Hol up hol up

Christian Logic:

Step 1. Jesus = Jewish guy

Step 2. Christians worship jewish guy because they believe he is God's son.

Step 3. Christianity is literally "the worship of Jews" as being part of God's direct lineage?

How is this explained any differently?

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christcuckery was a mistake

>Christianity is literally "the worship of Jews" as being part of God's direct lineage?
unironically kill yourself you dumb nigger, that's a complete and utter misrepresentation and you did it on purpose

>How is this explained any differently?

Jesus had no children therefore no lineage.

Humankind yet again displeased God going astray, so he sents his beloved Son, the Word, the Truth in attempt to save them.
Many people follow Jesus, thus the birth of Christianity, no longer being just jews, but the new chosen people.
Some Izraelites rejected the Son of God and killer him, having divine blood on their hands.

Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, so in a way, he was a Jew, as a part of nation, not religion.
Jews are just khazars and babilonian priests pozing as the old "chosen people", to avoid presecution.
Vipers, snakes, The Synagogue of Satan.

Christianity is a religion for poor people. Dont claim to follow Christ unless you are willing to give your wealth to poor people and live an ascetic lifestyle

>Christianity is literally the worship of Jews
then why does Jesus repeatedly shit all over the Abrahamic covenant and insist that they have no connection with God and will never have a connection to God again except through him. whatever christcucks decided politically in the 2,000 years afterward, when at various points they decided to be nice to Jews (in order to get dat phat usury check), doesn't change what Jesus himself did, which is shit all over and challenge kike authorities every day of his life.

thats only for you to figure out if you wish for salvation

Don't forget that they also worship a literal wifes's son. They praise 5he fact that God cucked Joseph by impregnating his virgin wife and having him to raise the kid. They put on a play every year to teach their children about being God's cuckold. Despite this, there are more analagous reason why they are called christcucks.

thanks for that hot take, but you have to be 18 to post here pal

Bait thread, but I'll leave this here for all the anons who genuinely buy the "dead kike on a stick" meme.
>Be Jesus. Incarnate to fulfill God's promise to send a messiah to the Jews.
>Come down from heaven to tell the scribes and (((pharisees))) that their methods of worship displease God the Father.
>Scourge moneylenders, call out hypocrisy, and fight the corruption of the monotheistic faith
>Demand your followers do nothing but good deeds and oppose evil and sin
>The people you were sent to save, Jews, demand your execution - thus destroying their covenant with God.
>Be martyred for all souls. Rise again from the dead, and ascend into heaven.
>Watch from eternal paradise as some MKUltra'd user on a Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum unironically refers to his savior as a Jew.
Rejecting Christ is literally the most Jewish thing a man can do.

They like to pretend Ancient Galieeans were actually Aryan, and that the God Yahweh actually chose the Alps as the location of the New Testament, but kikes rewrote it to take place in the desert

Is he wrong? Or is Jesus actually Joseph's son, not Yahweh's?
Also, where in the bible is it explicitly pro-white? Does it stipulate how we should holocaust jews, or whether we can secure a future for white children (ethnostates, worldwide purges, etc)?

Fuck pagans, especially white ones. I'd rather kill all white pagans who refuse to convert than expel the nigger Christians in my country. Based christ

holy shit

Jesus btfo jews so bad not only did they have him killed his name triggered them for generations to come. They spit when they hear his Nama and they got the name kike because they hate crosses so much they won't write them. The jew hates nothing more than Christ and his word
Jesus destroyed everything about the jewish way of life In the new testament, he called them out for being the usury pushing, degenerate fucks they are

Scared pagcuck? God has a plan and it doesn't involve YOU

>calls them out
>flips some tables
Wow, truly the white race's savior

This gesture was rather symbolic, as the Son of God was still able to show emotions. Same as he cried after his friend Lazarus.
Saviour, because he sacrificed himself for us.

He never hurt them physically he exposed the vile errors of their ways.

These are all bait threads because do not focuss on reality but other promote superstition and the dumbing down of people.

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I totally asked for some kike to die for me.
Was the Holocaust a good or bad thing according to you?

Jesus is half Jewish. He also is literally God. The transfer here should bring you solace if you dislike the Jews. The kikes fucked up over and over prompting the wrath of God and killed or chased off nearly every prophet God sent them. Then they had Christ killed. Christ instructed his Apostles to offer the message to Jews and the Gentiles. This pisses the Jews off to no end as it basically negates their 'chosen' status. They chased the Apostles across the continent trying to kill them and destroying their churches. When they couldn't destroy this powerful message that the Gentiles were very accepting of, they instead joined those churches and began attempting to pervert the message. They tried to kill Paul several times and nearly got it done. Paul was also Jewish, but learned to hate the motherfuckers for being such fuckwits...

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I unironically believe, user.

Jesus preached against tribalism and exclusion, the very things a race needs to survive. That is why jews had Jesus killed, but spread his teachings to goyim after he was dead

He is not a kike.
And this sentence is the level of a child arguing with his parents. Grow up, "I didn't ask to be born" retard.
Either you see him as your saviour or not. If not, then why the fuck would you argue at all.
He did whether you "asked him" or not.

>I don't understand theology, and have never opened a bible in my life
The post.

>Christians worship jewish guy because they believe he is God's son.

He's God in the Flesh.

>jebus sacrificed himself to himself
>thanks for doing that jebus
>jebus can come back from the dead
>never lets you forget the sacrifice

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Based Poland.

Jesus is Lord

Christianity was just a merchant meme to disable the Roman Empire.

Jews rule

you drool

now play your funky song

Clearly Jesus is a woman

They arent wrong. Closest to God you will ever meet, that is for sure.

He did not. He was apparently sent to save the jews. The jews didn't want him because his message was dangerous to their race. They killed him and his "message" was spread to gullible goyim. Now it has been internalized by a large portion of whites who undergo so much cognitive dissonance to rationalize their beliefs that they become a caricature of themselves.

pretty much this... Christcuckery made European culture safe for conquest by Jews. They pulled the same trick on the Muslims and outlawed usury in their religion, too. This made both religions eternal losers to the non-orthodox Jews because of the necessity of banking.

And he did. So what is the problem?

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Son you dont have the first clue about levites

so get the fuck out of my tent scoundrel

God in the flesh

ayy try the homeless

You done be tricked big style

we sacrificed you that ONE time

Jesus had to be born of David to fulfill the prophecy that Shiloh will rule over the nations without a sword, as he has for two thousand years.

What will you do when you meet him?

Hey, Im not even mad bro

PROTIP: Jesus was culturally a Jew, but his embryo was directly implanted in Mary's womb. As a result, neither his Jewish mother nor his Jewish father were part of his bloodline.

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Jesus was a Jew with Coloboma of the eye.

Do you know what that is?

Jew eye.

>you have driven me to jealousy with that which is no god. I will drive you to jealousy with a people that are no people with a foolish race (mine)

It's like you guys don't read the bible.

Sick isnt it?

(((Jesus Christ))), I bet Zarathustra would kick your ass

>Except through him
See as a pagan I can safely say the gods of my forefathers would not accept kike converts

I am Asian

ever wonder why Henry Kissingers favourite film is China Town?

haha now you know



You take the whites and I will take the jews and we will see who climbs the mountain first.

You cant speak Chinese

xing xing ti

well, fuck. I guess I'll have to leave the job to Xi, as he will need another round of purges to maintain power thru the coming downturn/militarization.

Claiming that Jesus is Jewish is like saying that Martin Luther is catholic. Both aren’t.

Are their religions based on another religion? Yes. Are they this religion? No.

what if you consider Jesus to be a Jewish invention?

Ever tried militarizing an eastern star at the crooked hour of morning?

No it's beautiful. Israel was first entrusted with Gods word and were ordered to be a light unto the nations. Instead they failed in this and turned Gods house into a den of thieves.

God then sent his only begotten son to rule over all the nations without a sword. It's all explained pretty neatly. God gave the jews / pharisees a lot of chances. Probably one of the reasons Jesus rebuked them so harshly.

Jews didnt invent coloboma


alien geneticist did

Asian Jew is an oxymoron, you're not a Semite down syndrome face.

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Israel is the name of the daughter of God and if you paid attention you would know that.

To believe that Jesus is the son of god is to believe that jews are gods chosen people.

I have only tried Eastern women in the morning time. They were ready, tho.

My almond eyes bare feline prowess of a prototype sphinx

Asian Jews Forever

Oh gosh I bet they were

Happy Hannukah.
I've seen it translated more often into bride. You are correct. Israel still exists, however it is in the hearts of Jesus followers, not the occupied land in Palestine.

Riddle me this bat-man

which is an oxymoron

Why do Jews become smarter with toxoplasmosis?

Holohoax is a Jewish scam faggot

Well Rabbi Fleiss will tell you any day of the week that the Torah forbids a physical state

but there is a physical state so diplomacy is the only option at this time to settle the region into a mutual love of God.

Then I would ask why the Jews heavily opposed the Christians and why modern Jews reject Jesus.

You need to put it in a historical context: many prophets who were against the cooperation of the Jewish leaders with the Romans travelled the lands at those times. So it’s not unlikely that one was named Jesus. (Maybe)all the other stuff is made up but a guy called Jesus traveling the land, forming a group of people around him while preaching? Not unlikely.

They were gods chosen people, god chose them to spread his word and live by his teachings and they failed in this. As do we all, that's why Christ was sent, not for the healthy but for the sick, like i was sick.

Well done Macron by the way.

I was delighted with his approach over the weekend.

nice arguments
>hur durr linage is one way
Kahazar theory has been disproved 10 times
>While the consensus in genetic research is that the world's Jewish populations (including the Ashkenazim) share substantial genetic ancestry derived from a common Ancient Middle Eastern founder population, and that Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic ancestry attributable to Khazars,[6]at least one study authored in this period diverge from the majority view in favor of the Khazar theory.

Counter-evidence exists to the Khazar hypothesis claiming that the male lineage of Ashkenazi Jews originates from an ancient (2000 BCE - 700 BCE) population of the Middle East who spread to Europe. -DNA studies of Ashkenazi Jews conclude that their male lineage was founded by ancestors from the Middle East.[85][86] and that they share this paternal ancestry with Sephardic Jewish populations.[87] Genetic studies show that the male lineage of Ashkenazi Jews bear a common genetic heritage which originates in the Near East, and that they bear their strongest resemblance to the peoples of the Fertile Crescent. A study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA by a team led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Huddersfield found no maternal lineages attributable to the Caucasus. Richards summarized the findings on the female line as such:
lol nailed it

not an argument

Jews lost their tablets, they dont know the tabernacle bridge

neither do Christians.

I am here to tell you what it is.

1. Jesus was not Jewish. That term didn't even come into usage until after his death.

2. Christians worship God's true son, his sacrifice to reconcile man to himself and himself to man.

3. Real Christians know Jews are the enemy. The Jew is defined precisely by their rejection of Christ.

Jesus was an Aryan fighter who struggled against the power and pretensions of the corrupt Pharisees.

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see this it was the beginning of the infiltration. money being the key to power. usury illegal in Christianity and Islam necessitates the Jewish presence in banking. these religions were the poison pill for economic conquest.


LOL how did you come up with that brain jizz? Clearly you don't know a single thing of what you're talking about, Israel was the name given to what was originally Jacob. He's Abrahams grandson, you know. Is this a 'we wuz kangz' thing and you're a woman who can't deal with the fact that you're supposed to obey your husband?

Nah but Christianity opens up the mystery of God and The Devil in a babys first steps kind of way

he was only Jewish as far as the fact that God put him on Earth to attempt to save their legacy by taking them back to truth and logic, but they killed him because they preferred incest, usury, and subjugation over rule of cool

>How is this explained any differently?
Its the worship of God, not jews.
It doesn't matter if you're a jew or a nigger. You have to be washed by the blood of God from your sins, this is the only way God will pardon you and accept you as his son.
You will not have access to Gods grace and remission of sins if you do not realize the simple fact that He paid the price so you can live.
As the bible declares the majority of jews are not saved, only but a few are saved and reconciled to the mercy and love of the creator of the world and the heavens.
In fact only a few jews are destined to be saved, the majority will be in eternal torments forever.
>Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the Israelites is like the sand of the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 28For the Lord will carry out His sentence on the earth thoroughly and decisively
Even before Christ the prophets preached what God instructed them and the jews didn't believe.

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fucking lol

Personally, I like Gilgamesh better than Genesis. Check it out if you haven't yet

Oh sweetheart.

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Why thank you Holy One.

thou shalt not kill

(((laughs in god)))

10 points to you

jesus was a jew who broke away from jewish tradition because he saw it's corruption

*pushes you off cliff*

*catches you*

ahhh but you thought I was gonna let you splat

*hits you*

stop hitting yourself

Right, what's your picture of crisis actors with fake names supposed to prove, kike?

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First of all.

I am every race.

So you cant bully me because I am the bully here.

>Jesus cleansed the temple of the money changers -Jew Bankers
>Jew Bankers get pissed off
>Jew Bankers get the Romans to kill Jesus
>Start of Jewish Tricks