Be me with gf living in a 3rd world shithole

>be me with gf living in a 3rd world shithole
>decide to move to another country so as to escape said shithole
>living in a shared residence because no money for a real house or apt for now
>3 weeks in she has already cheated on me with 2 guys
>move out, get my own place, block her from everywhere
>7 years of relationship down the drain in 3 weeks
>fastforward 1 year and a half
>life is good for me, new gf, tons of money and saving up to buy a house
>not so good for her... no job, and it seems also no place to live either soon to be kicked out

Assuming money is no problem would you guys help her? Im still pretty salty about it all and she did get a new bf right off the bat after me. No feelings but feel kinda of bad seeing as she has nobody else in this place, i think im what stands between her and homelessness

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>would you guys help her?
certainly not
shes not your problem anymore, user. she did you wrong as fuck. let her sink or swim on her own

No you retard, you would be rewarding shit behaviour and mentality.

Like they say, she made her bed, now she sleeps in it.

She's not your responsibility, but if money's not a problem, it'd be nice if you could at least get her a plane ticket back to the third world shit hole you came from so she can at least be with family.

>3 weeks in she has already cheated on me with 2 guys
>move out, get my own place, block her from everywhere
>7 years of relationship down the drain in 3 weeks

Fuck her, time in a relationship means nothing here. Do NOT reach out to her in any way shape or form.

And that would be fair to your new gf how exactly?

you would only teach her that she can be shitty to people and still profitate from them.

She decided to be an asshole, now she needs to live with the consequences op. Not your problem.

No dude. Contact her and laugh at her and then give her a dollar to pour salt in the wound. Bitches are abusing their men all over the world because we have let them walk all over us. Well no more. Guys like me are here to save the world, and you're going to join the fight by digging this bitch up and shitting right in her Goddamn mouth.


There's a lot of heartless bastards here saying basically fuck her, but being homeless fucking sucks. It could be the death of her, depending on where you live now. It's understandable whatever you do, but keeping someone from starving on foreign shores is never a bad thing, unless it eats into your ability to support yourself.

I know you can do the right thing, user.

If user wants to help someone down on their luck then maybe they should find a native of their host country who hasn't fucked random dicks while dating him and help them out. Work a soup kitchen or buy some new children's clothes and donate them to a shelter. As for the cunt who wasted 7 years of his time, let her rot.

That's definitely a fair perspective, but I can't agree. I'm not saying that he should pay her rent or anything, but the way he tells it, it sounds like he kinda pulled her out to this new crazy place. It'd be fucked up of him to let her rot in this place he brought her. It all depends on context shit like that.

She brought herself to the situation she's in. Had she not been a fucked waste of flesh, op would be providing for her. No sympathy

Screwing around is a totally shitty thing to do, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't make someone a fucked waste of flesh. We don't know anything about op or his relationship with her really. If she was a manipulative bitch who kept him around until she could replace him, that's one thing. If she's a youngish girl that was like his high school sweetheart that fell victim to weak impulse control in a new, scary environment, that's a slightly different story. We don't know shit about his situation. It's not really fair to throw every cheater into the same category, though it's definitely a shitty thing to do. Op has to make a judgement call on how much sympathy she deserves.

>Trying to justify shitty behaviour this hard

You're either trolling or a shitty person yourself and seeking self justification, reasoning and forgiveness in turn.

Regardless which, your point is irrelevant so stop posting.

>not fair to throw all cheaters in the same category.

Yes. It is. It's literally the same action regardless of what brought it on.

Not justifying what anybody did dude. I'm saying we literally know next to nothing about what actually happened. It's easy to hear someone say someone did something shitty and say nasty shit like what a wasted piece of flesh someone is. Reality is you might be telling him to ruin someone's life for a single mistake. I think that's fucked up. I think some people deserve some sympathy even after they do shitty things, and op gave some pretty fucking vague info. I lived homeless for a while, and that's why I say she may deserve some sympathy, because that shit SUCKS. I'm not justifying anything she did, but the punishment may not fit the crime.

Yea I agree. If you start supporting her there, she might click that she can leech off of you and you'll get yourself a problem. But you can offer her a ticket back. She might refuse but that's on her

>fell victim to weak impulse control in a new, scary environment,

She's in a scary new environment (was she forced into it?), and the logical thing her to do is to fuck over her protector by entering into an affair with two strangers? You aren't making any sense, fuck off with your illogical defense of objectively shitty behavior.

No, he's right and you're trying out this overconfident pseudo psychologist. Please stop

Context matters, especially when you're talking about putting someone on the streets.

Nah, she can learn her lessons the hard way. Chances are if she's got no job and no place to live it's because she fucked over the other guys she was with.


> Was she forced into it?
We literally don't know, and that's part of my whole point. We don't know their situation at all. I'm not defending shit. I'm saying that being homeless sucks, and being homeless in a strange City can be a death sentence in the wrong place. Maybe she deserves him being cold, maybe she doesn't. That's all I'm pointing out.

OP here

Basically went down like this
>make this plan to move
>save up for years in order to nake this a reality
>she moves first since her plane ticket came out first
>i come second arriving feb last year
>move into said place, real party house lots of drinking smoking and drugs
>she starts to get real into this shit, especially drinking wine almost everyday
>honestly i indulge too in all tgat shit since i dont care and its fun
>starts getting frisky with some guy from the place, makes out with him and he finger bangs her in a plaza somewhere
>then she fucks some guy in his room while im out working (she worked afternoons i worked mornings)
>find out, leave, months of depression start
>felt like shit till i snapped out of it and moved on
>now this

Btw i know all this about her because she has sent me text via email since i blocked her everywhere else, shes told me shes been getting panic attacks, hasnt had a job for months and shes about to be homeless.

Last time i saw her round the city was with the guy she fucked getting on buses "singing a song" asking for charity and doing it all over again. I laughed for like a week straight though its fucking pathetic. So theres tge context for anyone who wanted it

But i think ill go along with the anons in this tgread saying fuck her

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>He's right
>Literally from all the posters here only 1-2 supporting this retarded idea of helping out someone that screwed you over

Are you naturally stupid or trolling?

Don't let her drag you back in. You have zero obligation to her for the shit she got herself into.

Sounds like she's trying to be manipulative, don't fall for it.

Again what would your new gf say about it? Because I wouldn't be cool with my current partner helping out an ex with money and such.

Good choice op

Are you romanian or Serbian OP?

Yeah, that stuffs pretty much worst case scenario. It sounds like she's going to use your cash to fuel her habit, especially since she's still living with the dude. Fuck her.

Lmao apparently having a minority opinion makes you stupid now? Get over yourself dude.

Yes, because supporting her makes you either a troll fishing for (You)s or dumb as bricks.

>gf cheats on me with 2 guys after being together for 7 years
>got new gf and better living situation
>ex's life is shit
>should I help my ex who fucked 2 guys after 7 years together?
Firstly, how can you be with a woman for 7 years and not be engaged/married? no wonder she hopped on some first world dick at the first opportunity.
Secondly, why help someone who fucked you over? you have no obligations to her, she can fuck her way out of homelessness if she needs to.

She came willingly to a first world country from a third world shit pit and likely didn't have to foot the bill. I don't pity her newfound first world problems. If I knew where she was I'd drive past her and splash a mud puddle all over her. Women have been raking men over the coals for decades because some men cheat, and the legal system fucks men over every which way because of it, even when they didn't do anything to deserve it. It's women's turn to be called out for the cunts they are when they do shit like she did.

Punish the bitch hard OP. If you live to 70, she wasted 10% of your time.

She deserves nothing from you OP
Forget her she's not worth it

Consider the following:

Your woman gets to know you are helping an ex (and wimin GET to know)


She begins to distrust you. Your sweet nest buying plans go to Hell. You loose gf, plans, and money (which is the least serious risk, as it seems assumed)

Dunno. Proceed with great caution, you could get a leech.

Spanish nun saying: “From charity enters The Plague”

>i think im what stands between her and homelessness

You're talking as if she is a braindead dog, her moving was not your choice, it was hers, if she doesn't stand too well, that's her problem. She made a decission, you didn't make it for her. She's an adult, not your kid. Her problem, not yours.

That's what I took issue with. We didn't know the specifics. Now we do, and I agree, fuck her. But the specifics matter. You guys give some shit advice if you think there's a blanket solution for a problem like this.

I wasn't supporting her you dense motherfucker. The context and specifics matter, and we didn't have enough of those.

> i think im what stands between her and homelessness

a non-schizoid non-junkie girl will never be homeless. There's always a guy who will take care of her.

>no job
This is not a problem for 3rd world women.
This is the norm for them.

She will soon find some western guy who is willing to buy her diamonds op.

Women literally bargain with sex, and they seem convinced it is "real love" in most cases.

She's just a random person now. If you feel like throwing your money away, go for it.

I would keep my money for myself.