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would need a much shorter wall too

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Remember when gadafi asked europe to pay him to stop nigger imigrant?

Listen here Jew, you got it backwards

No, he warned Europe what would happen if they followed the orders of Jews like you and removed him.

i'm actually kinda shocked that the dick suck douche bags at that piece of shit rag are even printing this, it undermines their 'drumpf bad, wall racis, welfare leaches good' bullshit line

Fuck off kike.

islamists are the same as commies, they undermine other groups

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you can just say "jews" here

spotted the kike

I dont think your president would be happy to know you hold such antisemetic opinions


No, they're not.

Supreme Nationalist: It's the Americans.

Based Mexicans

And then you got us to kill him so the niggers poured into Europe.

Lol, we got owned so bad.

USA Today only posts headlines like this very late at night. When the morning editor comes in, they get scrubbed from the homepage entirely.

We have an /ourguy/ working night shift there.

>Mexico gets overwhelmed with illegal immigration from all the other Central American nations that they hate
>Migrants are shitting up their country and breaking shit
>It's starting to piss them off
Right on time. I was listening to talk radio this morning and it appears the Dems have switched their act from "Never Trump" to "Well I thought Mexico was going to pay for it, not us." Looks like that coy act isn't going to work if this is true.

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>revealing crimes of a criminal syndicate is not antisemitism
try again


>if you kill me they will flood in

.... fucking retard

It doesn't matter what he thinks. A lot of us hate him now because of you dirty, filthy kikes.

He will be out in another 6 months. I want a Democrat president who embraces Iran deals and fills Israel with niggers. We want your race to die. lmao

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That should just about pay for a wall.

What would have happened if the USA used the money they spilled on Afghanistan and Iraq to invest in their border and neighbours down south


Seriously goy ?

We could easily pay to build a wall, stop all illegals on the border, and deport all non-whites.

Yes, this is our ultimate goal, so niggers, better relocate willingly now, to get all the good land in Liberia.

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He didn't even ask for that, he merely said that if the west destroys him then the gate to Europe will be wide open.
He was proven right

We'd be a lot whiter down south, that's for sure. Maybe California would have been a swing state. What I'm shocked is no US President before has suggested a border wall until recently, you'd think the Presidents of the past like Eisenhower would have built one, he even started Operation Wetback

Based beaners!

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>I want a Democrat president who embraces Iran deals and fills Israel with niggers.
Yea, vote in the party of open borders, mass illegal invasion, tolerance for faggots and other perverts, and who will STILL bow to their kike masters, regardless of the lip-service they're puking up to get idiots to vote for them.

Most of the kikes in political office are democrats. Bernie Sanders, for one.

And yet they're paying less than you burgerccks give Israel every year. Great win, burgers.

>most kikes are democrats, so vote for republican kikes instead

Fuck off, Jared.

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doesn't matter fake jew kike amalekite
soon all those laws you wrote will be
used against you. rome will backstab
you and there wont' be much you can
do but say "yes master".

Trump sucked their dick on Hannukah and bows down and kisses their ass in Israel, and immigration is flowing in more than ever. Went to the carnival the other day, and seen about 400 muslims in Colorado. He hasn't done a thing, let's not forget Obama pushed through the Iran deal and disrespected Israel on a regular basis. The orange cheeto is a worthless fag, he accomplishes nothing and is going to get indicted if he leaves office.

Attached: trump-stroke-golf-true-real.gif (502x638, 243K)

Because the wall is a tacit admission that manifest destiny is over and the dream of Jefferson of Americans(whites) conquering the continent entirely is dead.

Both parties are jewish controlled, retard. Just like Trump talks about the mexicans but doesn't say anything about the somalis or christian missionaries bringing nepalese.

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Manifest destiny is dead, we've manifested all we can. We don't need anymore land, just build the fucking wall, deport them all, and let us live in peace.

>not just making all of Mexico a wall

It's happening either fucking way, might as well flood the country while we still have a sizable white population to get pissed about it. What you're advocating for is boiling the frog slowly so we're almost gone when whites wake up.

More Republicans are whites.
Democrats depend on non-white votes, it's why they want to flood the country with shitskins.
They are working hand-in-hand with the kikes on that.

At least Republicans are 90% white. And we can choose more and more nationalist candidates, the Dems are avowed globalists.

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This. You understand far better than he ever could that Trump is just pacification placed there by the Rothschilds to run the clock out for white folks. Pacify them into a stupor, and slowly turn the heat up. It will be too late, Trump needs to go. We need angry whites right now, not 6 years from now.

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Trump gives them lip service, but allows Russia and Assad to destroy ISIS, the Jew's mercenary army.
He does nothing they want, when it comes to U.S. support, and they hate him for it.

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4D Chess. Get on his level

Maybe because they deemed that the US had a natural border, being the Rio Grande and the desert

> id


Start with $5B ..With a 1,954 mile long wall divide that by 5,280 ft that works out to be $485 per foot. With the scale of wall we are talking about and the amount of digging and union labor costs, does anyone think this number is extremely low ?

>When the mexican government cares more for proper immigration then Liberals who just want to jerk off their bleeding hearts
The mexicans can stay. The left needs to leave.

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You are such a pathetic defeatist faggot I think you might be a nigger

I'm not saying don't get mad. If you want to start protests in the streets of D.C., I'll support it, and even be there with you.
But voting for the very thing you hate indicates more support for what they're doing than they really have. If you support Democrats, the entire country will think that's a mandate for mass replacement of whites in the U.S., which the democrats openly support.

At least when we voted in Trump, it showed the world we were not happy with being genocided. He may have had no intention of stopping it, that remains to be seen, but he still carried the message, giving the white population a chance to see that they were not alone in their feelings about it.
And if you're going to burn down the federal building, and a bunch of mosques, you need as many people in your revolution as possible.

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Why the fuck would we want more spics you fucking idiot? Genocide isn't viable.

Only Texas has the Rio Grande, while the desert is a good defense, it's not enough and we do need more.

It's never been done because both (((parties))) benefit from illegals.

>trump will pay them 150,000,000,000 from the taxpayers pocket for making him look good
>mecico paid

Lmao. Pick one you useless fucks.

Genocide is always viable fuckstick, and nobody could fucking stop us.


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I have ciriticized Trump plenty over the months but this is just fucking great. Thank you Mr. President for this, I was worried that we'd never get some action against bean people but you found a way through diplomacy. You seem to be able to find ways to get what you want despite jewish hamstringing techniques. Thank you.

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Cartels are paying for it!

Important theory that needs to be in the minds of people to PREVENT it...
>the yellow vests riots will go global
They will co opt the Q user movement into it
>gullible boomers
They will be used as the protesting base in America
>you are seeing Q on French protesters
Organizers in Canada, UK and USA have been spotted trying to spark yellow vests here...

We must be aware THEY are masters of subversion!!! And turn brother against brother!

Even better

why not have both walls, faggot?


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