I'd like to find out what everyone's IQ is, but we all need to take the same test

I'd like to find out what everyone's IQ is, but we all need to take the same test



Please post in this thread and vote in the poll below once you take the IQ test. If you've already taken the test, please post your results ITT.


Attached: 1528051034930.jpg (433x433, 38K)

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I've taken a few online tests like this and I seem to score solidly in the 120-125 range, 123 this time.
Guess that's me.

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Feels... alright, I guess.

I'm glad I'm at least average, although I'm a bit disappointed that I actually had to try to get an average score.

Attached: Untitled.png (1714x747, 44K)

That's firmly in the above-average range. Average runs from 100-109 abouts.

>people on Jow Forums still call me a retard
I don't know what to think

153, any questions?


you're good at pattern recognition but are still a shitty autist
owned, bitch

Attached: 9NzdjTv.jpg (593x333, 24K)

129. Not too far from what I would have guessed.

I usually get 115 in these tests.

I call myself a retard

It doesn't mean you know anything or can answer any question I have.

If anything it means you have powerful ability of divergent thinking and if I asked you a question you could probably piece something together extremely well by connecting sots.

Which can then turn into something very insightful, highly convincing bullshit, or a rambling incoherent mess.

That's what I expect from someone of this IQ when talking about things they aren't directly educated in..

You see my friend, different people have different opinions on things, and when you post yours, someone will disagree, and call you a retard whether you're right or wrong.


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that's the red pill

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No fucking wonder that i'm such a massive sperg

Google "IQ tests discredited" and read some of the articles


don't get ur hopes too high. clicking on random images got me 95 iq.

Apparently this test -20 points is your real IQ.

109 but half way got bored and started selecting at random

Are you 133 IQ in real life?

>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend this area as soon as we have gathered more data

I is so smrt. I is so smrt. S-M-R-T!

I got 132

130 but I guessed the last 4 or 5 questions. What does the percentile mean tho?

123 while sitting on the toilet.

Thank you for posting this image, everyone gets so obsessed with IQ that it physically hurts me.


I don't really think IQ tests are applicable or relevant across cultures and are not a good way of measuring intelligence.

I'd much rather deal with someone with high emotional intelligence and low IQ than the other way around.

Plus you're not going to get an applicable tally on Jow Forums.

Attached: mensa.png (651x475, 17K)

Full blown DUMB fucking IGNANT idiot here. Any questions?? Teehee. :^))))

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He wasn't being serious...

I think this means the real score is this score -20 points.

There's no way in hell everyone is 130 IQ

I've been administered a legitimate IQ test in person and the questions are practically identical. It's pattern matching stuff like this, I can't imagine how just by being online it would distort the results.

>be me
>completely disregard IQ
>probably like 100 or less anyway from all the drugs
>dropped out of college
>still make 85k/year
IQlets when will they learn

But does your score match the score of the online one?

I scored 120 in real life, 122 on this one.




Attached: Screenshot-2018-6-5 Mensa IQ Test.png (1251x874, 46K)

also aspergers so yea

I ate a lot of beans and broccoli as of recent and I had to take a quick break (for obvious reasons).
It would be awesome if they implemented a pause feature, but they are fairly graceful in the amount of time given.
Regardless; it's a pretty fun test if you're up late at night with little to do. I might try my luck in convincing my friends that this test is 100% accurate and legit, hopefully resulting in some EPINLELZ.

Attached: internet meem test.png (1188x872, 60K)


I usually score around 130 but this time I got 119. I think I've taken this test before even. in my defense I am tired as fuck right now and should go to sleep


>implying that doesn't mean you're so retarded it doesn't know how to measure it.

In your case, it's evidence that IQ =/= actually being smart.

I've consistently scored around 125-130 in IQ tests my whole life, including this one. I can understand some of them being flawed, but I wouldn't be surprised if my real IQ was in that range.

found the brainlet

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Lol fuck all of you faggots.

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Brainlets generally don't advertise the fact to others, hence the skewed results.

This isn't accurate. It is only for fun. You have to take the full test in person and even then the way they measure intelligence is spatial and numerical. An intelligent person would also be good at learning many skills that this test doesn't measure.

I took the full test, it actually gave me a higher (5 points) composite score than this one.

Yeah, have fun with your career of matching shapes, motherfucker.

I'm sure that'll look great on a resume, "Oh look at me, I'm Hitler, and I know what a square looks like!"

Of course you would know what a square looks like, you fucking rectangle.

Average is still average lol

999, got the max score

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I randomly clicked awnsers and got 100.. KEK

I don't think it's possible to get an IQ score below 100. I purposely chose the wrong answer each time and ended up with 100 IQ.