I want to fuck someone with no commitment. I'm fat, virgin and 19

I want to fuck someone with no commitment. I'm fat, virgin and 19.

How do I do it? Do I go to tinder and swipe on average chubbier girls? On ones who wouldn't mind that I'm slightly overweight? I'm told I'm not ugly.


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hooker, condom

No money mate. I would already go.

There's also the problem that said woman/girl I'd sleep with would laugh at my body and that makes me sad and kind of hinders my desire to have sex with someone

desu it seems very difficult to fuck someone with no commitment even if you're tall, fit, and well off (and they aren't fat)

this is mislead don't trust this poster

plus he talks like a weeb

borrow the money bro it's worth it

Fuck some desperate landwhale or go to a whore.Altho be aware that even fat chicks have plenty of fit guy begging to fuck them so you being fat will be a turn off for them

this poster is also misleading and discrediting be aware bro. just borrow the money

what is misleading about what I said?

you're a fat girl and terrible in giving advice

the only one that sounds like an autist itt is you

Not even that dude, but it's true. Even landwhales have orbiters, it's the sad state of our world right now.

I’m not an orbiter but nice try

I'm not calling anyone here an orbiter. said that even landwhales have orbiters begging to fuck them and i'm agreeing with what they said.

People say you talk shit and I'll believe them

What if I manage to just have some one night stand?

I think I'll try my luck and not go to a whore for now.

I've installed tinder. I have no profile yet since I don't know what to put in it. Plus I don't have many nice photos of myself.

Would anyone like to help me?


Fucking bullshit, loser. I'm slightly chubby, average and not very good looking. It just takes having a personality and having your shit together.

Also, I'm the same as you, age and everything. Tinder isnt what it used to be, but it's a start. Dress well, try to do interesting things beyond watching anime, have hobbies that aren't going to scare off a self-respecting girl, etc. Set up dates with as many chubby girls as you can afford. The first two or three might not go well, but you'll get the hang of socialization.

Thanks. Unironically I don't watch anime or other weeb shit, I enjoy working out and I try to train boxing regularly.

I used to play guitar and I can still do so, but depression or something else has basically destroyed any fun I had in life.

I'm just bored all the time and I waste my life away.

>Thanks. Unironically I don't watch anime or other weeb shit, I enjoy working out and I try to train boxing regularly.
Nice! You're a lot farther along than me, then. Girls would probably love a photo of you boxing on your Tinder profile, if it isn't too cheesy.

>I used to play guitar and I can still do so, but depression or something else has basically destroyed any fun I had in life.
Another thing girls will love.

>I'm just bored all the time and I waste my life away.
Same, brother, same.

Do you like anime? Are you good with your words? Go to an anime convention. That's how I got laid in high school.

I was supposed to fight my first amateur fight this may but I had my final exams at the same time.

I'm sure that the way I look a boxing photo would be too cheesy.

I have a really nice photo of me with a guitar and I think I'll put it on my tinder when I'll make a profile. The app's waiting for me patiently on my phone.

The only asian shit I like is the Hondas and Toyotas and food.

>Do you like anime? Are you good with your words? Go to an anime convention. That's how I got laid in high school.
I hated weeb shit, honestly, but I learned Japanese because my Dad worked for Disney there when I was a kid. We moved back when I was 16, I went to an anime convention with a friend who thought it'd be funny to have me walk around speaking Japanese in his dad's biker jacket, and BAM! poon.

All the girls were over 18; it was heaven to a kid used to starfish in Japan that wouldn't sleep with you unless you spent your paycheck on them for a few weeks in a row.

OP here. I'm the boxing fag, not the disney father fag, just to clarify.

I thought I might also add that I'm also slowly getting more and more tired of video games as well. That can kind of say what situation a former video game addict is in.



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there's nothing wrong with you, you stupid normie

also don't go to a hooker it will fuck you up mentally

Mental problems mate. Shit even I didn't know I had until a few years ago. In this photo I'm wearing a huge hoodie and sweatpants, though


Throw something goofy in your bio.

I put: Girls have makeup, thot filters, and ridiculous angles I still swipe right on. I'm just here like: Sometimes I'm funny.

I thought of putting bio like in pic rel but I'm near Germany and it's a german quote about how jews are the devil

I honestly don't feel like putting goofy shit since I'm forever sadboy you know

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I've been on this site and mostly swiping left on most of these thots. I look for average bitches who look like the type to fuck.
How many should I swipe daily left or right? I heard tinder fucks you up if you swipe too much, but can someone explain that to me in detail please?


I have swiped left or right on all the women in the criteria that I've given. What now?

No matches, but it was literally 4am when I did it. It's 6am now.

Right so it shows that someone liked me but it says I need tinder plus or gold or whatever to see who
This is a scam to fool me into buying that shit yeah?

>Laments how far people shouldn't be chased, implores op to chase far chicks

bump. I've got two matches, but both live 90km from me and I can't be arsed to drive that far. What can I say and what do I do?

>put something memorable in your bio so you stick out
>haha yeah i was thinking of doing that like this quote from hilter
What the hell is wrong with you dude

I stopped giving a fuck about bullshit a long time ago. Besides, you know how nice the quote sounds when read out loud?

Do tinder and swipe right on all. Also get the pro version, you'll get unlimited swipes, likes and more matches. If you're just looking to get laid lower your standards to the dirt.

I am looking just to get laid. I swiped every single chick in a 50km vincinity. I have 2 matches now but both live 90km away. One is an art hoe and really cute desu

I won't pay for premium mate

>Tinder isnt what it used to be, but it's a star
what the fuck happened to tinder

I used to meet really hot women off of there, I even fucked a few

Now I can hardly manage to get anything off of there. wtf.

OP here.
Got three matches.

Didn't reply to any. Two live 90km away, one of them is cute art hoe. Second is some average girl.

Third is some shut in type. Lives 60km from me. Living in a small city sucks dick.
What do I type? What do?

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Bullshit, my biggest problem is that I can't find anyone who DOES want commitment.

I've literally never dated a girl who didn't want no strings attached "lol I'm so independent and stronk but I need to suck cock to feel validated" hookups and it's fucking depressing.

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OP here, so I have these three matches. What the fuck do I write?

Help me ffs please I beg you