GDR was unironnically a natsoc ethnostate

GDR was unironnically a natsoc ethnostate

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Yay, I can dump my GDR memes

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>forced to accept muh toilers of the east and anti-colonialist africans
>forced to treat them like celebrities while they go around raping your sisters and cousins
>never get around to cleaning up WWII rubble because your conqueror keeps writing checks to itself for reparations
>snitch culture almost as bad as today
wow what a utopia

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GDR factories manufactured products for western companies

What did they mean by this?

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deutschland verrecke

Eh it was shit but at least most towns (besides the biggest ones) were unironically 99.9% white. I saw my first negro like 5 years after the wall went down

>Die Binnenkaufkraft der DDR-Mark war in etwa so hoch wie die Binnenkaufkraft der Westmark. Zwar kostete ein Wartburg 30.000 und ein Farbfernseher 5000 Ostmark, aber das repräsentierte ja nicht den gesamten Warenkorb. Dazu gehörten Lebensmittel, Energie, Mieten und soziale Dienstleistungen. Und so gesehen, konnten Sie für die DDR-Mark in der DDR genauso viel kaufen wie mit der D-Mark in der Bundesrepublik.


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Communism does seem to have been a form of inoculation against modern day globalist bullshit. Looking at areas formerly under soviet control, we can see they now vote mostly populist right.

I'm sorry

>attempt wholesale genocidal conquest of idle neighbours, slaughter 20 million, turn half of their country to absolute rubble
>oy vey, our conquerors keep writing checks to themselves for reparations, it's like anudda shoah!!!

lol looks like fucking Arnold on the right

Get out, idiot, you moron

It's over goy, we have flooded it with Afghans and Syrians

>GDR population in 1950 8 million
>GDR population in 1990 6 million

6 million you say?

from 18 to 16 million I mean

It was, and it was so shitty people were willing to get shot to escape it.

this is fucking sad... look at the soldiers. They are literally Aryans. And they know they now will have a future full of multiculturalism and shit..

And of course this thread was made by a person that has probably never lived there and has never even lived in Germany.

Same as muh hitlur or muh gommunism amerifats. Why are there so many stupid people on this board?

Only if they had knew how shitty the life behind the wall is, who can you blame for? everything seemed optimistic back then, even america
Never going to make the same mistake again

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This. These are just a bunch of textbook propaganda images, and these threads really show the power of it. Everybody is susceptible

east germany only looked presentable because the politburo pumped the entire wealth of the east into it.
it was supposed to show the west how effective gommunism is, and it even failed at that.

then why was it a better place to live than Romania? Maybe because it was full of germans?

The image still looks shit desu. The plants look dead and the architecture looks like someone got their lego set, painted it grey and made a bunch of ugly towers.

Most of those who cherish it are actually old fags who clearly remember the downside of it, just like how vatniks miss the soviet union
m8, it's not, it's actually the other way round how it worked

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heres the redpill Jow Forums doesn't want to swallow. Hitlerism and Stalinism were the same thing.

Well at least they have macdolands now.

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>GDR was unironnically a natsoc ethnostate
Yes. The White genocide policy was something Christian burgers came up with, by taking the neither Greek nor Jew, we are all brothers in Christ quote from the Bible as their guiding principle.

The burgers did get help from jews, but its inescapable that the anti-racism creed has Christian origins.

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>wow what a utopia
But the west will no longer exist, if the USA manage to continue with the White Genocide project.

>natsoc ethnostate

this alone makes it a shithole. Fuck that nazi shit man.

The USA is nigger living shithole

Eastern Germany could be fixed, something that can't happen when there are no more White people, thanks to the USA.

If the USA did not have White Genocide as official policy, they would not have used the FBI to organize the Cville Setup, and then had show trials a la the Soviet Union, for the Whites that got arrested for defending themselves.

>Communism does seem to have been a form of inoculation against modern day globalist bullshit
They were not puppets of the anti-white US Empire.

mfw i watch youtube rewind 2018


>Why are there so many stupid people on this board?
I guess people like you are paid, and that the same is true for a lot of the other stupids.

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It's only gotten worse since then and much of the austerity could've been prevented
Brutalism was in full swing at the time, plus panel housing saved a tremendous amount of time and effort, nevertheless they're still home
You've got to take into account housing was mandated by the government and the demand exceeded the supply

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>These are just a bunch of textbook propaganda images
Why is it so hard for Westerners to admit that the commies did not genocide their own people in the name of anti-racism?

>Hitlerism and Stalinism were the same thing.
I don't think we have a problem with that.

The leftists of the West are a result of 1968, where the CIAniggers managed to get a break between Western leftists and the Soviet Union.

>The USA is nigger living shithole
But it used to be 90% white before the US empire decided that they could be the global hegemon for forever, if they made the USA into a microcosmos of the world, where everybody lived happily together with no racism, because of the great US values.

It's frigging insanity, but that how the Western elites are these days.

2 millones estao comendo sopa de macaco uma delicia


Even the “white” people here are niggers. They love worshipping nigger athletes and listening to nigger music. The elites here are Jews.

The nigger worship in the USA is kind of sick, I agree.

>hurr commies were actually BASED all along
Only reason these places were so white was because they sucked so much even the shitskins didnt want to move there

A propper white country should be rich AND homogenous

You are fucking obsessed with the US kek

>coping this hard
reminder that you're not rich nor white

I'm sure you know more about Germany then the actual German

Coping about what? A defeated ideology? Also im both rich and white, I'm not the physical manifestation of the country of Brazil.

The commies were so bad at material wealth, that they were forced to satisfy different human wants like a nation and a community.

The West used to be so good at providing material wealth and security, that nation and communities didn't matter that much. That is no longer the case, as the West imported untold millions of non-productive non-whites, that the native working class now have to support.

I don't think that, I just know that communism is awful and anyone who yearns for its return is mad. Though I'll admit that anything German and racially homogeneous is very aesthetic, even if it's a communist state.

I habe in Deutschland gewohnt.

>human wants like a nation and a community.
Which explains why violence and abortions were and still are so high in those shitholes.

You're just making up your own history.

And you're basically admiting that you believe that for a nation to have good morals and values, they need to be poor. Fucking pathetic

>I don't think that, I just know that communism is awful and anyone who yearns for its return is mad
I'll take any political system where genociding white people is not the only holy dogma and purpose of everything.

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>everything is natsoc
do you fucking retards even know what the term "National Socialist" means? It's a coherent ideology, not just "any country that is racist and utilizes socialist policies", because I see you troglodytes use it as if that is the meaning
>GDR was natsoc
>North Korea is natsoc
>China is natsoc
dumb shit that is frequently parroted here

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Juche is natsoc
>The cleanest race my mutt

>that you believe that for a nation to have good morals and values, they need to be poor
I don't believe this.

What I believe is that the cold war was two semi-totalitarian systems against each other, and that they survive to the degree that they manage to satisfy what white people want.
Communism didn't manage to give the people enough of what they wanted to survive, and now it's hopefully the Western semi-totalitarian system that go down, because our system can no longer provide for Whitey's needs.

The White Western Working class can't afford children, so it's going to blow, sooner or later, unless something drastic is done.

>The White Western Working class can't afford children,
Not even in norway? Thought you lot were oil rich
Or are you just nigga rich?

Actually the DDR had a higher internal purchase power than the contemporary west, just as I mentioned earlier
You could buy anything but tropical fruits at the state-run stores, proprietary items replaced expensive import goods, and the supply chain didn't collapse until then, which is quite contrary to the soviets
DDR consumer goods would have absolutely smashed the western market just due to the sheer price of goods if had not been for the currency integration
A car in the DDR costs 30k marks and a television for 5k marks

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This larp

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death to all socialism

>Not even in norway?

The cost of a home where you can bring up children safely is out of reach for the working class in the larger cities for many reasons.

1. Immigrants have lowered the wages and made housing more expensive.
2. Working class areas are no longer a good place to grow up because of non-whites.
3. 0 interest policy to save the banks, have made housing too expensive for workers, that can't save up the 20% cash you need to get a loan.

>cuck: the state

Can't wrap my head around the mental gymnastics it took for GDR to exist.

>lol we spent past 12 years being hardcore nazis then wow overnight we're hardcore marxists

Either the Nazi thing wasn't 100% true or Marxist thing didn't require brains to function.

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The systems were so similar in practice, if not in theory, that the commies need to make fascist their word for heretic and visa versa.

The Norwegian Labor party after ww2 had virtually the same policies as the Quisling-regime.

Almost as if RealPolitik trumps ideology every time

Disgusting policies
Our elites are hostile elites

>Disgusting policies
It's worse.
I forgot that the state pay for housing for non-whites in working class areas, and that this forces the the fleeing white working class that already owns a home to sell cheap, other to non-whites, and buy another more expensive home in a white area. This means down-sizing, if you don't want to commute, and both of these options lowers fertility.

>North Korea is natsoc
I'm not even trying to make things up, everyone who was in the office at the time says currency integration was a mistake

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Well there's quite a few to choose from there. But I would say a capitalist, small government, white nation that was heavily influenced by Christian values. But they knew if they sell out (like your image is implying) it would cause more harm than good, therefore closed borders is justified.

The real red pill is that White genocide is just a result of high wealth relative to the rest of the world. If you want Whites to start making babies again, everyone needs to be poorer.

gen-x GDR oldfag here

In retrospective and compared to post 68er degeneracy GDR had a lot of natsoc look and feel. Yet, underneeth the soviet planning was terrible and ideologically shortsighted. Best example was car manufacturing. Engineers invented new stuff and politicians decided "nope, Trabant 601" is good enough ... after 20 years of production. Such arrested development never would have happened in the Reich, though.

But, they never denied us being German.

Wasn't a copy, though. Merely a continuation of military tradition.

Yeah, maybe, but it was also an economic basket case that made room for its degeneracy towards decline.

You could say that they were better at communism because they were smart and hardworking, too. The Yugos didn't do too badly either, not being under the Russian yoke and allowing a lot of devolution of power to the actual people doing the work. But it's still famine compared to the feast in the West.

>result of high wealth
Daily reminder millennials are by no means wealthier than boomers

Fucking dumb argument by typical amerifag
Ukraine is africa tier poor and has a fertility rate much lower than that of white irish or white norwegians

>But it's still famine compared to the feast in the West.
No, actually the east german currency had higher purchasing power than west germany's
Which means you could buy more stuffs in east germany considering food price, energy bill, rent

Guy on the right is thinking -- holy fuck look at what we will become.

Based Soviet Union was the last wall against globalist homo-LGBT negro-arabian musli-judeo pozz land.

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I used to hang out with an East German girl and they got a fucking orange for Christmas.

Rural White Norwegians can afford a house on a normal wage, and the local schools are white, so they can afford to have children. So with the wealthy urbanites, but the urban white working class have a very low fertility.

Yes and it spreads via the talmutvision.

>mfw ussr did more to keep German culture around than the US and kike allies

>No, actually the east german currency had higher purchasing power than west germany's
I think this part is communist propaganda.

How many norwegian families have three to four or more kids

Take the Russians out of the picture would the GDR have been better off than Germany today?

more low quality crap and bad copies of capitalist products. yeah.

I don't know. It's popular among the wealthy to have at least three, but many marry too late to manage this sadly.

I know several, and they are normal people, so it's not only for the rich. They all live in small cities or rural though.

It's a confirmed fact by a former bundesbank official

oh crap.... didn't know they were this woke.
Reminds me of why I used to say old school marxists were better than (classical) liberals

Sounds more or less like today

>It's a confirmed fact by a former bundesbank official
there must be some trickery involved. I visited Easten Germany as a child, and I remember how everything was grey and poor.

So true.
The removal of bourgeouis scum seems to be effective in combatting its terrible side effects like a despise for nationalism and all those things that are just the natural ideas present in all peoples.

And I mean identitarians have been seen holding gdr flags... was the GDR just strasserist?

Not so true.
Hitlerism didnt oppose the existence of private property. Just of banks, shitty capitalist practices, and jewsury. You might be thinking of Strasser.

Gotta give you that desu. especially because protectionism is seen as a terrible thing that threatens muh markets and doesn't let people choose the best TM. which really means the cheapest product made with child labor.

The true national socialist state must also be an international state. No country can truly become a self-contained nation-state if it think other countries as its slaves (Roman Empire, USA, Nazi Germany are clearly an example, no matter how good they're initially, they will decay at the end, or lose in a big war)
Stalin Socialism in one country was the true answer, nationalist by focusing on domestic affairs, internationalist by respecting other countries in the world, and only intervene outside when the situation directly related to national security or when the people directly request your help. USSR after Stalin went to shit because of violating that principles, they should let the Eastern European faggots secede if they didn't Socialism. And Khrushchev also made enemy with China just because of that socialist imperialism too.