I am currently working 3 min wage jobs and very cheap making sure I don’t spend money on barely anything to get out of debt. My boyfriend has a job making about 3 times my wage and I tried to see if I could get a job with him but it’s more of a male job and I’m too weak as a female. My boyfriend has money in savings and no debt. He asked me to go on a trip with him and I really do want to and I’ve never travelled before but I don’t think it’s smart for me to travel while I’m in debt and have no money to back me up. I’d go down 1000 if I went on this trip. Should I ask if we can put this trip off or he goes without me until I can pick myself up? Or should I just say yolo and go 1000 more in debt? I’m currently about 6000 in debt which I may be able to pay off in two months. Also going back to school which will put me 20,000 more in debt.
I am currently working 3 min wage jobs and very cheap making sure I don’t spend money on barely anything to get out...
Either he goes alone or he pays for you.
>go back to school
>Also going back to school which will put me 20,000 more in debt
Why subject yourself to being a corporate wage slave for the rest of your life? Then again i don't know the full extent of your situation.
>going back to school when my boyfriend makes enough to support us both
Get married, have kids, be a housewife
You will be happier
Because I currently need 3 jobs just to get by if I’m working minimum wage. I can’t make any higher than minimum wage without education and labour jobs are out of the picture for me since I’m a petite woman.
We are both too young for children and I’d rather be financially independent. Also I don’t want to work minimum wage jobs for the rest of my life and I’d feel bad if I wasn’t contributing financially.
>financially independent
Then you don't want to get married. Ever.
>too young for kids
Then you are under the age of 18 and shouldn't be on Jow Forums.
>continue financially
Unless you are making over 30 thousand a year take home after taxes, the tax breaks, money saved by home cooking, and money saved by not using child care removes any extra income and constitutes a net loss for the relationships gains.
I really wish more people would tell femanons this truth. The amount of femanons in their late 30s and early 40s that I personally know who wish they would have followed this advice is pretty crazy.
Marriage is a scam. You don’t have to be tied to someone legally and financially to let them know you want to be with them exclusively. Then there’s the scenarios where guys get houses taken away from them if there’s a divorce.
Also I don’t know if my boyfriend ever wants kids, I hope I have kids one day but I’ll have to wait until I can afford them. Also I’d be staring at 60,000 for what I’m going into.
Dont get baited by retarded advice
First things first, why are you going to a school that would put you 20k in debt? Undergrads should focus on getting their degrees as close to debt free as possible, and there are definitely cheaper alternatives. I'm assuming the 20k is for the collective tuition and not just one year, and if it is, transfer elsewhere.
You don't need three jobs. You're killing your health, two min wage jobs will suffice enough for your debt which can easily be paid off in less than a year. Spend the extra time taking classes at a community college or learning a skill (programming is very valuable, plenty of tutorials online)
To answer your question, dont go on the trip unless your boyfriend is offering to pay for it. He shouldn't be surprised if you ask considering your situation, I'm assuming he is aware you're slaving away
Where do you live
Don't have kids.
It would be 20k for the 2nd year considering tuition is 10k and the rest would account for rent, food etc. I am taking a degree that requires 50 hrs of study a week so I can’t work while in school.
I was contemplating programming but how easy is it to get a job going into it without experience?
I’d rather slave away for a little bit just to pay it off, might take it down to two jobs. I don’t want to ask because I don’t want him to think I’m with him for money, which I’m not. I’d feel too guilty, 1000 is a lot.
degrees are scams and are a thing of the past
find a rich man, marry him and have his kids if you dont want to work
I never said I don’t want to work...
I literally just brought up a post about a trip and people are bringing kids and school decisions into it.
Literally a waste of money. Pajeets have h1b'd that field into shit for entry work. You can learn how to do it for free and most employers are just concerned that you know your shit, so prove you do.
60k a year for programming work isn't gonna happen though.
Because you mentioned debt, school, and a relationship in the same post.
You could minimize school costs drastically by 1) commuting 2) transferring to a local/community college 3) working 1 part time job on the weekends. Preferably all three
I commute to school around 45 mins to and from plus work on the weekends. Studying electrical engineering. It's all up to time management, don't take extra classes for shits and giggles. If you can get the minimum credit hours per semester needed to get the degree by your fourth year do that
Lol you need programming experience to get a job. Don't expect anything until after 2+ years of hobby programming. The good thing is it's a marketable skill that can be entirely self taught. My brother started learning programming at a young age and now works for a major tech company having never gone to college, making upwards of 200k
1000 is nothing, and your boyfriend doesn't make enough to feel threatened by you being a gold digger. If you don't want to ask, simply don't go and focus on your work
That is with barely no commute and taking the transit which is practically free with a student card. Can’t work on weekends considering how much I need to study, even teachers tell my class you’re crazy if you try having a job while taking the program I’m in. I have like no experience in programming so I can’t compete with that if I chose to go the programming route. So yeah the degree I’m in is probably the best option.
Are you in the states? Engineering is easier there.
I was saying you shouldn't be paying for dorming if you could avoid it, unless I completely misunderstood where the other 10k is is for. What program are you in if you don't mind me asking, I understand balancing work and school is difficult.
I am. New York area
It could be, I don't know. Digital systems is pretty fucking hard haha
Paying off your debt asap is always a good idea. If the trip is going to add another 4%~ to your debt then why bother? Get your shit sorted first.
Engineering. It takes up more hours where I live compared to the setup in the states but my degree will enable me to work anywhere. Also I’d be renting on loans. I don’t have another option.
Well I guess it could be worse. You could be going to a 60k/year school for a useless degree
If you can't lower school costs then I'd say bust your ass now, get rid of your debt before the summer season ends and school starts. Student loans (at least in the US) can be deflected for a while and are quite flexible with their interest rates and repayment options
And make sure you get some rest. What good is a degree if you're weak and bed ridden all the time
Don't listen to these bitter assholes on here. They're projecting so hard you can literally smell the butt hurt through the computer screen.
As for your question, in my opinion, since you're going back to school, I'd focus on paying off the debt first. It's the smartest option. Maybe you guys could take a little weekend trip or something?
Dont listen to this bitter old woman. Old maids need not apply.
You need to break up with him as he is an non understanding individual. What kind of future would you even have?
>going back to school
You’ll be happy to know that I make six figs, work a third of the days out of the year, and have 11 months of higher education.