Does anyone know where I can get subtitled Hitler speeches...

Does anyone know where I can get subtitled Hitler speeches? I want to know what he had to say and can't find anything on youtube because of censorship.

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Check the guy's channel. Most of the good ones were deleted by jewtube and I don't know where to find them nowadays.

just google "hitler speech with accurate subtitles" and you will find tons of good videos. otherwise just search for the speech on google and you will find historical sites with translations.

>hitler speech in Siemens factory (the "rootless clique" speech where an audience members should "JUDEN!")
>hitler declares war on England and France
>hitler's message to the new world order
>hitler declares war on the Soviet Union
>hitler declares war on the United States

they're very hard to find,
if you ever find any try to save them before they get censored.
same with anything that is pro european culture too. the censorship is pretty bad.

go to liveleak

basically what he had to say was the defintion of hatespeech. He was an evil, evil man.. pretty much the human embodiment of evil.

>worships stalin

Kys nigger lover

You can get Mein Kampf or listen or read the works of William Luther Pierce (not his fantasy books but articles) for the easiest access.

Hate speech is free speech and evil is relative

I want to hear why he's been so heavily censored

legendary speaker.
like a rockstar of political speakers

nah, OP just wants to sit there and be indoctrinated whilst fully hard.
>cultural appropriation

you aren't going to learn that from Hitler you thick cunt.

anyone have a link to a fash discord?

I was in one a while ago but I think I got kicked or it got deleted.

I know people are cautious about posting links so if it helps you can send it to this temp email: [email protected]

any distortion of this is beyond evil. I know Jow Forums is a place of hatespeech and blind evil rage, but still a voice tells the truth with the words i say.

and he controlled people by making them scared of one another. Faggot.


So does every single leader of a country.

Maybe they had a reason to be scared. You're scared of him and you have a reason, correct? The man is dead I just want to hear what he had to say

By making them look for their own interests**
You fucking bong fag


If as a political leader, you dont kill a few people, you're obviously not breaking eggs which means no cake

subscribe / dl / share everything.
use a VPN if you can't see the videos. sort by most popular to see all the videos.

New videos fairly regularly.
Sieg Heil ~

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What? I just found this one by typing hitler speech on the search tab,what are you talking about?

I'm scared of the power utter dip-shits like you handed him. People unable to think for themselves who need to feel the hand of a leader on their shoulder at all times.

you have literally never heard the man speak, and if you have heard, you've never listened.

Kys you massive flaming bleeding heart faggot

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he said:
"women, make more babies"
"boys, learn to fight"
"do as I say, we are always watching you"

And the Germans did as they were told like a bunch of fucking robots.

if that's all you take away from what he said, i guess that's your right.

He gave medals to women for having lots of children. He set up the Hitler youth, basically military training/indoctrination for kids. And he set up the Gestapo, who turned the people on themselves in order to control them. The guy was a cunt, stop romanticising.

And when you open your eyes, and see what he warned about, how the people he warned about starved nations to death, how they waged wars but never fought in them themselves, how many died for those lies...
then you will be truely free...
then you will laugh at it..
then you will laugh...

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oi, you got a license for that opinion mr. I can't own a butterknife because my government is scared shitless of a revolt. The reich had ample supply of private weapons for non-traitors.

that's it, suppress my ideas like a good boy. Heil Trump

>I'm oppressed on Jow Forums, I'm a victim here, you must be a trumperter.

wau, either you are the dumbest reddit kike or a master baiter.

wait, what? you're butthurt over having your ideas about hitler (that a good portion of society agrees with) suppressed? sorry, the ideas being suppressed are the ones that state hitler had anything of value to say. but you go on thinking you're being silenced. you're a goddamn martyr for your cause, bong.

If your grandfather/great grandfather heard you saying shit like that he'd fucking bitch slap you.

>he doesn't understand gibberish
Failure as human being.

Well you're certainly not from Germany.

So we should hide from the Truth and forget it ever happened? How can we know the History? And how can we be sure it does not happen again if we cannot study how it happened in the first place?
I don’t know what to say to or for people like you. You will be the end of all of us if people like you are the ones to lead mankind.

> and he set up the Gestapo who turned the people against themselves
Hey bong, you ever really looked into what MI6 does? Oh what I am saying, of course not, English liberals don’t think. They’re controlled.
Everything you’re decrying in Hitler is what your current society (and indeed much of that of the West) embodies.
I do agree that Hitler was bad, but it’s important to remember that many of the ills he and his government created are those our governments perpetrate against us today.

we don't live in fear like you lot do

show flag moshe

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i believe that they fought so that kikes like you wouldn't be able to police my speech or try to deprive me of the ability to read or watch or listen to whatever i am interested in. sorry your forebears were intellectually bereft tyrants.

oh thats rich achmed

then you're a fool. and an unarmed one, at that.

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Fuck off. Let the kid see for himself. So long as the kid reads about him on top of hearing the speeches he'll have a better understanding of why someone like this could come to power and why it's important to not be suckered in by a powerful speaker. My god I hate cunts like you.

See the problem was he lumped it completely on the jews. When the truth is it's on the bankers and the media. Which granted were comprised of Jews. But why then allow people to kill the Jewish deli owner? That doesn't make any sense. So no. He really did want an easy scapegoat and to create an "us vs them" environment which is the ultimate binding agent in politics.

Lol. Guess what? This American is going to vote for Trump. And since your pussy PM can't get her shit together to get you out of the EU, Trump will do you a favor and bring you a decent Brexit deal for you! Because he's just that nice of a guy! Indeed. Heil Trump. Greatest President ever!