Boyfriend has very little interest in sex nowadays. If I'm lucky, it happens once a week, but more often than not it's around once a fortnight.
I've tried talking to him about it, I've tried not making it a thing and just trying to encourage sex, I've made offers of wearing and doing whatever he wants, but he just has absolutely no interest. Just this evening, I asked him if we could have sex tonight because I was really desperate for him to fuck me, and he just ignored me. Not even a "no",
We've been together just over two and a half years, and this has been an increasing issue over the past year. I've heard all the excuses going and I'm just tired of the constant rejection. If I try to bring it up, it's incredibly awkward and he finds a way to deflect the issue or ignore it entirely.
Other than the enormous issue of sex (or lack there of) things are really good. He's my best friend, I can talk to him about anything, I love being around him and I could have seen myself spending the rest of my life with him. It's what makes the situation that much worse - imagine feeling completely unattractive and unwanted by the one person you want to find you attractive.
Enough moaning from me. Level with me Jow Forums, this is one of those situations where I have to make a tough decision, right? Has anybody else dealt with an enormous drop in libido from a long term partner?