In which cases you think it's reasonable when your partner raise his voice on you...

In which cases you think it's reasonable when your partner raise his voice on you? I feel like my bf can easily get angry from very small things.
For example,
>playing ow quickplay together
>he picks torb
>we talk through the game, nothing special
>I playfully say 'gib armour' and stand in front of him
>he then suddenly yells STAND BACK I CAN'T PLACE MY TURRET

Idk, it's always suddenly and when I expect joyfull tee-hee situation, he just yells and then he claims that he's not yelling. And when I told him that it frightened me and he could react in different way (like saying normal words) he says that I can act in different way without breaking his game experience. I told him I don't enjoy playing coop games with him since he's always raging.

Is it me overreacting? Or am I right for thinking that he's too aggressive?

Attached: TorbjörnUltimate.jpg (1920x1200, 266K)

you should suck his weiner when he's playing not disturbing him

I mean, if he just said 'I can't place my turret, step back a little' I would totally understand and it wouldn't be an emotional mess

You must like him very much, sounds like a dick, how long the relationship? Things will get worse with your manchildren

1,5 years

It's better when we see each other irl, at least, I can predict what's wrong and take the heat off or kiss him or smth like that. I know that he will never touch me, like beating or smth like that, it's just his temper and sudden anger which I can't get used to. But with online games I totally can't stay calm when he frightens me like that.

>play an objective based team game
>sacrifice objective for teehee attentionwhoring
>get mad at receiving a curt response to play properly

you dont deserve special attention if your gonna do something with you SO then do it properly or else it just shows as a false interest you use to get more attention

Because niceity goes out the window in the heat of the moment in a competitive game (I know you weren't play comp, but you're still playing to win)

Ignore it's just a game, if everything else is fine then that's just how us guys get in competition. If there were any other symptoms then we might be onto something.

perhaps you consistently are just a disturbance while you both play and have ground down his patience to say things politely because you dont learn that it bothers him

You're dating a game rager and he's tired of your shit. A lot of guys are sick of you females' shit. Straighten up.

Sounds like he has anger issues. Take a step back and realize that your partner is screaming at you over a video game. It seems as though he has very poor over his emotions. Correct me if I'm wrong but being quick to anger isn't the only area of his life in which he is extremely childish, is it? Understand that his childish behavior will only get worse. If this is something that bothers you then either make the choice to deal with it and stay with him or decide that you can't deal with it and leave. Either way, this is who he is. Don't stick around and expect him to change because he won't. Honestly, you probably have some serious self-esteem issues if you feel like you can't do better than some childish sperg who screams at you over video games.
Extreme autism alert.

Its amazing how much dudes on this board are willing to twists things in order to make everything a woman's fault.

he is being a faggot and you are being a whore for playing overwatch go kill yourselves fags

he is being a faggot and you are being a whore for playing overwatch go kill yourselves fags cus women dont act jewish and fuck shit up and try to make males die off ? what are you ? a women defence fag

>you are being a whore for playing overwatch
fucking kek
>cus women dont act jewish and fuck shit up and try to make males die off ? what are you ? a women defence fag
I have to meet you

Youtube "incel" and you'll probably get a pretty good idea into what user is all about

Well, it doesn't seem like he was disturbed earlier throught the game, noone was at the point so I did it. That's why it was suddenly for me. The thing is he doesn't say 'politely at first' and claims that he's raising his voice at me is absolutely deserved.
I play comp everyday so I've met game ragers believe me.
He kinda reacts like that to other minor things too, like leaving charger in socket (I do fuck up sometimes, I admit). Well, maybe less often as soon as our relationship developed.

Your boyfriend is an emotional child. That is who he is. Either accept the behavior or break up and find an adult to date.

I believe that there are moments when screaming at your partner is acceptable, for example when you catch them cheating. This is not one of those acceptable moments. Since he's a retard who won't accept your explanation, I recommend screaming at him back so that he gets a taste of his own medicine. I bet that he only screams at you because he knows that you are nice and will let him walk all over you. Show him that you can stand up for yourself, too.

me Hmmm, well you said he doesn't snap at stuff like that anymore, but the fact that you brought it up might be leading into something. Since I (and most on this board) am I gamer I can understand getting caught up in the heat of the moment and snapping. It takes incredible self-awareness to control that, not something most people have. I'd still chalk this up to just being in the heat of the moment, but keep an eye out for other things of this nature.

This is absolutely terrible advice. There is never a situation in which screaming at your partner is an acceptable form of communication however, in the context of human emotion, it is often a common response to extreme stress. "Acceptable" is not the word I would use. Additionally, the solution to dysfunctional behavior is not to mirror the behavior right back at the person. That's absolutely ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous to stand up for yourself and when nothing else works, you fight fire with fire. The goal here is to let him realize what it feels like and hopefully stop his behavior. If it doesn't work, she should leave him.

>It's not ridiculous to stand up for yourself and when nothing else works, you fight fire with fire
When a small child screams and you and throws a temper tantrum you don't scream back and throw a temper tantrum. When someone is doing something wrong you don't fix it by doing something wrong right back. That's idiotic. I don't know how you thought in your mind that would yield positive results.

What pattern of dealing with it you would advise? It seems when I talk to him about it he inverts my words to me. When I say that he's being aggressive, he says I'm being too spoiled.

I'm also tend to cry in stressful situations so it frightens me when someone make sudden loud noise towards me.

>What pattern of dealing with it you would advise?
I don't suggest any pattern of dealing with it. You've attempted to talk to him about his behavior and his only response is to get defensive and somehow twist it to make his shitty behavior your fault. The guy is an absolute, childish moron. This is the fact that you need to look at and accept. He acts like a little kid when something frustrates him and he doesn't get his way and he refuses to take any responsibility for his shitty behavior.

Now, you have two choices. This is the person he is. He isn't going to change. There is no secret move or technique you can use to make him a different person. You can either accept that this is who he is and stick around in this relationship or you can cut your losses and leave. That's it. I imagine that you have some serious self-esteem issues because normal, well-adjusted people who have a healthy sense of dignity don't subject themselves to this kind of treatment, user. What you're doing is pretty dysfunctional. The point is that you need to stop deluding yourself into thinking that eventually he's going to stop or eventually he'll change. He won't. Every time he does something like this to you you need to remind yourself that the only reason he's doing it is because he knows he can get away with it and because you have made the choice to stay around and subject yourself to this. Its not a coincidence that you're an incredibly frightful, timid girl and he's an angry, overbearing asshole. He probably specifically chose you for that reason because a normal girl would've told him to go fuck himself and left a long time ago. Get some therapy, OP. You really need it.