Will getting Jow Forums attract women...

Will getting Jow Forums attract women? I'm sick of being a beta numale cuck-cel orbiter and actually want to make a change. People from my social circle reccomend to me the black-pill and look down upon self-improvement but I disagree with that premise. I don't want to get mogged by chads and brads while stacies and beckies giggle off to the side anymore. I'm a hopeless jawlet with social anxiety and lack of confidence about my virginity & social situations. If I could get a femoid to like me it would turn my life around, but those fucking whores and sluts (aka all femoids) only like Jow Forums people so this is my only option.

Quick question first, is there a fast & easy way to go about doing this? I'm not too interested in the working/eating good aspect. I just need the results. Might look into roids.

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> I'm not too interested in the working/eating good aspect. I just need the results.

As a fellow incel let me tell you, you're gonna fail if you enter with this mindset. Also getting Jow Forums will not help if your face is absolutely fucked.

lol you had me going until femoids

go home robot, you wont make it, come back when you want to be better

typical of gymcels. Why don't you fucking help me instead of being asshats? You're no better than the society that has consumed you

I know this is bait, but for people like this. cut out people telling you about "blackpill" shit. decondition yourself of all this alpha/beta cuck cel shit. its literally 100% made up. fix your views on women and stop being adverse to hard work

then you can have a healthy social life

As an incel you should know better than to expect quick fixes. Getting Jow Forums takes time and effort. Or just roid. /fraud/ is always up.

Read the rules faggot.

Lmao k. This is clearly deceit in order to remove one more competing male from the gene pool. You've been programmed to do this since man ever walked the earth. As I said, typical
I'll check that out, thanks. Watch it with the way you talk to me though.

if you're an incel the first thing you should do is introspection, not the gym.
Nobody owes you shit, you just fail to be an interesting or attractive person in any aspect.

all normal people have sex. how is telling you to behave like a normal person going to remove you from the gene pool??

Fucking hell fuck off to whatever containment subboard you came from I don't deserve or need this


Fucking mods moved my thread. I'm fucking done with this shithole fuck you cunts

I've seen nerdy (the type who are insecure so they are annoying for attention and say a lot of bullshit) who get fit will get a fit girlfriend. However, that is literally all they get. They have these extremely boring relationships were they just sort of sit there doing nothing.


Won't help one bit, but you'll stop giving a shit after about a year

Also taking roids right at the start is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Do some fucking research dipshit. Roids won't make you gain 100lbs in a day. Roids only make you big if you're already big, AND IF YOUR DIET IS ON FUCKING POINT. STOP BEING A PUSSY, EAT, AND GO SQUAT SOME HEAVY ASS FUCKING WEIGHTS

You're going to be a hopeless beta until you fucking stop with all this alpha/beta/brad/stacy bullshit, loser.

Fuck off

Don't quote me you omega trash


How many layers of mental illness are you on right now, my man?

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I can't speak for getting Jow Forums but I lost a lot of weight and that helped me gain the confidence I needed to talk to women. Ask yourself if getting fit will improve your confidence.

Imagine being such a loser lmao

Good on you for not taking the black pill do self improvement and remember that confidence is literally 99% of this.

Major cope, your fate was sealed in the womb buddy boyo. Your only options are LDAR or to visit Gandy srs (not srs (srs))

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Sex/love will not fix your social anxiety, it'll just give you more shit to worry about. Instead of worrying about looking stupid, you'll worry about your performance in bed. Instead of worrying about calling someone the wrong name, you'll be worrying that she's cheating every time you're apart. Instead of beating yourself up for being a loser, you'll beat yourself up AND wonder what this girl is even doing with a lameshit like you. On top of it all, you'll be upset because you did what you felt you were "supposed to" and it did nothing to help you. I'm speaking from experience here. A relationship just gave my problems more fuel to feed on, and when that relationship ended because of my untreated issues, it was so much worse than it had ever been.

You need to get to the root of your problems instead of trying to cover them up. By all means get in better shape, but do it because it's healthy, not for girls.

When I was a teen I thought getting Jow Forums would help and coming from someone who has been training for 7 years..it doesn't. What it did teach me though was discipline which carried over into other areas of life which created success and then the women followed.

I don't think you have to be Jow Forums but the discipline it teaches you is valuable and when you finally get a girl she will appreciate your body.