Humans came from apes

>humans came from apes
this has to be the most ridiculous cringy "widely accepted" scientific theory right?

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Humans came from advanced humans through genetic engineering.

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>the universe was made by the jewish god
yeah, not cringy or ridiculous at all.

Not cringe per se, but inaccurate. Humans evolved from early primates into various branches, but the common ancestor for all vertebrate animals is a fish.

liberal basedboy detected

Evolution is a lie and once Unit 8200 gets bombed by Iran this board will be usable again.

I mean we very obviously came from a common ancestor. Take a zoology course and the visual evidence speaks for itself.

t. nigger who gets his understanding of life from bill nye videos on netflix

Sorry sweetie but it's just ridiculous and you know it.

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Just go to the fucking zoo and watch the Chimpanzees.

They look and act like fucking Niggers. They stare at you like fucking Niggers. It's unsettling.

nah, you are retarded though

Bill Nye is an idiot, and I am certainly no liberal- but judging by the look of it, I am apparently better educated than you.

>believing in evolution
when did the jews ruin this wholesome christian board

>believing liberal conspiracy theories like evolution and global warming is educated

Its pretty based.

Imagine evolving into a creature that cannot survive the harshness of its own world. It doesnt have flaws, fur or a strong immune system. The only one tool we have is a brain. The power of intelligence.

Knowing this really helps one come to terms with what the purpose of humanity is, and its fucking great.

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How do you explain Genesis 2:7 then? "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

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Humans and Apes has an common ansester.
How would you explain our similarities?

We literally have ape-like missing links walking around in our cities. What is so ridiculous about the human descent from apes?

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Brit from the negre family

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Uhh, the bible for one, fucking idiot

Humans are a hominid, related to the great apes.
You try and tell me that people don’t have very similar characteristics to a squad of apes hanging out, grasping them bananas, and flinging shit at monkeys they don’t like.

>he takes the bible as historical fact



Sometimes focussing on the small details really hones in how a like we are.

Notice how the skin folds appear in exactly the same place as it does on humans.

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Clay means that Humans are the HUE of Earth.


Ultimately the word comes from an old Indo-European root meaning ‘of the Earth’, as opposed to (a bunch of words describing) God as being ‘of Heaven’ (it shares its root of ‘of the Earth’ with the word ‘humble’, by the way.)

In Latin the world evolved to mean specifically ‘man’ (modern Spanish ‘hombre’), and a side derivation kept the original meaning of earth, ground: ‘humus’.

In the Saxon languages, the Indo-European root also came to mean (earthling) ‘man’. It’s found as -gam in the German Bräutigam - literally the bride’s man - as -gom in the Danish brudgom, and in the English groom in bridegroom (with an inserted -r whose origin in not entirely clear; a groom is a boy as well, perhaps the inserted -r arose so as to differentiate the word from local pronunciations of ‘gum’.)

Races aren't different races. Skin colors are varied because they are the hues of the Earth.

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ironic post coming from a leaf


>How do you explain Genesis 2:7 then?

Simple, the bible is fiction

Humans didnt come from Apes, we just evolved.

I'm actually from Wales, friend, my dad is a big NHL fan so I bought us tickets to each Canadian NHL city that has a team and are road tripping across the country

Correct, it has been disproven, I can't find it now but national Geographic basically admitted it in an article around 2016-2015. Blacks have no Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA, Whites only have Neanderthal, Asians mostly have Denisovan and some Neanderthal. Blacks are just fucking monkeys and whites and asians are not.

WOW! monkey use tool hehe!!! Let's throw out our knowledge from our ancestors and thousands of years of history and culture because monkey use tool HEHEHE wow!!!!!! BILL NYE WAS RIGHT, WTF????? We literally MONKEYS!!!!!

Fucking eurocucks.

>Canadian city that has a NHL team

fixed, sorry pretty drunk

also why are there so many pakis in toronto?

>this has to be the most ridiculous cringy "widely accepted" scientific theory right?
That isn't climate change

Right, God made us from physical things - but the point is God made Man from the ground up. He did not impregnate some chimp. The Jew is Jewing again there and lying. Twisting God's word. In the beginning there was the WORD and the WORD was WITH GOD. That's why Elohim is appropriate -- it was the Father and Christ. Not some ancient alien thing, or pantheon of gods that decided to have an orgy with monkeys.

Damn dude calm down

What are your grounds for having more faith in bronze age Semitic fairy-tales than the science which has dramatically improved all of our lives and increased our understanding of the universe?

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It's always a burger posting this shit

The irony is that if we wipe ourselves out because we have retards like you living among us that might mean that in 40-50 thousand years that little dude might develop hunting tools and eventually start to eat meat, growing his brain over generations, eventually becoming the next inheritor of the earth.

Wow you're fucking retarded, don't have kids.


These beings created ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

Absolutely cringey, NOC programming

You're going to hell, repent and cut your testicles off.

Humans didn't evolve from "apes". We evolved from Australopithecus which was more like a short, hairy human than an ape, and Australopithecus evolved from something that was more like a lemur than an ape. Only retarded christcucks think evolution means that humans just randomly popped out of a chimpanzee one day.

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Wait... Who said anything about God impregnating a chimp?

How would you explain how the behavior of chimpanzees are very similar to us ? Just a HUGE coincidence right

look up types of biblical criticism then rethink your life.

Yes. We are apes, like those gorillas you see at the zoo. We just happen to have the advantage of a better developed brain for long term memory retention, amongst other things. You see, we are just another animal in this planet. Although I don't disagree with the idea of a god, we weren't made after its image, unless god happens to be a super advanced ape.

Makes more sense than God.

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It's THE MOST widely accepted scientific theory. Which is why science is bullshit and The Bible is a better source of information.


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Which one of them is nigger?

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>Makes more sense than God.
best post

how does a creationist explain this?

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Yeah how the fuck did we come from niggers

You're right user the Jewish God you believe in Yaweah sounds much more sane and believable. Let us all go to church and cry for this slightly homoerotic blood statue of Jesus.

the one without a father

Good goy


why are liberal science geeks so niggardly

Look at the musculature. A belief in evolution and a belief in God are not mutually exclusive. Evolution is only one phenomenon arising from the natural laws of the universe. Surely these natural laws and their eternal truth and the intellect arising from these natural machines that we are is evidence of some kind of fundamental defining force which would be appropriate to describe as divine or Godly. Aristotle stated that given that the universe exists the only two options for achieving this are that the universe didn't exist before and then came to exist - implying the quality of creation - or it was always existing - implying the quality of eternity - and both of these qualities could aptly be described as divine, I would say.

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>It's THE MOST widely accepted scientific theory
Due to it being demonstrable.
>Which is why science is bullshit and The Bible is a better source of information
Because evolution is the most widely accepted scientific theory, science is bullshit and the bible makes sense? Your lack of utilizing any logic is baffling.

>believe in the same hunk of shit that thought the earth was flat and not the word of god
keep drinking the basedmilk faggot

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The absolute state of christian logic.

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And what's your defeater for the christian god?

basic intelligence and logic

Had a feeling you had nothing

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>Claim evolution is wrong through strawmanning
>Never actually bother to look up the existing evidence for evolution
>LUL liberal cuck you are liberal because evolution is liberal

The day of the rope will also come for you brainlets as well

>chink thinks he can chime in on a intellectual discussion
Back to the rice fields jackie chan, this is for civilized white folk not poppy farmers

When you realize that Black People are the Missing Link. Everything will make sense.

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>Amerimutt claiming he has any place in an intellectual discussion

If you were a eurofag then your ad hominem would at least mean something but clearly you are too retarded to see your own hypocrisy

I really hope everyone from my country is merely pretending to be retarded.

>calls a gook a chink

no wonder you moron would rather have the whole world be the incest product of Adam, Eve and their descendants.

I feel you mate, but I worry that they are actually borderline retarded.
And the worst thing is that my cuntry is heading that way as well.
some humans perhaps.
not all of us, why do you think the neanderthals are still trying to kill us for coming to europe and taking their clay?
cro-magnon dna exists in africans, their dna does not exist in cro magnon, so its impossible for us to have come from them. the reality is we spread our genes to the descendants of apes and raised them out of the swamp.

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Yes, a norwegian herring. All of your lives are belong to us. Gib evolve tax now

Ive been in your country long enough to know this isnt the case. Dont worry, sensible amrimutt; the eventual culling of retards due to lack of resources will come one day. When it comes your country will finally become better

T-rex turned into a chicken, fish turned into mammal then turned back to aquatic life, etc.. All disney nonsense.

redpill coming through -

protestant cucks are not christian

Thanks for knowing the difference Kraut. Us gooks and nips are more human than chinks will ever be.

>all these different names for the exact same looking person

I concur. You fuckers are alright to me.

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What's worse is that you get these retards all living in the same community, somehow being the majority and then one of them gets elected into office.

Better than
>humans came from Jews

>Organisms grow and are shaped by the information on their DNA.
>the information on the DNA can change cross-generationally into entirely novel information never before seen
>but these changes can’t accumulate and snowball into larger changes

>you can take a step but you can’t walk a mile

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Humans are still apes by definition. Humans are apes, just as chihuahuas are dogs.

>T-rex turned into a chicken
Wrong, t rex turned into nothing, it's a dead end lineage. Birds came from smaller dinos that were already feathered.
>fish turned into mammal
Wrong again, though we share a common ancestor that had the base qualities of a fish.

Nobody has any obligation to prove something doesn't exist.

based honorary aryans
China's status has been lost ever since commies took over. I doubt it will ever recover either, they don't seem much better than niggers.

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>Faggots: Humans came from apes
>user: Blacks look like apes
>Faggots: OMG!!! You can't say that!!!

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There was a kind of fish whose lineage would become the mammals

>honorary aryanship
Fuck right off with that meme, it’s literally blank slate ideology

Taiwan is the only good China, I guess.

You maybe descented from an ape but I'm sure not, mutt.

Kek. I think niggers are proof of evolution if you ask me.

I do find that rather hypocritical. The fact is whites look like apes because they are apes. Blacks happen to look more like our closest ape relatives than whites though.

Taiwan is pro fag and basically suck American globalist cock

I want to not that this image is out of date, as Velociraptor should have small, flightless wings.

>humans came from a Jewish man

>humans came from the depths of Africa, ventured into Asia and Europe, evolved with their surroundings, conquered each other and ruled the world through survival tactics and sheer strength