I present you

The new King of France, Louis de Bourbon (XX)

When will pol meme him into reality?
Related to Franco, the true heir to the throne in France, related to royalty all over Europe.

Let's meme him into becoming the monarch of France.

Attached: Bourbon.jpg (375x562, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>he doesn't know the bourbons betrayed Franco and restored democracy and everything it entails

Attached: die-cis-scum-32491690.png (500x566, 160K)

Well genetically he is the one, 100%. Can't get better lineage than this.

Yes. It's time to introduce monarchy in France again

This, based and redpilled. And not the fucking Bonaparte's or other mongrels of the republic. The Bourbon-lineage. The rightful heirs to the throne from before the revolution.

From my understanding he is related to Queen Victoria too...

I don't care much about that, I just want more monarchy in Europe, it used to be better than this..

yup, the cornerstone of our continent.


Attached: 9437231915_4350b231b6_o-e1477227596916.jpg (680x481, 43K)


Fucking degenerates took over, and look at Romania now - would be better if he was still king.

Attached: Romania.jpg (800x1067, 359K)

Only cucks crave monarchy.

Will it be as faggy and cucked as our monarchy?

Says the curbed fags who never had a king and are still cucks under Sweden

No, It'll be way cooler, castles, royal bloodlines and power

that and Christianity

God I wish we had a monarchy

Attached: Reich Party Congress, Nuremburg, Germany [1938].jpg (1200x804, 203K)


Attached: MED PRIDE WORLD WIDE.jpg (550x425, 36K)

Fuck that traitor, Codreanu or bust

Just reunite with Hungary and reestablish the Kingdom of Hungary


might as well sell my people to poles

Well, you could always hold an election about monarchy and then say that one of your oldest and most dignitary families are now royal blood

We dont really have royal blood
Fascist state it is then

Have the leader of the fascist state start a royal bloodline of his own

Fuck off Master of the Sea, only Bonaparte's line shall rule France.

Is he Italian? he looks like us


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I'm sure there are some nice castles in Slovakia the new leader can appropriate for the new royal bloodline

French, my dear compatriots,

As the protests and protest movements of the "Yellow Vests" develop from week to week throughout the national territory, I wish to express my solidarity and deep compassion for those who suffer, are devoid of resources, crushed of charges, humiliated and deprived of hope, and who have no other means of expression than to rise like a single man to manifest their disappointment, their anguish and their anger. These French people are the silent majority who have been silent for decades and some of whom had forgotten their existence. Today it is the people of France who stand up to defend their way of life and their dignity.

It is essential to hear it, essential to take into account its legitimate aspirations.

Of course, we must condemn and ban the use of violence by certain extreme groups who seek to exploit this deeply popular movement to destabilize the state. This guilty and sterile violence can only favor the cause of those who do not wish to hear the cry of an entire people.

On this day of the Immaculate Conception, I entrust France to Our Lady who is the true Queen of France.

May God protect the eldest daughter of His Church, may God help the unhappy, poor and suffering French. May He give them hope and faith in the future of our country, which must rise up and reconnect with all that has made it as great as the peace of hearts and the sweetness of life.

Duc d'Anjou

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Get some Huguenots to really change things up. That's what was happening before the Vatican organised the French Revolution.

Fuck off with this hispanomutt, he is a spic, only one who deserve the throne is Henri d'Orleans because he is 100% french at least.

Look at his children, are they white? They don't look French at all but are closer to Arabo-Hispanomutts, and he married a spic

Attached: 3836197-semi-exclusif-louis-de-bourbon-duc-d-a-950x0-2.jpg (950x1424, 236K)

>Vatican organised the French Revolution.
american education

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He’s Spanish

They have to go back

Isn't the current head of the Bonapartes also a Bourbon through his mother?

This mutt is fucking spanish and CAN'T EVEN SAY A SINGLE WORD IN FRENCH, the real heir is Henry of Orleans. And every French around me agree with this
Only problem is that he is very old but he has 5 pure French children at least, not like the other crook

Attached: Henri_d'Orléans_(1933-).jpg (506x561, 53K)

Based Portubro

There's no real Bonapartes left and anyone claiming they are is a liar

Meet the new NEW king

Attached: Hitler's triumphant tour of Paris, 1940 (1).jpg (1100x733, 158K)

At least his retarded son died sidestepping the whole Regency issue.

He looks... eh... tanned. I don't expect a french king to look like that.

Look at this picture, for fucks sake I'm whiter than the pretendent to the throne of France.

He's not French. His family hasn't been in France since the 1700s.


either habsburg spain or no spain.

Attached: Bandera_cruz_de_Borgoña_2.svg.png (1024x683, 28K)

Handsome dude

>Vatican organised the French Revolution.

Based and redpilled. National Socialism or bust.

Attached: B0FB4D89-AF43-49A4-8FD8-D0C0042CD462.jpg (746x1220, 393K)

>Spanish mulatto
>king of France
Not gonna happen

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The old European nobility sold their souls to Satan. The new nobility will be the sons of warlords in the upcoming global conflict.

Attached: warlord tom.png (1446x1437, 469K)

Vive le Roi!

Attached: Bourbon.png (1180x1280, 358K)

My ambition is to be one lol jk nsa man

is that Rubio?

i was gonna say, you don't become king without some brute fucking force.