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Fuck everyone that drives Chrysler junk.
Fucking fast and furious movie prop bullshit.

fucking hateful neckbeareded incel got what he deserved

That's pretty terrifying that he can just make people have heart attacks at will

>walks in front of car
>beats on car with sticks and bricks in a crowd of stickbeating brick-throwing thugs
>wants to kill nazis
>nazi attempts to get away and not be killed
>accidentally run over a lv 3 onions filled nubcake

Why do we have to sit in our cars awaiting death? If people that mean to harm us stop us from escaping, isn't it akin to self defence with a big shield?

Any of you ever watch shot caller? well he should

>they think this will actually scare people away from the far right
>really it’s just redpilling more normies then anons could dream of
All of their damage control will bounce back in their face.
Screen cap this

Politicians released statements about this guy within minutes of this happening, before details were even confirmed. He was convicted before he even did anything

Fuck the media, he didn’t even kill the fat slut, the car never touched her.
>healthy at every size

meanwhile in australia.

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Chinlet neckbeard, the face of Jow Forums.

based and nogpilled

Hope he enjoys black cock.
Because he will get to know them very well.

How could he ever receive a fair trial in a court house less than half a mile away from where the incident occurred?

The city already renamed the street after the hog.

The jury was undoubtedly stacked with antifa sympathizers.

Innocent man taken as a political prisoner

Yeah right, biggers mostly rape other niggers

He can appeal it, hopefully they get him better lawyers

This desu.

How many white nationalist were killed at Charlottesville?

He walked away.
Got his car.
Then came back.

If he was in fear of his life, why the fuck did he come back?

he hasn't actually been sentenced yet they just recommended how many years the real sentencing is in march

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Thats not a nice thing to say about Heather

The trial may as well have been a ritual murder. Manslaughter charge at worst. American justice system is fucked.

to save people obviously. So he does that, and tries to get away.

Buy a gun and use lethal force if you feel threatened, stop playing games.

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Martyr and a hero

life in prison for an accidental death? don't niggers rape and mutilate and murder people and get out on parole and shit?

He could have just driven away, which, by the way, he did after the attack. There was never any need to run over a bunch of protesters. If you read through his Wiki page, you'll see that he has deep mental issues, which are most likely what caused him to perpetrate the attack. I'm not gonna shed a tear for the antifa trash that got run over, but giving him life in jail seems appropriate.

if he was trying to kill people why didn't he go faster and back up and try to run people over repeatedly?

I'm fucking sick of this fucking faggot's fucking pig face. I would have given him 1000 years just so no one would ever have to see him again.

You'd have to leave your moms double wide first

When is Hillary getting the rope?

Giving an innocent man life in jail is not appropriate

Our female judges simply adore African teenagers. They think they're playing mother-duck to loveable misfits.

>He can appeal it, hopefully they get him better lawyers
It won't happen unless someone raises money for it. The left made sure that every attempt to crowdfund the money got shut down, and then the judge removed his first court-appointed lawyer on learning that he might actually be willing to defend him seriously, ensuring he got a lawyer that would privately agree to lose the case.

If you want him defended, someone has to raise the money without using crowdfunding sites, actually collecting cash, cheques, and money orders, and spreading the word other than by social media, where it'll obviously get shut down.

I was tracking with you until you recommended life... bit of an overreach


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if you go and kill leftist might as well kill as many as you can,

life in prison over a roastie

Based in a prison cell for the rest of his life.


It seriously sucks to be an alt-right autist.

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They are really turning this retard into a martyr, this case is becoming more and more egregious with every detail I'm learning about it

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It's interesting that Australia uses the same slang as us for meth.

Do you think he will sissygasm a lot in prison from the BBC?

BASED! He'll spend the rest of his life in a cell, crying alone at night and regretting what he did.

For straight up running people over with your car, full well knowing that will probably kill them? What if not life imprisonment would be appropriate?

Great movie.

>They are really turning this retard into a martyr, this case is becoming more and more egregious with every detail I'm learning about it
He was a very egregious murder who was egregious also in his murdering and his autism. Has there ever been a more egregious alt-right sperg-out murderer before?

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Where the fuck is Putin when you really need him?

Prison? What a waste. They should hang him from his feet in the town square and have people throw stuff at him. That same fate should happen to every white nationalist. And that's nicer than what you "people" really deserve.

Unite the Right was such an embarassment. All of those people show up to march, but when the locals decide to pull a kangaroo court lynching on one of their number, not one dollar comes out to hire him a decent lawyer.

I guess that's par for the course with these idiots, going into a leftist-controlled jurisdiction to march with tiki torches and publicly declare themselves actual fascists.

Illegal roadblock, weapons and masks

Well, that's the difference between a murder case, and a case that's being used only as a political flex on the rising right.

what is that childs head doing in that mans donger pouch

Nobody will reply to this obviously logical post.

Press s to spot on this fat incel

>I guess that's par for the course with these idiots, going into a leftist-controlled jurisdiction to march with tiki torches and publicly declare themselves actual fascists.
The tiki torches were a fatal mistake. No one likes the false appropriation of tiki torches from their fun-oriented authentic context.

For betraying the spirit of tiki torches, the alt-right and unite the right deserve very serious consequences.

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Sacrificed upon the altar of political correctness

Just get the fuck out and don't engage them? If you see someone being illegally armed or doing illegal shit, call the cops and get the fuck out.

Thar she blows!!

OMFG HOW CAN YOU ANONS CLAIM TO BE REDPILLED WHEN YOU CAN’T EVEN RECOGNIZE A FAKE EVENT? A guy ran into a crowd at a glow-in-the-dark honeypot event, rolled quads on his license plate, AND HE’S WEARING THE BLACK AND WHITE MASONIC CHECKERS IN HIS MUGSHOT!!! The media is fake and yes, they can fake trials too. The OJ Simpson trial was fake.

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Cops are not interested and your already surrounded

If you're going to throw your life away for the cause, at least try to kill a big-name globalist, not some random worthless landwhale.

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Low-IQ good goy who fell for the British propaganda that Hitler was a screaming, angry lunatic, how embarrassing.


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Stop beeing such a boomer cuck

Well with that life sentence he should have killed more. To bad he didn't have the intent to. It would have been easy.

he didn't even killed her that's the thing, she litteraly just collapsed and died because of her fat

Based and redpilled. Ramming a car into people you disagree with is for brainlets who don't know how to use their words.

should've kept the memes on Jow Forums

>Similar tongue position.
What does it mean, Jow Forums?

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also he wasn't even driving this is why we been SAGE

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tick tock trumpkins

>Giggles in Antifa

Look hes got the incel double neck!
Every incel i know has a fatass neck like this

all memes aside i'm surprised they got him on 1st degree murder

>Life for manslaughter
The so called (((justice system))) strikes again.

This is the most retarded angle to shill, ever. The autopsy report is available to anyone to read, you illiterate faggots.

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Pudgy Jow Forumsyp got we he deserved.

>inb4 autopsy report is a conspiracy

>Avowed neo-Nazi
Where did he state he's a neo-Nazi? He was at Unite the Right not Unite the White.

>The decedent is a well-developed, well-nourished, obese white female.

He's clearly an alt-right neo-nazi terrorist.

Heather Heyer = Horst Wessel

>Where did he state he's a neo-Nazi?

No that's not what happened. He started speeding towards the crowd before his car started getting hit. That was proven in court

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You act as if people weren't attacking them that day.

they can keep saying he killed her but it will never be true lol

Rememeber, if you ever hit a pedestrian, and you ever shared a meme of a car hitting someone, you're a murder too.

This comes from the people who know him in real life. And the event was filled to the brim with different types of white supremacists. I don't think there were many run of the mill republicans there talking about right wing economics and such. The right in the name meant far-right

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please stop. no one is dumb enough to fall for this

They're confusing Heather with another fat blob that Heather knocked over while rolling down the street.


Imagine being such a fucking loser you think this is a victory for your "side"

>This comes from the people who know him in real life.
Who? Did the friendless virgin's mother say it? His father? Pet guinea pig?

ANTIFA has police, mainstream media/culture, big corporations, celebrities etc... on their side. Must be nice

His teacher and classmate for one

Any time you're sentenced to death/life in jail, your case is automatically submitted for appeal.