisive move.
Noncommital flirting is one thing, doing something that may get you rejected is quite another.
Also, looking for quality instad of quantity in sex partners is nothing bad. Fucking lots of people for the sake of good fun is cool, doing it because you think you ´should is bullshit.

>but I do feel a sort of pressure of not sleeping with many girls. I am afraid that in 20 years I'll look back and fucking regret not having gone through that experience. do you know what I mean?

I do. I know exactly what you mean.

I'm glad you've realised that wanting something is not the same as feeling pressure to do it, and I'm glad you've realised that you don't know what you want - because that's the first step towards figuring out what you DO want.

We men are often expected to perform masculinity in a particular way. This often entails being really aggressively sexual. Men are expected to do this, and if they don't, then... some people may feel that that calls your entire masculinity into question.

Those people are fucking idiots.

Not every guy wants to have sex all the time. That's normal. Not every guy wants to have lots of different sexual partners. That's normal too. There's no RIGHT way to be sexual. There's only YOUR way to be sexual.

Think about what makes you happy, and pursue that. And if someone tells you that that reflects poorly on you, they can go fuck themselves.

Sounds like a closet honosexual or someone that should be looking into self inflicted relationships rather spur of the moment trendy type relationships, no offense. Women arent for flirting man theyre for making sure you know how to get on in life. You flirt too much and you run through the alphabet like its made for soup and its only when its hot that you want to drink it and really makes it kind of lame because alphabet soup comes in a cold can and you have to heat tha sucker up and learn to like waiting for it to thaw and be enjoyable as a hot soup. You might as well make sure you know how to spell potato sack while you wait because youre going to be dropping step sisters like theyre made to drive a rear driven wagon out of the wood work to create a possibly less than eloquent little jib strike when you most need to ensure yourself the quality of pasture that women tentatively require when seeking fortune. Also cunt is not pink its black, so theres that. Also this post is a joke.

thank you, you are making me feel better

I am going to try and internalize this more, because only if I accept myself as I am (aka not someone that likes to sleep around), then I will be able to not feel regret in the future

as a side note, how many sexual partners is too litte / too much?

I'm 28 and only fucked 4 girls in my life (each one was a long term relationship)

Out of genuine curiosity would you give this same feedback to a woman if she were saying the same thing?

>as a side note, how many sexual partners is too litte / too much?
This is the wrong question. There is no correct answer. There is no acceptable range of number of sexual partners. There's only what makes you happy.

At least you are saving the rest for us beta bucks bro. Thanks, and yes, if i had the choice id be having as much sex as i can

you are totally right

I guess I'm just having a hard time accepting that after being told all my life that guys have to fuck 1000 women and that if you haven't fucked a ton of women then girls will be weirded out and shit

I've only fucked 4 girls but was very close to fucking another 13 girls (but I turned them down for one reason or the other), and so when people ask me how many women I fucked I always say 17, however that's a lie

I am just afraid I am going to be judged negatively if I say I only fucked 4

the real question is, have you?

personally my experience with sexing random girls is that it's not enjoyable, and if I'm just trying to cum then I can jerk off way better

for me my sexuality is something special that I like to share with someone that I want to let in, someone that can truly appreciate it

when I fucked a random girl I felt really awful during and after it, almost as if I "raped" myself

it's weird but I cannot imagine fucking some random stranger unless we have like an insane connection within the first night and everything just falls into place (very rare)

>I'm just having a hard time accepting that after being told all my life that guys have to fuck 1000 women and that if you haven't fucked a ton of women then girls will be weirded out and shit
....Who told you that? I'm 32 years old and I don't ever recall anyone ever telling me anything like that.

Came here to punch out almost the exact same thread lol.
I’ve also had no luck finding women, plenty of gorgeous females in my town and I’m sure they could at least find 1 likable trait about me. I just don’t know any ways to actually get “out” there. I meet 0 new people every day and that’s the way it’s been for about a year.

Wake up, work, come home, xbox, sleep.

I used to tell myself it’d be okay that way because women like guys who are responsible and pay bills.

So what am I supposed to do??

I'm not sure, I don't recall ever having a conversation with someone about it, it just seems like the culture in general, social media, movies, books, etc. they all portray successful men to be with lots of women, so I guess that's where I got it from?

I just hate the idea that if I tell people I only slept with few women they will think I am a low status man that can't get pussy, instead of having the option and declining it

damn just reading my text makes me realize that I'm fucked in the head

OP here, socializing is the only way to meet new people, so go out with friends, try out new activities, talk to people at work, chat up girls on a night out, etc.

what I highly recommend is that when you meet people you go in as a friend and trying to be a friend, and then usually you will meet potential partners through them

this works both on a night out as well as in the long run

for example say you are at a bar and there's a group of people, maybe you ask some dude for a lighter and strike up a conversation, you become friendly and he introduces you to other chicks that are there, etc.

it's not easy putting yourself out there and it might take you many months before you are in a comfortable situation, but it's worth it

What the fuck is the point of this thread? It has to be bait because you don't want any advice and you reply to everyone.

>I just hate the idea that if I tell people I only slept with few women they will think I am a low status man that can't get pussy
I'm just very curious where these conversations you're having are. Like, in what context are you constantly telling people how many women you've slept with? Additionally, what kind of people are you hanging around that think you're less of a man because you haven't slept with "1000 girls"? I'm only asking because, like I said, I'm old as dirt and I haven't had any of these experiences at all.

well I'm a very sociable guy, usually when I go on a night out I'll talk to 30-50 different people, most of them girls, so when dudes see me in action they start asking all types of questions, and at some point they're always like "I'm sure you get laid a lot" and I just go like "yeahhhh...." but then they get pushy and idk

also every girl I ever somehow got involved with (not necessarily sex) always asks me the same sort of questions like "are you a fuccboi?" or "how many girls have you slept with" and then I don't want to lie but not tell the truth either

in all honesty if I was 100% confident with my decision not to sleep around and I truly believed all the reasons for not doing it, then I would be able to talk about it with confidence to girls and not feel judged

What I’m trying to say is, I know I need to be more social, I just don’t know how. Like I said, work, xbox, sleep.
That’s all I do. I can’t go to the bar unfortunately because of my age but there’s gotta be some equivalent (never cared for liquor anyways)

Very similar to you OP. I've been holding out for almost a year now and felt that at this rate I wouldn't find anyone ever.
Met a new girl yesterday though and I think I might like her enough. Early days though. It almost makes me reassured that I should maintain these high standards, but fuck me does it make you feel lonely for the most part.

>work, xbox, sleep.

replace xbox with other activities that involve multiple people, play baskeball, try improv, take a dance lesson, go to photography class, etc.

just anything where you can do something fun for you (really important) whilst also meeting other people

>as a side note, how many sexual partners is too litte / too much?

That's entirely up to you. Asking some puritan freak, zero is the limit - ask some frat bro, and 500 is practially virginal. There is no point in letting other people define that.

> then I will be able to not feel regret in the future

Seeing that ou can effortlessly flirt and find girls who are into you, even if you end up regretting it it should be no problem to rectify that in short order. There is no age limit for slutting it up.

I don't dawdle on making a move and finding out whether a girl is actually interested when I'm into her, so yes, I'd definitely say the same to a woman.

>I just hate the idea that if I tell people I only slept with few women they will think I am a low status man that can't get pussy, instead of having the option and declining it

Oh yeah, and another thing - NOBODY FUCKING CARES. Trust me I've been an older virgin and a guy who gets laid alot both, and most people don't give a fuck any way. Though I have to add that Im not american, people here arent as obsessed with sex.
Still, people who place so much importance on what *you* do with *your* genitals are generally fucked in the head.

To put this in perspective OP, if you met a guy who makes 100k a year, looks like a Roman god, 9 inch wang who is constantly getting bombarded with female attention, do you really think your average person would think less of him for no other reason than he's only had a few sexual partners and takes the time to find quality women in his life?
The kind of people who judge their self worth solely on the amount of sex they've had are almost always losers who have accomplished nothing else in their life. Appreciate that you were blessed with above average looks and focus on your personal successes, you aren't doing anything wrong by being choosy and limiting yourself to find better quality women.