What's stopping the pilot and co-pilot from snapping and just crashing a plane into the ground?

What's stopping the pilot and co-pilot from snapping and just crashing a plane into the ground?

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The fear of death.

With no survivors.

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if you crash the plane while into the ground you die

Not much, there have been a few pilot suicides.

les baines!!!!

But what about a massive commercial jet?

Ban assault planes.

the urge to live


Never Forget.

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Being based and redpilled

didn't a brown german pilot crash a huge one into some mountains a few years ago?

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Just like Muslim suicide bombers? Fuck off.

Nothing at all. And I'm surprised you're even asking, he wasn't that long ago.

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operating a plane isn't a believe but simple physics m88
inb4 72 stewardesses

The on-board computers systems can over-ride pilot input, planes that crash (they) wanted too.


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Nothing. Flying is terrifying if you actually think about stuff like that. Also when turbulence hits, you can hit a large air pocket, which is basically a vaccuum, and fallllllllllllllll for seconds. This is not uncommon.

blessed post

Don’t make my cry user

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falling for "seconds" is really rare, you'd only ever get that in sever clear air turbulence which is forecast or thunderstorms. little turbulent pockets are just brief disruptions in level flight, flying is remarkably safe but humans are the biggest risk factor

I don't think the German guy was brown.

There was a black American pilot who shot the crew. (he wasn't piloting that flight, but he was on it without having to go through security)

There was also an Asian pilot with a lot of gambling debts.

This is why I keep my seat belt on the entire flight.
Doesn't have to be tight, just to stop me from flying off the seat.

Also during takeoff and landing I do strap the seat belt tight.
Had an aborted tack-off once and it's pretty rough.


Every time I read this meme I ca't stop laughing.

Mossad false flag


the FAA made a rule where there must be atleast two pilots in the cockpit at all times, that way if one pilot is suicidal or does some dumb shit the other can stop them. If both are suicidal, there is nothing they can do. This is highly unlikely though. Also pilots go through mental health screening to try and prevent them from flying if they are overstressed or anything like that. Pilots intentionally crashing planes is an incredibly rare occurrence even without these safeguards.
>hurr durr da joos can control planes remotely through the computer systems
theoretically they could fuck with some of the settings on the flight computers, but they can't control the fly-by-wire on a commercial jet from the ground, that's just a retarded boomer theory. Da joos are not going to crash your flight you fucking schizos

You could get in trouble

What's stopping you from grabbing a machete and going on a rampage, besides the fact that you're a raging homosexual?

i feel like there will be another 9/11 tier airline incident one day.
the germanwings guy from a few years back had the potential to be so much bigger.
what if he had taken that airliner down in the middle of berlin or paris?

also consider the fact that muslim gangsters in europe and australia ABSOLUTELY have access to RPGs.

here in australia the police have been trying to find 8 stolen rocket launchers and rockets for 10 years now, the muslim gangsters who stole them have been arrested and released years ago (some of them have even traveled to fight with ISIS in iraq and syria since).

Fucking LEGEND

Nothing. It already happened.

If they really felt like it, terrorists from Syria/Iraq/wherever could pretty easily grab one of many MANPADs laying around and drive to a European airport and shoot down an airliner as it takes off or lands.

Self preservation
Psychological screening
Retarded question

Pilotfag here, to fly commercially you have to get a medical certificate by grade A asshole doctors who will call everything how it is, it doesnt matter how much you WANT to fly, if you have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, insomnia, stroke, epilepsy, autism, adhd, or many physical deformities, you will most likely not be allowed to fly. WHy do you think all pilots are chads? its because they are all healthy, travel(girls think its interesting), and have no mental disorders. Also the pilot is getting paid lots, and if he survives, the FAA will slap a FAT mf fine on him and he will go to prison for life. also death.

>if you crash the plane while into the ground
high verbal IQ

>There was a black American pilot who shot the crew. (he wasn't piloting that flight, but he was on it without having to go through security)

Constant psychological tests and training.

Must be an Arab

The one in California in the 80s?

That nigger wasn’t a pilot. He was a janitor that worked for the airline cleaning planes. He got fired for being a nigger and stealing $80 bucks from the planes bar. They forgot to take his ID badge after firing and got through security with a revolver. Anyways he killed the pilots and then nose dived at max speed (scary as fuck for passengers I imagine) . But anyways , when the plane crashed there was LITERALLY nothing left. Made me think that flight 93 maybe did happen the way they said it did

Why the fuck is the file so massive?
Save it as a goddamn jpg you fucking savage

Absolutely fucking nothing. It happens every once in a while.

A working stiff young white man, fed up with his job as a baggage loader and his bitchy wife, hijacked an empty plane and flew it around to fulfill his dream of being a pilot, he couldn’t land so he crashed in a remote area

that's exactly what i expect to happen sooner or later.
an A380 can hold over 500 people, yet the police seem to ignore muslim gangsters in europe and australia (probably parts of canada/america too) who have access to military tier weaponry like RPGs and grenades.

there is literal muslim extremist ISIS supporters in australia now who have LITERAL access to fucking M72 launchers and rockets.

>fly by wire
>cant be controlled from the outside
Maybe if it weren't fly by wire that would be the case
Mechanical systems cant be hacked.

Years ago, the commercial jet I was on flew through some mean thunderstorms one summer night over the Midwest. Lightning was flashing all around the plane. We did hit a pocket and I could feel the plane fall for what seemed like forever but was probably just a few seconds. Things got real quiet on board after that.

It's almost like muslim suicide bombers are driven by a deep religious conviction that they should slaughter others in the name of their god at all costs, whereas in Christianity suicide is a sin.

Huh really makes you think.

Years of extremely consistent training and psycotic evaluation

extreme vetting.

Look up the requirements to become a pilot and get back to me.

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Their six-figure salaries, beefy government backed pensions and all the free stewardess pussy they could ever want, duh.

If they do not want to crash the plane why do they nosedive?

>the FAA made a rule where there must be atleast two pilots in the cockpit at all times

There normally are just two pilots, and sometimes a pilot has to pee.

>Co-pilot to Pilot
>What's the next step of your master plane?

A pretty fat paycheck.


Each other. And after that german faggot an heroed a plane in the alps, whenever one of the pilots goes to the restroom a flight attendant must come in and take his place.

It has happen, but only like 8 times in a course of 60+ years. Negligence in the cockpit is a bigger killer than someone pushing the yoke forward.

The black pilot was working for FedEx and he didn't bring a gun. He brought some hammers. He was trying to get some insurance money for his family, before getting fired for tax evasion or some shit. The guy you are referencing was a ramp rat I believe.

Almost all notable suicides in planes are on for commercial airliners, but the number is so low you can count it on your fingers and toes.

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Their skin color

The chance of two guys losing it at once is pretty small.

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Was the guy in the pic trying to park the plane in his garage?
>that way it autosaves and you own it

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Nothing, it has happened before

Most people would prefer to land, eat dinner, talk with their family, and go to bed, rather than die screaming in an inferno. You know, given those options.

Was a murder-suicide attempt on his family, but he only killed himself. It happened this year, but people don't know about it, because it wasn't a fully loaded airliner.


american wooden houses are tougher than steel?

i hear pilots make minimum wage

you hear wrong, idiot

Absolutely nothing

I even travelled into the cockpit twice (worked in a airline company)
They never did a background check on me, and I could’ve easily overpowered the two pilots (I was sitting behind them)
Since 9/11 the doors can only be opened from the inside of the cockpit so I would’ve had full control of the plane
This shit is scary

House didnt even burn to the fucking ground? Didnt collapse? Made of wood and drywall?

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I know a lot of retarded dipshits who fly planes
t. Riddler

Their lack of religious fanaticism.

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Some UPS cargo flight engineer and literal nigger went berserk in flight once, he started hitting the pilot and co-pilot with a hammer. Somehow they managed to overpower him and land the plane safely although one pilot is partly paralyzed from the ordeal now.


Nigger how new are you?