I'm sharing an apartment with a 24 year old girl and she suggested to me an "alternate form of rent payment" as money...

I'm sharing an apartment with a 24 year old girl and she suggested to me an "alternate form of rent payment" as money is a bit tight and she doesn't want to go around looking for apts whilst looking for a new job.

Right now the rent is like $650 each and with our new agreement she would basically let me fuck her several times a month in exchange for paying absolutely nothing. Just trying to figure out if it's worth it or not. Price seems a little steep - I'd have to fuck quite frequently to make it worth it though.

Attached: http_%2F%2Fi.huffpost.com%2Fgen%2F2519544%2Fimages%2Fn-UNIVERSITY-OF-MONCTON-628x314.jpg (1200x630, 79K)

Sounds like a great way to get Weinstein'd

Honestly this seems like a bad idea. She cries about being raped and you're basically screwed. Tell her to pay or gtfo.


If at ANY point she wants to withdraw consent you're already in a difficult spot.

This guy gets it - imagine your whole life thrown out because you made a deal like that -


When she gets back on track you can expect a #metoo post on her twitter, that's for sure.

Why are you hashing this out dude. Is she ugly or something? Jesus Christ you don’t pay anything and you get guaranteed pussy. Do it.

lmao as pussy deprived as I am I wouldn't fucking accept this


Some hookers are $650 each, you retard. Tell her to sell herself to someone else, if she's pretty she might be able to get that in one "date"/night
