What are our grounds for appeal, you guys?
He was framed by the Jews.
go the fuck back you little faggot ass wipes
Dismissal of evidence pertinent to the defense.
Can't wait to see him put to death
>didn't hit her
>gets first degree murder
Lmao imagine being a serious Jow Forumstard post election
It was just a prank bro
>literally getting raped by tyrone and jamal as we speak
Imagine being a poltard post 2013
>I never touched him
>the bullet did
Here are the three terrorist attacks that occurred within just one week two months ago.
You are the real terrorists, not Muslims.
>implying it's not even higher for 2017
Right-wing terrorists slaughter white children. So much for blood and soil.
How is that none of the people that illegally brandished firearms at him, struck his vehicle with bats and other weaponry, and threw a frozen jar of piss into his windshield are being convicted of their crimes? Had they not done what they did, Fields would have never had reason to fear for his life. It's a fucking travesty that this kid is going to spend the rest of his life behind bars.
None of that happened.
cucks from reddit don't run communists down with their cars and kill them you Jewish nigger
>Hurhur teh violent left
You're not fooling anyone.
Go back.
I can't wait to see his sentence and pol bitches cry.
>post memes about the exact thing you are convicted for
>call the girl you're accused of killing 'the enemy'
>have past of domestic abuse
>w-we have to save our based magapede. he dindu nuffin!
It's all on video or photo retard, kys
i haven't seen any video evidence of anyone pointing a rifle at him. The only gun i saw was the one some other dude pulled AFTER the car rammed the crowd.
Yeah, and they did all that as he was driving into them and you know this you sick fuck.
Fuck this fat faggot
I hope he gets raped by a pack of niggers in the joint
Don't forget he domestically abused his own mother.
And he tortured dogs.
Dwayne Dixon literally testified in court that he pointed his AR-15 at Fields and told him "get the fuck out of here"
Fields had nowhere to go but through them.
Based. He should have shot the kid.
Incompetent defense and he has an excellent case!
I don’t know the specifics of the law, but:
1. Judge had clear bias and said things to influence the jury.
2. Judge wrongly denied change of venue because case was high profile and controversial.
3. Judge wrongly failed to sequester jury in controversial, high-profile case.
4. Defendant had insufficient legal counsel as judge wrongly dismissed defendant’s preferred counsel from case.
Those seem the strongest reasons.
this is one of those "...gradually, i began to hate them" moments.
Another right-wing terrorist apologist. Allahu akbar right my aryan brotha?
Bomber Harris, do it again!!
Yea how bout you list all of the incidents instead of just bar graphs with nebulous labels. I have a feeling your misclassifying and ignoring stuff. I'm guess you dont count BLM looting
and burning cities and killing cops as left wing terrorism. Nor do you count that Israeli calling bomb threats into synagogues to get sympathy for the jews
Does anybody know if any of the defense motions were denied and what they were?
besides changing venue and not letting in the texts. i'm surprised his lawyer called so few witnesses is what i'm getting at
He’s going to rot in jail. Good riddance.
>roughly half of the USA is right-wing
>1.1% of the USA is islamic
really gets the noggin' joggin'
well who do we have representing him on appeal?
more will come.
>defending a literal murderer
The original attorney can file his appeal.
The Stockholm syndrome kicked in by now. He’s probably loving having his boipussi plundered.
yeah but she's a left-wing cunt. how are we gonna get this guy a real lawyer?
For the millionth time. They proved Dixon pointed the gun at a different car.
No, the original attorney the judge wouldn’t let represent him at trial.
1. James Fields was found Guilty of First Degree Murder of Heather Hayer
2. James Fields was found Guilty of Hit and Run
3. James Fields was found Guilty of Malicious Wounding of Aubtin Heydari, Marcus Martin, and Alexis Morris
4. James Fields was found Guilty of Aggravated Malicious Wounding of Jeanne Peterson, Lisa Q, Thomas Baker, Wednesday Bowie, Brian Henderson
5. James Fields was found Guilty of Failing to Stop at an Accident Causing Death
6. James Fields was found Guilty of two charges of Felonious Assault
Sentencing will begin on Monday
James Fields is facing up to 6 consecutive life sentences plus 70 years.
He is looking at a minimum sentence of 20 years to life.
James Fields is facing 29 Federal Hate Crimes charges. They are broken down as follows:
1 charge of a Hate Crime resulting in the Death of Heather Heyer
28 charges of Hate Crimes causing bodily injury and involving the intent to kill
1 charge of racially motivated violent interference with a federally protected activity resulting in the death of Heather Heyer
James Fields has plead not guilty to all Federal charges
This includes the possibility of a Death Sentence
Tadrint and Micah Washington have filed a 3 million dollar lawsuit citing James Fields, Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer for injuries they received after being hit by the truck that Fields crashed into
Interesting facts concerning the trial:
1. GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and other online crowdfunding firms have closed crowdfunding attempts for Fields' defense citing that it violates policy on hate speech and abuse
2. James Fields first lawyer, Charles L. Weber Jr. - a Republican, was removed due to conflict of interest - he is part of a lawsuit against Charlottesville seeking to prevent the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park and has a history of defending Confederate statues
3. James Fields new lawyer, Denise Lunsford - a Democrat, was involved in a scandal due to disregarding pertinent evidence and improperly vetting a witness for a case that later turned out to have its conviction vacated due to this.
4. James Fields new lawyer, Denise Lunsford serves on the Charlottesville and Virginia state BAR board- any complaints against her will at some point in the process be filed through her.
5. James Fields new lawyer, Denise Lunsford, requests the the trial take place outside of Charlottesville due difficulty of finding an unbiased jury. Judge Moore refuses point blank.
6. The prosecution sought to bring up his highschool years, relationship with his mother, and texts between them as evidence. The defense sought to block the texts arguing that they portray Fields in an unfair light since it does not show intent at the time of the attack - Judge Moore denied this and ruled that the messages help the jury understand what motivated Fields that day. To quote Judge Moore: "Probative value in this case outweighs any prejudicial effect."
7. The defense sought to strike this evidence arguing that it did not prove that fields acted with malice aforethought nor with the intent to kill. Judge Moore disagreed, to quote "I don’t know what intent he could have had driving into a crowd at that speed other than to kill people."
8. Judge Moore allowed a meme folder from months before to be used as evidence by the prosecution.
9. Judge Moore allowed the defense to use cherrypicked sections of a phone call with his mother where he called Heather Heyer a communist and an enemy, but refused to include the section where he broke down crying and said he didn't wanna hurt anyone.
10. 68 Jurors were interviewed for this case. 20 openly admitted they had made up their minds on the case with the information they had from the media. 12 Jurors were ultimately chosen, with 4 alternates.
11. Fields lawyers told the judge they did not want him rehabilitating jurors. Moore took this under advisement and said he'd revisit it later.
12. The defense brought up 3 articles of evidence as defense. One a facebook post by Dwayne Dixon, a radical communist who admitted to following James Fields with an AR15. One a video of Dwayne Dixon talking about following James Fields with the AR15 and noting how he "waved" James Fields off with the gun by muzzle sweeping him. And the third was overhead video from a Helicopter manned by the VIriginia State Police that captured the incident.
13. Dwayne Dixon, when questioned perjured himself stating that he was mistaken that it wasn't Fields, and argued that because his location was different at the time of the facebook post being made, that it placed him away from Fields when the incident happened (when he said he waved someone off).
14. Judge Moore removed Dwayne Dixon's firearm charge despite Dixon admitting to using it to "scare" off who he "thought" were Fields during the Trial.
15. A juror approached Judge Moore, stating they heard someone talking about something and thought it was related to the trial. The judge stated after questioning that what the Juror heard was not related to the facts of the case and "these things happen.". No alternate was brought in.
16. On Dec 6th, the Defense reappealed to move the trial. Judge Moore refused citing that they could and did seat an impartial jury as far as he was concerned.
17. Judge Moore said evidence presented over the last week and testimony about how Fields idled his vehicle after backing the car away from the crowd, when he could have left the scene unimpeded, could be enough to determine his guilt.
18. The defense argued against the photo of Adolf Hitler being shown to the jury, but the judge ruled that it was admissible because the case centers on intent, malice and self-defense. Judge Moore said the picture does, or at least could, tell the jury something about Fields’ intent or state of mind.
19. Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore, who is presiding over the case, said that it was the “most complicated jury selection” process he’d ever participated in through his 37 years as an attorney and six as a judge. The complication, Moore said, stemmed from the difficulty in finding potential jurors who did not have strong feelings about the violent Unite the Right rally, or of the car attack, which left Heather Heyer, a Charlottesville resident, dead and dozens injured.
20. Judge Moore also ruled against what he perceives as "right" wing individuals in two recent trials - one wherein a man discharged a firearm at the ground in an attempt to scare a black man away who was using aerosol as a make shift flamethrower and attacking a crowd (sentenced to 8 years in prison), and one where a man and his companions attacked a black man after he attacked someone with a mag lite (whom he sentenced to 8 years in prison).
Why do these shills try to use these memes against us? The JIDF mist have some new rectuits
I like that this leaf keeps posting this pasta even though 90% of it is fake
I cant wait to trump sends in the army to kill you niggers and return SA to the white man
>What are our grounds for appeal, you guys?
This is what lawyers do.
Fields' mother should be contacted. Her addr/phoone was listed here this morning- but I suspect her phone number has been changed.
Have her pick a lawyer to appeal for him, and then we can send funds to this lawyer.
The trouble I hear is finding a lawyer wiling to defend Fields- as it seems that reputations are sullied if one voluntarily takes this work.
Daily reminder that the OK City Bombing was as natural as the fertilizer.
No. We pay for a private attorney. Have his mothher find one willing, and we'll fund.
>No, the original attorney the judge wouldn’t let represent him at trial.
He was defending him by court order- doing so voluntarily might sully his reputation. But I suppose he is one of ~15 suing the city over the statues...
Honestly Jow Forums are these the best responses I'm going to get on this dumbshit board? and you say you have high iq XD!!
No they didn't. Fuck off you puertorican nigger.
no they did
Dixon testified in court he was making the whole thing up, and the location he was at the time of the incident wasnt anywhere near where fields was driving.
Basically he wanted to act like a tough man on the internet.
And this was then discounted as valid evidence.
I dont think Fields is guilty, but Dixon pointing the gun shouldnt even matter. Even so, you have to look for other ways to get him out of it because no matter what now hes just going to say he didnt actually do it and theres no solid proof to prove otherwise.
none of this is evidence of intent
if I have thousands of memes and one is about rape and I rape someone is that evidence I planned to rape someone? no
Actually it possibly might be if you start raping.
And it was admitted as evidence of intent, and based on this evidence he was convicted of 1st degree murder.
Calling her the enemy was probably the worst thing he could have done.
Things aren't going to go that well for people like you in the next 10 years. You guys keep pushing whitey don't be surprised when he rounds up all the kikes again and ejects them from the country.
Hey bro, if you're rich, want to come to my place? Make sure you leave your comp unlocked.
>4. Defendant had insufficient legal counsel as judge wrongly dismissed defendant’s preferred counsel from case.
tell me about this
This is what will happen if you try anything again and this time we will exterminate every last one of you cockroaches. You are a plague that needs to be eradicated.
The only thing that was mistaken was Point 12. and it was errata'd to represent that.
Here's how you will die roach.
>James Fields first lawyer, Charles L. Weber Jr. - a Republican, was removed due to conflict of interest
>Fields lawyers told the judge they did not want him rehabilitating jurors. Moore took this under advisement and said he'd revisit it later.
what's that mean?
He had to get a guilty verdict or else Charolettesville local government would be open to MASSIVE lawsuits for their incompetence that day.
>He had to get a guilty verdict or else Charolettesville local government would be open to MASSIVE lawsuits for their incompetence that day.
This suit simply means they're less likely.
The city paid/ordered for the Heaphy Report on that weekend.
It's the media OP they make the media basically convict your ass before your first appearance in court. Then your guilty until proven wealthy. After that the process takes a while and youre a piece of shit rotting away without most of your resources or income.
She was the one in teal on top of the second car. The car he hit.
>I cant wait to trump sends in the army to kill you niggers and return SA to the white man
>South Africa
All true.
And they prevent us from financing through crowdsharing. That said, after finding a lawyer, funds can be mailed to the lawyer.
Why do people like you spend your free time chasing down regular citizens whose opinions you dislike?
Because you are a terrorist and we need to deal with terrorists.
The right will only prevail if taken seriously and not seen as a bunch of violent stormfaggets. WTF is wrong with you people.
The one you're replying to is anti-rightwing.
Not even you believe that. What pathology drives subhuman leftists like you? I see your kind everywhere to different degrees, ranging from regular passive aggressive, kvetching, toxic permanent complainers (and they always complain about the opinions of others rather than actual events), to the antifa types like yourself.
I truly believe it is genetical.
Can't wait for that fat soiboi to die in prison like the fucking loser he is.
It's just hate. Look at the things he posts. Look at how he talks. Leftists always project and they always call us hate filled.
My message is to those who are right wing.
Killing commies shouldn't be a crime because you're not human.
Nice tactic. Dehumanize your enemies to justify violence against them. Typical stormfaggetry.
>Babies are commies
Roaches like you are real subhumans. You have no personal qualities or accomplishments so your "race" is the only thing you have left. You are a leech, taking credit for the great deeds of other men you had no part in. You are also just a foul "person" if you can even be called a person.
The true subhuman is the white supremacist.
I know what you mean, but I'm just trying to fully profile their emotional temperament and behavioral inclinations. Even outside of politics, there is always a certain section of the population that frenetically attacks people who want certain things or ask for change, even if it doesn't directly affect them. This type of mind is obsessed people who want to conserve something, or who dare to believe one thing is better than the other.