''It was SO cold today I saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets!''

''It was SO cold today I saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets!''

Dear lefties, why do you want to take away my hard earned money? I pay 3 employees 80k usd each, a year. which is about 4% of the profit generated by my company. Am i fair in your eyes or should i increase it to 5%?

I will count each reply as a yes or no. Your votes will determine their salary for January 2019.

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Pay them more if they are white. If they are Jews or shitskins, cut their salary. That’s how I do it. Pay them 6% if they are white and married with white women and have kids.

you should fire them and pay 3 immigrants 80k total

Forgot pic related

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Pay them what you want, understand that if it's not enough, you will either have to import labor or deal with an angry workforce. You cannot spend enough money to stop bullets when the time comes.

Pay them more if they are /our guys/

The simplest of the rules.

So you own the company? What exactly do you do for the company asides from counting money and deciding who gets it?

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they are all immigrants, i am not hiring whities. They take double the salary for half the job.

manage it? the 3 retards i have would never manage themselves.

get darker immigrants then

shove duality up your ass.

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>they are all immigrants, i am not hiring whities. They take double the salary for half the job.
Interesting. Do you support immigration seeing at it benefits your company, allowing you to make more profit by spending less on wages?
>manage it?
What does this entail? You could probably save time and money by hiring a manager to do it for you.

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ofc i support immigration, but in limits. I dont want criminals raping my daughter.

I can't trust a manger with so much money. It requires deep plans to ensure he won't be stealing from me or fuckin up the company. Managing a small company is easy i can do it myself. All the trouble i get is shipment issues or the Chinese man wants more money. I keep negotiating better deals. I am currently planning on moving to dallas texas due to low taxes and cheaper labor. I also plan to hire a perm lawyer to help me avoid taxes as much as i can and an accountant to handle my transactions, only if they increase. I hope for the best, 2019 is going to be an epic year.

So you hire a company in China to produce X goods to you which you acquire and then you sell to buyers? I'm guessing your workers just manage the shipments to customers or help with the design.
>Managing a small company is easy i can do it myself
What are some of the job duties. Say if someone was interested in creating a company like yours?

>I dont want criminals raping my daughter

Just someone elses daughter who can't afford to live away from them because you gave her dad's job to her rapist

I do the apple scam. Dental zircon blocks come from china, they are made in china. I repackage them and change their formula a bit (for the better) and wollah its made in Norway. Europe require certain goods to be made in Europe in order to be used by dental technician labs. Two of my workers work in the chemistry lab and 1 works with the chinese factory. The factory requires an inside man to handle their goods in my company and make sure everything in order. I am required to pay him in law.

>populists are rich

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i don't know whats worse, not hiring whites, claiming all whites do worse work, or that your paying some flavor of nigger 80k usd a year.

did you ever notice that democrats lick their chops while listening to president trump speak? i watched the tv time pelosi/schumer press conference at the white house with pres and vp, those asshole dems sit there and have the worst body language lick, lick and lick. rude little bastards

Its the truth, you will understand when ur money is at a slight risk. Also whities always case problems with their rights and shit.

>I'm planning on moving to Dallas Texas for lower taxes

Holy fuck your a dolt. You know there are many nearer tax heavens in the EU.

Pay them half and spend the savings on cocaine and hookers

but bad market. i want to leave the eu market for good.

Democrats steal from you to give to niggers, Republicans steal from you to give to Jews. When can we have a real political party that stands up for the interests of the white man?

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>What exactly do you do for the company
Probably putting up the capital and taking all the risk of loss onto himself. What are the workers doing other than getting a guaranteed payment for work they contracted to do?


>ofc i support immigration

Lower to 3% and cite hard times


what if I'm all for warplanes against the jews?

Jew =/= money

please stop this racism bullshit.

Immigration opens up opportunities for businesses with labor and consumers. More customers and workers.

this lol, why is so fucking hard to understand that if the company crumbles all of the loss is put on the owner

Yes, do it bastard

More opportunities to reduce costs and provide incrementally substandard services so no one notices. Cycle in immigrants at 75% normal salaries, cycle out anyone over 125% baseline, repeat. Pocket the rest or reinvest in better tech.

Has this ever happened?

>I do the apple scam. Europe require certain goods to be made in Europe in order to be used by dental technician labs.
If you're moving to texas then how will your business continue to function?

Didn't see this one. But damn it hit the spot, thank you user.

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>immigrants don't hurt jo--

Yeah like when Toys R Us was ran into the ground and the owners got punished with big bonuses and all the workers out of a job and out on the streets. BASED!

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by selling to N S Americas and the rest of the world except Europe and the middle east. I am tired of the shitty regulations i have to deal with daily. They pass a law every month, which benefits massive companies and makes it harder for smaller ones, like me. I have dreams user, i can't achieve them here.

They have the right to do whatever they please with their company and money, who are you to judge them..

>Can't achieve his dreams while raking in 6.2 million after employee payroll
Those are some big ass dreams, Sven.

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lol its their money they can do whatever they want

A single white guy can do 10x the work any shitskin can do.
For fuck sake, the only reason anyone would hire shitskins is to pay them less and save money but you're paying them $80k each.
Please kys

80k is enough for them to work day and night without ever complaining. They do a fine job. Also their salaries are tied to the percentage of the company profit. We used to eat shit together for 3 years until things worked out. I remember when their salaries used to be 19k a year in 2015, but they stayed with me, they believed in me.

I'd figure dentist's here in burger land would just buy straight from chinkland seeing as that would be cheaper and I don't think they're any laws against doing that.

You're a dumb fuck. You could pay these shitskins $20k and they'll still work day and night.
That said, a White man can do a better job at a faster rate with better quality. A single White man can do the job of 15 shitskins and a White woman can do the job of 5. Just because you're doing better now financially, means fucking shit. You could be doing 10x better and turn a larger profit if you had white people working for you.

>Dental dealers buy x from China
>Dental tech labs buy x from dental dealers and produce y
>Dentists buy y and sell finished product to normal people.

This is how the dental market work, no one can buy directly from China except the dealers aka me.

Its the deal i made with them when time were bad. I won't take them with me into the US. I will make sure to look more into the ethnicity or racial factors (i dont believe in them) when i come to the US.

Alright lads i have to go now. Its been fun but not what i expected. I will make sure to update you on my company when i move to Texas. I will post pictures of my lab and my employees tomorrow, to give you a better understanding on how businesses should be. Have fun.

Stop talking to me and just kys. I don't give a fuck about this shit thread anymore.

No one cares you attention-whoring faggot, fuck off.