I'm mostly of italian descent (northern) which is white according to pol and yet i have brown eyes, brown hair, and slightly darker skin than anglos/germans. My uncle (who is celt/german and lives in north texas) says I'm dark looking, probably by northern european standards. I lose the tan and turn yellow in the winter. It made me realize that if people who are mostly anglo/germanic (the vast majority of america) don't think I look white, then I shouldn't consider myself white either. The only reason I am now is because I live on the east coast.
Recently I found out that north italians cluster genetically farther away from irish/british people than even iberians do. They're more closely related to groups like lithuanians and other eastern euro mongol hybrids that pol doesn't consider white either. How can it get any worse?
aren't these bait threads bannable offenses? take it to Jow Forums you faggot.
Easton Garcia
he looks like my uncle that asks about girlfriends, and jokes about niggers
Zachary Taylor
Africa can't into English.
Ryder Stewart
pol hates italians and especially americans of italian descent.
Jacob Baker
Oh cool another one of these threads. I'm also Sicilian with brown hair and brown eyes, but my skin is extremely pale and in winter I just get paler.Sure, Sicily was conquered a lot by the arabs, but the Italians are still here. We have greatness in our blood.
"Trenta secoli di storia ci permettono di guardare con sovrana pietà talune dottrine di oltr'Alpe, sostenute dalla progenie di gente che ignorava la scrittura, con la quale tramandare i documenti della propria vita, nel tempo in cui Roma aveva Cesare, Virgilio e Augusto."
Alexander Anderson
according to this board i can't be proud of my heritage because i'm just a muslim descendant because my skin is pale yellow and if I was roman I'd have blue or green eyes and blonde hair.
Dominic Edwards
Leo Ramirez
lmao even algeia is whiter than italy bouteflika is whiter than the milanese salvini
I have a northern italian father and an english mother, I do not look italian at all but I wish I did. People either guess french or eastern euro. Italians (not italo americans) are the best, I consider myself lucky to have the heritage and surname.
Forget the board, people who will hate you for being Italian aren't worth your time. Look at Mussolini, he had brown eyes. They're trying to do a divide and conquer. Be proud of your heritage, every one of your ancestors fought hard in their lives, and the result is you posting here today.
Southern Italy is certainly a bit of a melting pot, but I'd say we have it a little easier than the rest of "pure" northern europe at the moment. It's difficult, but Europe has to be united against its adversaries, even after we've fought for the last millennia.
TLDR anyone who calls you out is a D&C shill.
Angel Rivera
>Italians (not italo americans) are the best how can you hate me when you don't even know me?
Henry Wilson
I seen you make these types of threads and posts dozens of times. You really need to get over yourself. Now, I see you brought Lithuanians into your rants. If Lithuanians aren't white, that's ok and doesn't matter to me.
as long as you're not a kike nigger arab or chink you're fine
Gavin Gonzalez
I really do hope you're considered white. My brother accidentally got hitched to one of your trollops and i don't want to cut all contact with him.
Anthony Peterson
Also a sicilian aussie here. I wish i had darker skin. my older sister and mum is so white that if they wear bathers at the beach, the sun sometimes reflects off their thighs and you are slightly blinded momentarily. My grandpa/ nonno was near nigger pigment though.