Why did Putin turn himself into a Mongol?
Why did Putin turn himself into a Mongol?
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Not the same actor playing him.
He had plastic surgery done on his face ages ago.
East slavs have strong mongoloid genetics due to Genghis Khan. Hence why the high cheekbones and elongated eyes.
golf rumors
The globalists killed him and put a puppet in his place.
he's a clone
>gives speeches about how "america is no longer a white christian country"
>looks like Genghis' illegitimate son
lmao the absolute STATE of russkies
Genghiz had blue eyes too.
Psychological effect on the population, voters are less likely to feel like he's overstayed his welcome in the Kremlin if he seems forever youthful
Because Christ is a Mongolian.
Looks like cheek implants or some shit
Lefts ears are attached rights aren’t...
Plastic surgery detaches ear lobes???
he's been replaced
SHut it down, the goys knows
in 2012 he was raped and tortured in north korea and had to have his face re-constructed. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE
he got the call
? They look like the same person. Autist can’t into faces.
even the ears look different
Could just be the angle and lighting, but now I have to see if I can find two clear high resolution profile pictures of Putin from those two time periods and compare the ears.
I think that he just chunked out
because he can do what ever he wants
Those are poor comparisons. But other pics make it more obvious
that's an awfully hot coffee pot
why would someone change that if a cosmetic surgery like that is even possible without clear signs of it
Right user, someone would go through the work of replacing Putin with an actor who looks and sounds just like him BUT get the fucking ears wrong.
he's just turning into an old white woman.
yeah but why did he detach his ears
I legit beliieve eminem and dave chappelle have been replaced.
The human skull unironically changes over time as does the thickness of muscle/fat ratio on the face as you age. I know this because I’m now having dental/jaw bone issues because of it.
Weve been cloming humans since the 70s. It just went underground. Putin is def a clone or body double.
There were alwaus rumors of Carter being cloned. Even HW Bush.
fuck sakes, i dont even wanna call the beard weird anymore, shit is needed.
i must say dave chapelle is really looking strange recently. but i think that might have been due to him fucking off to africa
He has taken the BOG pill
to become the khan of khans of course
>The globalists killed him and put a puppet in his place.
True story bro.
Just google "двoйник пyтинa"
Truly a magnificent pill.
Not because of the Mongols. It's because the early East Slavs intermixed with Finish tribes and later on some Russians mixed with Tatars and other Turkic peoples
Eminem got aids from jay z
So, this is pretty much aging facelift right?
What I want to know is can those be reversed, and what does the aftermath look like?
Possibly, yes. I can't think of any reason anyone would want to detach them, but that doesn't make it impossible.
Still looks the same, just older and with a heroin problem.
So i can look like a different person by taking a trip around the world?
Probably the AIDS
Also Yeltsin.
botox king
Alcohol is one hell of a drug
Fatboy slim
>Needing body modifications, endless corrections and therapy to retain your youth
So it's Russians vs Bolsheviks?
Who is in control today? Russians (Christians) in Russia and Bolsheviks in USA?
Cannot stay off the russian caviar
As a symbol of unity for all the peoples of the Russian Federation. It's a deeply spiritual transformation.
cute. its a well known fact that its a computer rendering, not an actual human being.
cheap troll is cheap.
He also got fatter hence his cheeckbones look bigger. Also he is smiling so his eyes are naturally squinting
It's called a lens you fucking idiot
he took the bogpill
This is creepy as hell. Dave is completely different.
Combination of him losing a little weight and a different camera lense. I wish he were replaced. He just went full shill.
to look less brittish, just as stalin was a german agent and saddam hussein was a swarthy americanoid
He just got older and fatter. Also all Slavs are mongoloids.
Tartarism like the poets of the good old days
dont bother, they are schizos