Age difference

I'm a 22 yo slightly retarded femanon who accidentally is starting to fall for a 16yo boy because we have scarily a lot in common.

How wrong is it to proceed?
Should I just kms or could this be something?

Am I predatory pedo yet?

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Wrong, date guys closer to your age. A 16 yo kid is not a suitable partner to a 22 yo woman.

Details. How do you know this kid? Are you forced to have contact with this kid, like you're his teacher or something?

Ideally, you break all contact today and get yourself in to see a therapist, even if it's only a few sessions to get some questions answered.

I tried, I even installed Tinder but for some reason it's either scary or just flat out boring. No idea why, maybe I got stuck mentally around that age myself. I can't even think of myself being an adult and feel like I shouldn't be able to pay for my apartment and so on.

No, we met on a music related forum and we both make stuff and have difficulty relating to others.

Nah, you're a woman it's fine.

I don't care about your excuses. It's morally wrong and you should stay away from him because there is obviously something wrong with you if you lust after teens while being an adult yourself. He deserves to have a gf his age, not some fucked up 22 yo hebephile.

The age difference is too much at this stage.

If you were 30 and he were 24, I'd say go for it- but there is a much bigger difference between 16 and 22.

If any dude itt is implying they wouldn't have jumped at this opportunity at 16 idek man

I'm aware, but I feel like I'm supposed to be the responsible here and should keep in check, but I can barely keep my emotions in check at all and I have no idea how wrong this is or if it's kind of romantic even? Or if it matters at all ? Send help

it's not romantic, it's wrong. Fuck off and leave the kid alone

The only ones who will be agreeing with you are pedos.

If you REALLY like/love him, wait until he's 18. If you're pedo you won't agree to this. I've been in a relationship for 3 years without sex, so yes, this is possible

All these idiots acting like there wasn't a mainstream shitty movie with a quote of two girls saying to a main character who accepted or almost accepted "put is both together and we're [some number noticeably less than 36]"
Teens aren't children, but its not worth it OP. The risks are just too high. If you really are patient enough you COULD wait until he was 18 but that's a long time.

Where do you live? It'll be legal in some states/countries.

Whether its moral is another story. When I 16 I made a terrible decision w/ a 22 yr old girl, ironically enough, that I regretted for years.

It's legal, so that's not the issue. Looking for input on the ethical/moral side.

Can you elaborate on the relationship? Did it work out somehow before the fuckup? Would you say that you back then were mature enough and on the same level?

>Can you elaborate on the relationship?
It sounds like it was pretty different. Quite casual. My two brother and their friend took me camping. Friend had invited four girls working at a conservative religious girls camp. Three girls were athletic and attractive, their friend was very kind and friendly, but probably three times my weight and as tall (5'11). The others ended up pairing up over the weeklong trip, her and I sort of hit it off and were friendly, I grew to like her, she was a little pushy about things, and one thing led to another one of the last nights.

She wanted to remain a virgin, had brought an enema thingy with her, and had a jar of coconut oil for lube, so... it was up the tailpipe (She came prepared, mein gott.)

The whole thing combined actually dissuaded me from girls for some years.

>Did it work out somehow before the fuckup?
Well, it just a general friendship previously. Quite normal. She friended me on Facebook, but after our night together and her leaving, she cut off contact, which I didn't object to. It all felt very unnatural.

>Would you say that you back then were mature enough and on the same level?
That's hard; it depends on both people. I would say I was mature enough, and honestly, she was pretty immature in a lot of ways. She was an adult, though, and had a set of adult experiences; it was hard to relate to financial or job problems.

Also, being 16, all I could think with was my dick, and those hormones completely clouded my judgment. I felt pretty disgusted with myself afterwards because of such.

It's certainly different in a lot of ways. I will say, boys can't think objectively at that age. We did our thing that night, I disgusting, she slept in my tent because hers now smelled of coconut and ass, then I did the same thing in the morning because, once again, I could only think with my dick.

I actually was a 16 yr old boy that frequently flirted with a 22 yr old

back then things weren't as uptight
oh god im old

anyway nowadays you'll be crucified, I don't really agree with it but you will

Give the boy something to brag about

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Interesting and somehow scary. Actual thanks for the input

How is it wrong? My grandpa met my grandma when he was 15 and she was 22. He did manual labor for her father and helped him expand his farm for greater profit. They’ve been together for 73 years.

>an adult person seducing a minor is a-ok
Neck yourself

Np! It does seem creepy looking back. My grandfather was six years older than Grandma, and that was normal. I think a lot of it is a maturity change.

>I can’t give an actual reason why it’s “wrong” except it’s illegal

Weed & torrenting is illegal too by the way

been there, done that, that's a no

>She wanted to remain a virgin, had brought an enema thingy with her, and had a jar of coconut oil for lube, so... it was up the tailpipe
Fucking christcucks

>I can't even think of myself being an adult and feel like I shouldn't be able to pay for my apartment and so on.
Regressing on adult responsibilities by getting with a teenager is not a very sustainable choice.
If anything, you might speed up the 16yo's life experience gain, but you will be retarding your own life experience by getting with someone who has only just now hit an age where you can earn foundational responsibilities such as a driver's license or a part time job.

Even though you'd never go to prison for it because >woman it's still rape if he's under 18.

>age of consent is 16

Check your laws carefully. Most places where the age of consent is under 18 it is still considered rape for a person over 18 to be having sex with them. Age of consent laws were made so 16 year olds could fuck, not so creepy old women could fuck 16 year olds.

Also, if you have that much in common with a 16 year old you might be a literal child and should get that checked out by a medical professional.

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Don't do it op. The age difference is too much, at 16 you are still a child. There are plenty of retarded 22-year-olds out there.

Always heard that half your age plus 7 is a good bottom number.

Female here. Hey if it’s legal, consider it but go slow. You may find out the gap doesn’t work. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

No, it's wrong kys

Give the guy his mommy dream

Have you posted this before? Im pretty sure I remember you. Has the relationship progressed any?

There is differently a power difference with you being 22 and him being 16.
Depending on how you act around him you could be a predatory pedo but you aren't one solely because of the age difference.
If you do pursue it, go slow as fuck. You could easily mess that boy up.

fuck him

morality is subjective

Go ahead lmao. Don't do anything stupid though like send nudes or something. At that age a couple years back everyone would share everything. It seems a bit off putting cause you're going a bit too low but that's not anyone elses business, to each their own.

I was in the same situation but 24, girl had a crush on me, one day went to her place and she kept trying to take my clothes off, I told her “let’s wait”. She called me frigid and eventually I had sex with her to please her.

I felt extremely guilty and really liked her, fucked with my head. Eventually she I told her “stop getting high etc” scolding her, told me “sound like my dad, such a turn off etc”.

I’m the end we never spoke again but I did txt her happy new year and apologised. This was last year but I still feel really guilty about the whole situation.

My advice is just leave the 16 year old alone, you’ll get feelings/conscious mixed up and it’ll explode in your face...

>Morally wrong
But is it permissible? Things can be morally wrong and still allowed. Obviously it's not permitted by our current society (speaking as US citizen), but that's entirely subjective.

>What my country defines as a minor is universal
Dumb dumb

In this case it's not subjectively wrong, it's objectively wrong because OP will use her influence to manipulate a younger guy. She is older and more mature, so she should be the protector, not the predator. She wants to use this guy's naivety and pussy thirst to form a relationship with him, but what this guy is most likely not aware of, is that she is dangerously immature and probably mentally fucked up, because normal 22 yo chicks don't even look twice at 16 yo guys. Mentally unstable people who refuse to act their age and would rather regress than grow up and mature are NOT good partners. She can fuck him up psychologically for life and its almost given that she will be a horrible toxic partner. And assuming that this guys first try at a relationship would be with a mentally challenged older woman who has some worrying hebephilic tendencies, you can make an educated guess that it will fuck his perception of what a healthy relationship is and such.

this is hot ass fuck, will lurk

>implying op isn't some retarded planet who can't get laid with a guy her age and has to prey on underages

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No it's not you retard.

Female sexuality is a fucking joke

A male 16 year old has higher neurological development than a 22 year old woman

Why would a 22 year old guy fuck a 22 year old chick when he get a fresh tight teenager?

They're literally in high school. Think about that. You have to wait for them to get out of school to do anything. If you're into that, yeah, predatory pedo.

I think it's alright if you have a romantic relationship him.
> It's morally wrong
Explain why you think this
That is a legal term that has different definitions in different countries. OP's friend is above the age of consent where they live. And you haven't actually explained why it was wrong.

>it's still rape if he's under 18.
It would not be, read the thread

>OP will use her influence to manipulate a younger guy.
What makes you say this?
>She is older and more mature
Why do you think she is more mature? How do you measure maturity? Why would a difference in maturity be wrong?
>She wants to use this guy's naivety and pussy thirst to form a relationship with him,
How do you know this? Where has OP stated that?
>probably mentally fucked up, because normal 22 yo chicks don't even look twice at 16 yo guys
Why do you think that a supposed deviation from the norm is always a sign of mental illness?
>Mentally unstable people who refuse to act their age and would rather regress than grow up and mature are NOT good partners
How do you determine what age someone is acting?
>She can fuck him up psychologically for life and its almost given that she will be a horrible toxic partner
What makes you say that?

I was 16 when i had my first girlfriend and she was 22 at the time as well... She completely mind fucked me, she was a terrible person, i learned a lot about relationships and women from it.

But the thing is he might not be as smart as me but you also might not be as terrible/horrible as she was. I would say go for it. Spend some time together see how you get along. I'd suggest waiting 3 months before you do anything sexual but at that point do w/e you want.

There is a lot to consider about this situation like what do you want out of a relationship and what does he want? He is young and impressionable no matter how intelligent and mentally independent he is so do your best to not completely destroy him.

Men are less agreeable which means they're far less likely to be taken advantage of. Men are also far less neurotic which means the emotional damage they're likely to incur will not effect them as badly. Also men have a penis which is just a meat club and idk if you know this but if you have a big one you're far more likely to rip a girl up than she is to rip you up.

I don't agree with pedophilia of any kind. I think men are raped and sexually assaulted far more often than women and it's completely ignored at all levels. I've been sexually abused at an extremely young age by a woman(younger than 8) and I don't recommend it. My first girlfriend was 22 when i was 16 and she was a complete animal. But that wasn't nearly as bad as the other thing AND i'm not ignorant to the things I've listed above.

just try to be a genuinely a good person, motivate him, don't coddle him, don't try to take all his time and be selfish, let him productive and intelligent and he'll take care of you and love you for it. if you like him then try to have a relationship with him, don't let other people shame you out of it.

yes it is, the fact that we have differing beliefs is testemant to that

>wow oh no 16 is way too you they're so dumb they're still kids don't do it they're too immature

so are 22 year olds.

Go for it as long as it's legal, and it should be unless you're American.

People believe can completely different things about reality, so to the same extent that reality is objective, morality is. Granted I'm not saying saying my perception of either is necessarily the objective one, but it's there.