Honest thoughts on veganism?

Honest thoughts on veganism?

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Tom Brady is almost vegan and he's got a pretty good deep ball at 41
That's as much as I know

Rots your teeth, makes you malnourished and sick and effects mental health negatively. Fucks with your cosmetics and makes your hair thin and dry. It's a mental disorder, really.

I can perfectly understand vegetarians, but I can't really wrap my mind around veganism.

The most try-hard form of virtue signalling.

>hurr durr look at me guys I'm a good person you should all worship at my feet

I've a lot of vegan friends and a lot of vegetarian friends. I'm mostly vegetarian myself, but I do eat fish occasionally and I do eat meat if I want to. Yeah I know, vegetarian, but eats fish and meat, but I mean like fish once or twice a week in small amounts and meat a few times a year.

Most meat eaters I know eat way too much meat. They've been totally bought up modern advertising and consume more meat than my parents generation, my grandparents generation and so on and this has promoted an unhealthy intensive farming method which is bad for the environment, bad for the animals and produces an inferior product which is probably not very good for us now, especially in the amounts it is consumed. I also think it is socially bad as we start to decide the world is overpopulated, that population control should be a thing, that the developing world shouldn't have access to our lifestyles (I'm not saying move them here) that climate change, antibiotic resistance and resource conflicts are worth it in order to sustain our lifestyle. I don't think that it is.

Though for me it is dietary with ethical considerations. I think that veganism is a step too far as a philosophy which rejects using animals at all, which I don't agree with and believe is unreasonable/radical for little practical benefit. Yes we can reduce our footprint on the plant and reduce the death and suffering across the world, but you don't ignore grazing land which is not suitable for crops, but suitable for pasture. You don't use inferior non-biodegradable petrochemical products when natural alternatives exist.

Health/fitness seems to not correlate with veganism and vegetarianism amongst my friends. The only thing that does is activity level.

>Most meat eaters I know eat way too much meat
Woke af bro 11/10

Correct. There's nothing worse than people who have to convince others they are good people.

I can understang the purpose for protecting animals and all
but being vegan is useless

I admire the dedication for whatever reason they took it up but it really seems like a lot of work.
I've recently cut out red meats for health reasons, I believe it's called pollotarianism or something gay, but I'm already struggling. My girlfriend was a vegan and toys with the idea of going back. I'd probably do it with her just for convenience and accountability; the meat substitutes I've tried actually aren't bad. I'd definitely miss dairy the most.

Honestly the only thing worse than a try-hard vegan is omni's who feel personally attacked by someone offhandedly mentioning that they're a vegan. Can't tell you how many conversations my girlfriend has been sucked into having to almost defend a personal dietary choice like the arguer even cares about her health or can't imagine going a whole day without a big ol' slab of meat.

It’s a mental illness. Typically the purpose is to cover up eating disorders so the mentally I’ll person has reason to eat nothing or near nothing.

Indian style vegitarism is the closest version of this that is even remotely healthy.

Maybe I should I have just summarised? Veganism is a step too far, irrational and unnecessary, more of a ideology than a practical concern. It tends to attract people who need to define their personality through ideology, through difference and through labelling their behaviour. It can range from a complete non-issue (in which case why label yourself) all the way through to some really ugly virtue signalling by hypocrites who believe they now have an unassailable platform from which to be aware of their privileged while doing nothing to practically address inequality.

The health benefits can be gained through a vegetarian or even omnivorous diet, as long as you don't eat a typical meat heavy diet, which has recently become the typical western diet. You can feed more people as vegetarian + dairy than with veganism. The problem with black and white ideology is it ignores the positives in grey areas which sometimes actually make sense.

At the end of the day I don't care how other people choose to live as long as they aren't obnoxious. Loud, opinionated and close minded people exist everywhere and are nearly always annoying.

Maybe the issue is that veganism has rebranded itself as a health issue when it was really always a philosophy of not using animals.

I think it morphed into a health issue because it was hard to convince people to change their habits for the sole reason to protect animals/nature. If you tell them "Hey you'll live longer" "Your cum will smell/taste better" "You'll have smarter kids who will become the next Bill Gates and make you millions" they'll at least consider adopting some if not all the dietary changes.

The reason I (you)d you wasn't the content of your post, it was because calling people "meat-eaters" is like walking everywhere on your hands and calling normal people "foot-walkers"

>labeling people by their behaviors in a conversation revolving around said behaviors triggers me so I make 0 substance shitposts and apologize for them too

>Honest thoughts on veganism?
There are two types of vegans, actual vegans who can sustain themselves long term on a vegan diet, and humans convinced by the vegan cult to live as a vegan until they either die or go back to a human diet because humans can not exist long term on a vegan diet.
Veganism itself is a cult created by vegans to attract the second type so there will be greater numbers of humans referring to themselves as vegan. Its part of their plan to hide amongst the human population. The other part involves mimicry, literally mimicking humans so we think they are human.

Vegans are genetically different from humans, here's a veganism shilling article mentioning it.

And then there's

It's proven that the best thing to do both for your health and the enviroment isn't to quit meat but to eat less meat.

Just research how much you're supossed to eat and plan a diet accordingly.

>It's proven that the best thing to do both for your health and the enviroment isn't to quit meat but to eat less meat.
So vegans aren't healthy and are harming the environment but lying about it and trying to convince people to harm their health and the environment.

No. They aren't doing the best thing for their health or (inclusive) they aren't doing the best thing for the environment. I actually don't agree with the previous post but I had to point it out.
>there are people that don't know basic logic

Whole foods plant based diet is the only diet to reverse heart disease and type 2 diabetes: dresselstyn.com/site/study-01-results/

Dr. Esselstyn is president emeritus of CC, one of the best hospitals in the world. No one on here will ever be able to find a source for valid proof against his work, because it doesn't exist.

The replies will be hilarious, though.

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I'm vegan and it's pretty good.
I'm lazy and poor too, I don't understand why people pretend it's a big deal. Cutting out meat is easy, you get all nutrients from Lentils, Red Beet and vitamins (which you should take anyways). Milk has a lot of alternatives, cooking with coconut milk or onions cream instead of the one from another animal's mothermilk. Eggs I never really ate anyways.
Most of my meals consist of one carb thing (rice, potatoes, pasta, couscous, quinoa to be extra hipster) and a bunch of veggies (bellpepper, zucchini, carrots, springonions, Tofu, beans, mushrooms, eggplants, broccoli, chickpeas etc etc) just throw a whole bunch of shit together and make it hot.
Or just put it all in the oven, sweet potatoes for example are extremely good for that.
If I'm too lazy I just make those ready made Tortellini with Spinach, or Spaghetti with premade Tomatosauce.
For snacks and other meals just a lazy thrown together salad, or overnight oatmeal (or chia seeds) with alt milk, and a whole bunch of fruit. Or bread with hummus.

I feel genuinely better and it's actually cheaper for me.
Sometimes I get some intense craving though and then I buy some fish once every few months or so. Also with the trend, there's so many products coming that are vegan. "Cheese", "Mortadella" and they're all pretty okay.

Food is good!

>literally investing money into the piggieslapper industry and putting their remains into your body so they can continue doing so

I'm a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.

Watch it user the malnutrition is making you unable to form original thoughts

Amen brother, eating trees is going too far

former vegan here and it's pretty shit haha

It's all or nothing, even if you have some gay-ass honey in your faggot tea everyone in the community is all like REEE! REEEEEEE! ANIMAL RAPIST! BIOLOGICAL GENOCIDE! FAKE VEGAN! POSER! so really it's just not worth it. Even if it's not a direct animal or insect product you still have to fucking google every single ingredient on everything forever because like fuckin bread will end up not being vegan and then you also have to sacrifice organic produce for being vegan, etc.

I'm also no longer a vegetarian either because shit's boring who cares. I also didn't fall back into eating shit either. I only eat as much meat/protein as needed. I'll enjoy ribs or wings or whatever once in a while.

Vegans are on the other end of the retard spectrum, the other end being the like "giving myself colon cancer and heart disease to trigger the libs" fat fucks that eat almost nothing but meat for every meal.

I find that like Asian cuisine tend to be the most balanced. There's lots of fish and seafood, chicken tends to be the main protein as well as eggs but you still have beef and the protein is typically just a part of the overall dish and not the main focus like how a Western steak will come with like 3 things of broccoli that people throw in the trash.

This is why people dislike vegans so much. You can't just go about your day minding your own business. If you see someone that eats meat, you have to shove your bullshit in them.
>I have a better moral because I don't eat animal products, bow down to me and convert.

You can't just do your thing and leave everyone else alone?

sounds more like you just got shit "friends" tbqh fambini.

Are you aware that you're just projecting and I didn't state any of this shit? I just replied because the other user stated it's "useless" while I think it's not because it's just not spending and investing your own money into that industry.

I don't really understand this meme. I live in arguably the most liberal, hippiest most vegan infested city in the United States and I've never had any vegans walk up to me and "shove their bullshit" in my face. I see them peddling around with signs on their bikes and hanging out at the farmer's market with their pamphlets and shit but I've never really had any negative interactions concerning my meat eating. They have a lot to say about it if I engage them but I never do so I don't ever encounter it. Honestly, I hear an infinite amount more people on here and in real life complain about how militant vegans are than I ever do hear vegans complain about meat eaters. "Fanatical vegan" just seems to me like another convenient strawman that people like poking fun at.

nah most of my friends weren't vegan at all, most of them didn't care either way they weren't busting my balls about it and they weren't going to listen to me lecture them about ethics and the environment.

it's when I joined the vegan community that realized how much of a contest it was, and it really is all or nothing - that's the point of veganism to remove yourself from the industries that exploit animal life. If I didn't give 100% at all times then I was just as bad as people with leather pants who eat dogs or whatever because I ignorantly ate white bread one time.

I respect vegans, and freegans especially, but that shit just isn't for me. I still eat meat in healthy amounts but I avoid known culprits of animal abuse

>You can't just go about your day minding your own business. you have to shove your bullshit in them.

buddy you're the one who's posting in a thread about vegans