The jury is deliberating on what sentence to give to this guy. He faces a minimum of 136 years. He also still faces Federal Hate Crime charges in a separate trial.
He's Fucked
>136 years for an accident
>not a kangaroo court
Pick one. There are women who murder all their children in cold blood that get like 6 years in jail. This is ridiculous.
And if they find him guilty of the hate crime charges then he could get the death penalty. I think if I was him I would welcome death at this point.
>white-on-white murder
>hate crime
They are saying that he
>Willfully injured the victims because of their actual or perceived race, color, religion and national origin.
Maybe they'll throw him a bone and acquit him on the leaving the scene of an accident charge.
When will the sentencing be known?
I have an idea. Let's all pretend that pro white people can get fair trials in Jew Merica and keep getting our hopes up for a victory on appeal. When he loses that appeal, let's just go back to being obedient good goyim and never rock the boat again.
(Anons, you had better learn fast that (((somebody))) is building up your hopes to dash them on the rocks with this case and with most media on any topic that you see. It is all designed to get you to spend your energy doing irrelevant things so that you will be too tired to act when you figure out what you should have been doing.)
Or, you could, you know, go cause trouble for people that bring in Cheap Darkie Labor to your community while keeping their neighborhoods white. If you are going to be railroaded for self defense, you need to go on offense in a very hard way.
They are deliberating right now. My guess is that the jury will decide their sentence today. I'm not sure if the judge will set the sentence right away or if he does it a few days/weeks later.
Thanks. It's 2:00 AM here. I'm going to bed. I guess I'll find out when I wake up in the morning.
The judge has come back and said they have reached it. The sentence is coming out soon.
they will probably give him max sentence
he'll get a retrial after an appeal. judge was biased and refused to let him retain his own counsel.
Is the death sentence on the table?
>let's pretend
stop pretending and start making moves that fall in line with the playing field we are up against
simply apply strategic thought
Not for these charges. He does face the death penalty in the Federal trial.
only shills believe he is guilty of murder
Jury recommends life with a $100,000 fine for the murder of Heather Heyer.
You gotta know when you fight back to go big, because your life is over. 1 confirmed kill ain’t nearly enough.
Holy shit, 70 years
The jury recommends sentences of 20 years and fines of $10,000 for each of the three charges of malicious wounding.
they might want to arrest the right guy first.
Many children in this thread,
America is not a country founded on Monarchism, like the rest of us Europeans, but intead on Libertarian Ideals
For he to get a charge over free speech is no american ideal, but instead a Foreign one
It seems globalism which the americans pushed so hard gave them a bite in the ass
9 fucking years for leaving accident scene
The jury recommends sentences of 70 years and fines of $70,000 for each of the 5 charges of aggravated malicious wounding.
>It was someone he never met
>Car braked before hitting
What did the JEWdicial system mean by this?
The jury recommends a sentence of 9 years for the charge of leaving the scene of an accident.
A state of emergency was declared two hours beforehand. Police should have already dispersed the crowds and prevented them from blocking off public roadways.
City officials and local law enforcement need to be brought up on charges.
They facilitated this incident. The entire ordeal seems like it was one big setup. They wanted something like this to happen.
Agree. I said before if they locked us all up we'd be numerous enough to overthrow the prisons anyway.
>all these fines
he couldn't even get a lawyer I don't know how they expect to get paid
>stay at the scene
>get killed by communists during a state of emergency
It really made my day when I read last week that the crowd was "singing and laughing". Was I watching the same livestream?
Prison labor I guess. He'll hang himself. I would.
Good, lock him up.
As a crowd of tolerant and peaceful civil rights leaders held hands and skipped down the road no less.
he actually had a lawyer but they refused to let him use him, and he was assigned a different one as a result. surprise surprise, the new lawyer tried to get him to plead guilty and ask for leniency.
>do I go north towards Jefferson Street like all the other cars are going
>or do I go south into this narrow road that's blocked by two parked cars and 75 antifa
He sent memes to his mother about him jokingly running over the counter protestors. On a seperate occasion, his mother texted him to be careful and replied back "we're not the one who should be careful" and then sent her a photo of Hitler.
>It was someone he never met
>Car braked before hitting
It only happened once and for a split second, and it was only because he was trying to better maneuver driving down a hill. The nazis are telling half truths and conflating this fact by making it seem like he was actually trying to slow down to avoid hitting the crowd. Fields never showed this intention.
You're full of it, faggot
Intent was able to be proven with James Fields but not with Eric Clanton who bought bike locks and has a record of messages online talking about using them to bash people heads in.
That's why I never send memes to my mother. Thousands of boomers on facebook are guilty of posting the same meme though.
I haven't been on Jow Forums for a while can I please get a rundown
I can smell your shitshattered ass behind seven proxies faggot
thousands of boomers didn't ram into a crowd afterwards
Remember that in Jacob Goodwin's case the courts determined that premeditation can occur in less than a second. It was fucking heartbreaking listening to his mom on last weeks episode of Stormfront Radio.
A rundown is the problem here.
it was last year the guy ran into the crowd
>The jury recommends a sentence of 9 years for the charge of leaving the scene of an accident.
You can do that. You just can't ram your challenger into a crowd on clear day. Obviously.
Not an argument.
Life for this cocksucker. See Ya
You can see Heather Heyer's fat ass getting wrecked right under the guy with the tramp stamp.
truly he was going at a snails pace
He'll get off on appeal. The refusal of the request to change venue by itself is grounds for mistrial.
If he does get fucked, that just makes him our Horst Wessel. We will be able to ride on the obvious injustice of this trial for fucking years.
Game over. Have fun getting railed in the booty by Demarcus
Ultimately, yes. Like said he has to face a separate trial first and the jury there has to recommend the penalty first.
Theoretically, he could be hit with serving his 136 years prior to being executed.
he's a CIA spook
meant to make us look bad
another step in the plan to label people like us violent extreme right wing terrorists
then they will crack the whip and black bag/kill us all
or, at least they will try
Reminder DRUMPF and sessions both called him a terrorist
A coward dies a thousand deaths.
In all, the jury has recommended that Fields serve one life sentence and 419 years in prison. They also recommended fines totaling $510,000.
Reminder that this can happen to anyone and is the reason I'm $600 less richer every month due to my lawyers retainer fees. You cant buy freedom, but you can pay your Jewish lawyer on time on the 1st.
>It was fucking heartbreaking listening to his mom on last weeks episode of Stormfront Radio.
I don't listen to storm front radio. I'm a liberal. And I feel terrible for the mother. To have worked all your adult life for your son. All that time and money so he can get the tools he needs to be a well adjusted adult, and he turns out to be a nazi.
>Eric Clanton willingly goes to a protest to deliberately harm another person, does it with a weapon
>nothing happens
>le ebil nazi gets caught in violent mob, escapes and knocks over a fat woman while escaping
>life, goy!
Truly interesting times. You guys see the latest nigger collision game? I hope my favorite team of niggers signs bigger niggers this year, I wanna wear a shirt featuring the logo of the corporation that trained the biggest niggers and won the nigger collision bowl!
he had an instagram post about running protesters over
Look at the amount of distance that was between him and the crowd when he chose to speed into it. You can sympathise with this guy all you want but trying to say that he didn't do it on purpose is laughable.
They will absolutely bury this poor kid. BURY HIM. He will never see another day of freedom, ever. People celebrated when this kid was charged with first-degree murder, because they thought there was no way he'd ever be found guilty of that. That he was basically being given a pass. Well guess fucking what. He was found guilty, and they are absolutely going to bury him.
Why? Because the goddamn left is escalating their violence, pushing the boundaries, and every time, EVERY. FUCKING. TIME., the violence of the left is brought up in our news, this is their argument:
>Both sides are to blame. CHARLOTTESVILLE
Now they can say a far right Nazi was found guilty of murder, and they will keep in a cage for the rest of his natural life, so that they can parade around their sacred "example" of a violent right winger.
Holy bait batman
Kangaroo court. Not even a glimpse of justice was present there. Field did so called fourth degree murder as most.
Fucking terrorist and all those who support him. These fuckers is why the right is so shitty.
he murdered someone intentionally and braked only for half a second.
Judge Moore has accepted the jury's verdicts, but will not impose a sentence yet. A sentencing hearing will be held on March 19 at 9:30 a.m.
You pay a retainer every single month?
Damn dude is your lawyer mossad?
Let’s see if Trump pardons him.
Hes been given life plus 419 years. just announced 6 mins ago
If violence escalates then when the right matches the left, the right will edge out a victory. The story is clear: institutions will never support anything but lockstep leftism. It's a kinder fascism, not enforced in the streets by brown shirts but by brown skins. Very interesting times indeed.
>136 years minimum
these people are faggots
Not enough.
Jeffrey fuckin Dahmer got 999 years (literally) and this dude got life plus 419, really makes you think
The jury recommended Life plus 419 years.
I cover my ass as much as I can. I had a great meeting with my local law enforcement in the event some fucker decides he's funny and wants to swat me. They have my number.
This is all fine and blackpilling but when people see that leftists get off Scott Free people will start (((noticing things))) more and more.
The normies are not interested in politics but politics is interested in them. They will be forced to pick a side eventually and evidence of kangaroo courts like this will work in our favour.
I'm dumb so forgive me, but why plus 419 years? Isn't he going to serve life sentence anyways?
The judge and prosecutors deserve to die
Just to make sure that there is absolutely no chance of them ever getting out.
life usually means 20 or so years, not literally a ''life sentence'' and i spose the 419 years is so he has no eligibility for parole
>419 years
Basically go outside and kill some random dude, and still you'll get lesser sentence. What a joke court.
You have no idea what life is like in our country.
They should have went the whole hog and given him 12,000 years or something, REALLY show those goyim not to fuck with them
nazis don't have it rough in prison, lol
the Aryan Brotherhood runs the fucking prison system
no one fucks with nazis inside
it's the fags and punks, ANTIFA types, that are trapped in a living nightmare behind bars
ironically it's the nigger lovers who get the worst treatment at the hands of blacks
no one wants to fuck, with a nazi because they will get a shiv stuck in their fucking throat
That unfuckable fat ass had a heart attack. She was blocking roads and pounding on cars. I'm glad she's dead.
No. Most "normies" have no idea who this kid is. They have an idea of what Charlottesville is, and that's about it. So, let me tell you what is going to happen. The media is going to make VERY SURE the "normies" know who this kid is. They're going to turn this kid into the next Manson. He will be their little "Nazi" in a cage for them to force into the headlines from time to time. Lots of headlines about, "Inside the Head of an Alt Right Murderer" and shit like that. The only thing that is going to save this kid from a lifetime of being shamed and slandered is if somebody shanks him in prison.
That's a one-way street you dumb puertorican shill.
He entered his address into google maps 3 minutes before the crash. He was presented with two routes - one that would force him to make an illegal u-turn and put him back in the same area as Dwayne Dixon, the guy that just threatened him at gun point, and another that was blocked off. He had nowhere else to go.
It's not black pilling, there was never anything on the line for us here in Europe. I feel sorry for the Americans, they will be the absolute last to seriously rebel against globalism, if ever.
people have gotten probation for murder
How could he leave the scene of an accident if he "intended to do it"?
He's innocent of everything and should have been cleared on the grounds of self defense
We all need to pitch in to support our political prisoners. Everyone needs to be praying for our Dreamers involved with this incident.
If you want to help out Jacob Goodwin and his parents, you can find all the information here