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>ancapistani statism

wow nice but now they are a target of cartels, they dont have a way of knowing if its laced or not. They cant set up a report system either.

That’s what test kits and reviews are for. Anyone competent enough to order drugs properly should be using test kits.

What kind of nerd wastes money on test kits. Don't be a pussy and take your drugs bitch

That's too bad, there'll be less dead druggies

Notice the Jew cannot understand even the concept of morals. Even the most reviled goyim out for profit can see that this is wrong. but to the jew he only sees shekels.

shit looks like parmigiano reggiano


rare leaf

u wot m8


Evil ass substance. I almost lost my life because of this drug. Don’t do it!

hope you've got your will in order

If there's anything Cocaine Cowboys taught me, it's that spending some money on infrastructure for your drug business puts you far, far ahead of the ordinary smuggler & dealer.

its not good business to accidentally kill all of your molly users because some asshat dealer 3 links down the chain decided he wanted to advertise a "special" batch. Its also not good business when his surviving friends come and torture your dealer until he gives them the names and locations of your competent employees, and possibly yours. is right, there's no way to stop this shit from happening once you've sold the fentanyl, so just not selling it to avoid it shitting up the other parts of the operation just makes good business sense.

someone, somewhere will still be dealing it, but these sellers can advertise pure product, which is also a good customer draw. Looks like the free market did fix it, for once.

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I know a father who found out his son was dealing fent. Father thought he was doing online consultant work. Was a massive shock to him. His son was looking at 10 years, killed himself instead. Father was devastated obviously. But he also had a typical boomer mentality of ignorance so it was hard to feel that sorry for him sadly. I remember he kept going on about how great Guns Germs and Steel was.

>buy unknown powder chemical from total stranger
>use speshul encruption to help stranger get away after ripping you off

retarded and insane
no other words come close

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imagine killing yourself over 10 years. What a pussy. I havnt had sex for 11 years

He was 40 at the time with no education. 10 years, he gets out at 50, with no education, and no support? I'd just kill myself too.

you have superpowers. you are a lvl 10 wizard