Haven't had sex in a week, feeling horny

>haven't had sex in a week, feeling horny
>Gf is tired, but I try to initiate
>Says she doesn't really feel like it
>Say okay but remind her that we won't be able to for 2 weeks because we're going on a family vacation next week
>Agrees and starts squirming like she's horny
>Go down on her and eat her out til she cums
>Start fucking her, she says it hurts
>Slow down, try other positions but she doesn't seem into it, says it still kinda hurts
>Say alright we don't have to do anything
>She starts crying
>Ask her what's wrong, she says she feels bad about not being in the mood lately

What's up with this? She's near her period, and her libido normally goes down around this time, but the crying is a bit puzzling. I also don't get how she wasn't in the mood when I entered her but was enough to orgasm while I was eating her out just moments before. Do you think she doesn't feel attracted to me anymore and feels bad about it? This was the first time I've seen her cry like that.

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probably cried because you pressured her into it and she still orgasmed, you pushy cunt


If it continues I'll be suspicious, but I doubt that right now.
Well, I stopped when she didn't seem like she wanted me to continue. I thought that the oral got her in the mood.

I've heard but not experienced that some girls get super sensitive after cumming and don't like fucking as much then. Has this been true of her before?

Also, I think it's odd her sex drive goes down before her period. Women are usually ovulating and thus more horny then. Birth control can impact this. Is she taking birth control? If so, she might wanna switch to try out one that doesn't effect her that way.

I'm really just shooting in the dark here, take it for what you will.

That's a very liberal use of that term. All OP did was remind her that they won't be able to bang for a while, and she reconsidered it.

No birth control, and I usually have to get her to cum orally before she's ready to be fucked. She came pretty hard too, she was biting the pillow trying not to scream. I just found it weird that she suddenly wasn't into it when I was fucking her, slowly as she likes it.

why would she want to fuck AFTER cumming?

alternate possibility: she faked her orgasm to get you off her but instead you took it further

Your Bitch is lying trough her theeth

Sounds like something psychological then. I suppose you'll have to talk to her more.

I doubt she faked cumming as the other user said, doesn't really make sense in this scenario.

yeah faking an orgasm to get out of unwanted/awful sex has never happened ever, makes no sense at all

This is not a particularly big deal if it's just the one week but if she doesn't want to fuck you after the trip the relationship has run its course and you should end it.

Faking it before sex doesn't make any sense in this case because she knows he wants to fuck, and agreed to start fucking after she came anyway, and as OP said she doesn't have a history of not wanting to fuck after cumming. She didn't even get out of fucking.

I'm not saying that's not what happened, but my experience with women combined with the reasons above makes me think that's not what happened. But who knows.

There is a lot of pressure to keep your man happy in the sack. I don't think its your fault OP but I definitely think she felt bad about not being in the mood. especially if she says it hurts, it means she probably wasnt as aroused as u think

There is no solution to this other than talking to her about it. Say you never want to pressure her into anything and her desire is as equally as important. Crying after sex isn't emotionally secure and there's a problem somewhere. That does not necessarily mean she's cheating or anything to do with you. Hormones fluctuate and so does libido.

talk to ur gf

>She didn't even get out of fucking.

Well she did eventually.

>Start fucking her, she says it hurts
>Slow down, try other positions but she doesn't seem into it, says it still kinda hurts
>Say alright we don't have to do anything
>She starts crying

I don't know why this is a big conspiracy for so many people

OP's story is this
>want to fuck
>GF doesn't want to
>guilt her into it
>she fakes an orgasm
>I start fucking her
>she tells me to stop
>she starts to cry

sounds kinda rapey imo

Women don't work like men, they don't have refractory periods, they usually are just getting started after their first orgasm.

A little sex-ed for the incel.

or alternatively you could be good enough at foreplay and sex that you don't need to bribe them into sex by going down on them.

This. Eating my girl out if foreplay for us. Gets her primed and wet then we go at it.
Wouldn't lube help with the hurting part for her. Not gonna fix her not being in the mood but you should never be hurting her. Also I'm with some of the other in this thread. There's something strange about her behavior. I'm hesitant to say cheating but something isn't right. If I were you I would try to get to the bottom of it.

>Not gonna fix her not being in the mood but

what you're describing is rape

Its rape if you are looking for rape. Learn to comprehend.
My statement about lube is just for the pain nothing else. Hence the statement about not fixing her mood.

>Learn to comprehend.

>Girl is not in the mood
>fuck her anyways
>use lube

Repeating your stupidity doesn't make you right.

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>you should never be hurting someone when youre having sex with them against their will

Repeating your stupidity doesn't make you right.

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you're a literal rapist

You don't realize this but you guilted your girlfriend into having sex and you're wondering whether there's something wrong with her rather than your actions

Bro if your girl says shes not feeling it, trying to convince her why she should have sex with you anyways will at best be super unattractive or at worst pressure her into having sex with you

She's upset bc she wants you to be satisfied and doesn't feel like she is enough. She probably feels like a tool that was used then dropped because it wasn't good enough. Even when she tried to fake interest to keep you happy

Stop asking for sex when she's not into it. If you're horny, go rub one out or focus on something else like your work or hobby. If it's not a "fuck yes, let's have sex" then it's a no, and go watch a movie together with dinner in bed or something

Repeating your stupidity doesn't make you right.

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This implies women can't make their own decisions. It's true he pressured her which he shouldn't have in my opinion but she agreed. It stops being a no if she agrees, Barring torture ect.

I think you're right. I'm too used to us having sex almost every time we see each other that I felt like something was wrong when we didn't. Everything is okay but I suppose I should apologize, it tore me up seeing her cry.

I get this is a strong point of contention for many people so I'm not expecting you to agree with me

Coercion is a form of agreeing to something you don't want. Guilting someone into having sex is a form of coercion. Coercion into sex is a form of rape, as recognized by the law.

I'm not going as far as to say OP raped his girlfriend, but he was "rapey", for lack of a better word. Nowhere does it imply women do not have a choice

>but she agreed. It stops being a no if she agrees

It's not that clearcut dude, pressuring someone into agreeing isn't the same as them freely agreeing

like someone else said, OP's story should have been this

>haven't had sex in a week, feeling horny
>Gf is tired, but I try to initiate
>Says she doesn't really feel like it
>Say okay

and end of story

yeah that sounds exactly like what a BRUTAL VIOLENT RAPIST would do

off yourself retard

this is good

Okay I'll agree with you there. Even rapey sounds like to strong a word though. He needs to learn to leave his girl alone when she's not in the mood because there's not much helping that. She also need to learn to stick to her guns though. She's not doing anyone any favors by just agreeing. No sane guy wants to fuck a girl that doesn't want it. I'm sure that's why he's here. He wants things fixed.
They need to come up with a solution. Like maybe he can get some side pussy if she's not feeling in the mood. Or maybe they just break up if they aren't compatible anymore.

Sorry, op. Her pussy hurts from Chad's huge schlong ramming her for one to three hours at a time. It's ok, she'll finally summon the courage to dump you eventually. Until then, enjoy your sloppy seconds.

do you not know how the clitoris works? in most women it's way too sensitive after an orgasm to be of use

that guy was just saying lube wouldn't fix the arousal issue, did not say to ignore the arousal issue

>if she consents but isn't in the mood it's non-consensual sex.
Are you actually retarded?

If you keep rubbing it right after she cums, yea. OP tried to dick her though. It's OK to not have experience but maybe don't argue about something you don't know

Dear lord, kid. You really fuckled this one up pretty good. Firstly, are you seriously surprised that sex you have to pressure people into isn't going to be all that great? She's near her period, tired, low libido and isn't in the mood. I'm not vagina scientist but I'm pretty sure that's a perfect formula for terrible sex. I'm also ENTIRELY confused how you managed to make this entire thing about you; as if her not enjoying painful sex while you're tired and cramping is a negative reflection on you. If she REALLY loved you she would be totally into having sex when she's sleepy, not horny and uncomfortable? Seriously dude?

Secondly, the oral means nothing. It takes no effort to lay back and get head. Being gently tongue boxed while you lay back and rest your eyes has just a tad more "wow" factor than being begrudgingly humped by your boyfriend who uses vacation guilt as foreplay.

Thirdly, you would know better about the crying than we would but the moral of the story is you really stirred up the perfect storm for a terrible physical and emotional encounter and, as icing on the cake, made the whole thing about you. I don't know how often she cries but maybe the pain from the sex she didn't want was the straw that broke the camel's back, if you will. This wasn't just body language you ignored but, like, actual verbal language. I think the best way to avoid future situations like these is to not guilt your girlfriend into sex when she's tired, cramping and cranky. I don't know if you're either super young or super stupid but this is ladies 101, bruh.