What do I cut out of my diet to lose fat? Should I only eat salads from now on or are there less extreme methods?
What do I cut out of my diet to lose fat? Should I only eat salads from now on or are there less extreme methods?
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There is no point doing any extreme methods if you can not keep them up in the long run, first try to replace sugar-drinks with water, and move from there
I've already cut out carbonated drinks out of my diet since the start of the year, would cutting out sweets/sugar be the next logical step?
Sure. Cut junk food and replace sweets with fruits you like. Also exercise
Yes. That's a great start. Cut out junk food and replace with healthier snacks. Just start walking. A little bit each day will make a difference.
>slowly cut out sugar
>only get sugar from fruits and yogurt
>slowly incorporate at least a healthy snack into your diet
>add a healthy meal to your diet
>intermittent fasting once you've added a salad to your diet
>start taking 15-20 minute walks outside while listening to music (ex: I'll go back inside after 4 songs)
>eventually recognize how important it is to stay in top physical shape not for the hwamen but for the health benefits and ease of life
First ensure that energy in < energy out, just count total calories. Eating the same amount (in calories) of healthy food won't make you lose fat.
Also work out so if you don't want to lose too much muscle
Then you can worry about macro: carbs, protein and fats
And then you can worry about micronutrients or whatever these things are called, you probably don't need to worry much about these. Actually you should lose fat by following just the first step.
>added sugar, any fruit juice, soda, cookie, bread, sauce that is sweetened. Cut it out. If that doesn't work> all processed foods.Things with tons of ingredients that you can't pronounce in them.If that doesn't work>Carbs. Cut out all carbs. What does that leave to ear? meats/protien, fats, and tons and tons of vegetables.
watch this video:
except diet , workout
an hour of walk will bring down around 500 calories
Less than half that, and only if going uphill a a very brisk pace...
tried they just REEEd me off the board and kept talking about roids
I remember they have some sticky. Did you read it? Not sure how good it is though.
What I did was start eating french fries, cookies, and slurpees. I've lost nearly 20lbs already.
Yeah, I've had them bookmarked for a while now, going to start following through with them
Jow Forums here
No way you got reeeeee'd off the board unless you didn't listen to a God damn thing that was told to you
Also there's a huge divide between natties and roiders. You must have went to /fraud/ general for advice.
Learn to count the calories you eat and adjust from there.
Remember, eating at a deficit sucks, but it's worth it when the weight is gone.
Cut out? That's not even necessary. All you need to do is change what constitutes the majority of your diet. Just make that healthy food, and you make sure that you eat your healthy food in a quantity that works for you, and is respective of your nutritional needs for the day before you even touch anything that doesn't contribute to that.
You can eat fucking doughnuts, cake, licorice, whatever the fuck. It does not matter. The thing is, you cannot survive on those things. They are secondary to real food.
This is the mistake people make.
You do something as simple as that, and I guarantee you will lose weight.
From there you can decide how much more the slight pleasure of food is worth to you than the eternal pain of shame and regret.
When you feel like having something ask yourself this: Am I hungry, or do I just want a little bit of this? Would this satiate me?
Count calories. It is great at first because being fat and moderately active means you need tons of calories to sustain moving your immense bulk. Unless you have learning difficulties you'll quickly realise that you can have like a whole chicken, enough brown rice to make you sick and two heads of broccoli, or like 5 doughnuts for dinner. If you are the kind of fatty who eats to feel stuffed and sick like some kind of emotional eater retard you'll soon start to pick the healthy options because you'll get more of it.
Eventually your calorie needs will drop with your weight, but by then you'll start to get motivated by progress and you'll do it to yourself. You'll also hopefully figure out a healthier relationship with food and understand why you eat like such a retard.
Basically use your food calories for foods which will fill you up and give your body nutrition. You can survive on almost anything, but you'll thrive on a good diet. You don't have to live on salads, you just have to keep within a calorie deficit, but life is a hell of a lot nicer if you can eat good food and do a little exercise, y'know balance.
Weight Watchers worked for me.
It's not a "diet" in the traditional sense, where you just starve yourself for a short period of time.
They teach you how to manage portions and change how you eat for a lifetime. I've kept the weight off for 8 years now. I'm pretty pleased with their program.
Look up the keto diet. You don't need to go on it, but learn its concepts, which are essentially the same ones as the paleo diet.
Basically, the important part is that people are fat, lethargic/tired, and depressed because they consume WAY too many carbs and WAY too much sugar. The solution: minimize carbs and sugary drinks. That means mostly meat, veggies, and non-sweet fruit.
I thought doing it would be hard because I grew up eating such a carb-heavy diet, but it isn't. Almost immediately I started feeling better and looking better, and now I associate those greasy, carby foods like pastries and pasta, with feeling like shit. I get excited for a good salad. This change literally happened over the span of about 2 weeks.
For convenience's sake, I don't go 100% - the shared space I'm in sort of makes me eat out a lot, so I'm fine eating the bread that's in a sandwich. But basically, the mentality should be getting the most substance for each calorie. The other rule I'm breaking is, I still drink fruit juices and smoothies - I never liked soda, so that's not an issue, but smoothies are just a really easy way to get important vitamins.
But yeah, less sugar, fewer carbs. Think about eating "clean."
Pretty sad that you need to pay people to tell you that an extra large pizza isn’t a single serving...