The Thulean Pill

>"Christianity is the greatest trick the Jews have ever played."

When did you take the Thulean pill? When will we purge Jow Forums of (((them)))?

Attached: Sage Vikernes Burns Down An Abrahamic Structure.jpg (800x800, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What's with all this pagan shilling recently?
Where have all these heathens come from?

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its a natural reaction to the failure of newer ideologies, like christianity

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Varg is a retard and Christianity is the one true religion.

Being a christian doesn't mean you have to abandon your ancient cultural traditions.
The west still told the old stories of the Greek and Roman pantheon while still holding on to it's christian faith.
Germanic paganism was just lost because it wasn't written down as frequently.

I will pray for you

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You know how Cultural marxist do. They'll go in rounds between attacking Whites, Straights, Christians, and everything else (((they))) hate the most.

Is there sound to this all I saw was an awkward reach into possible shove. What happened?

Is that Vag in the picture?

How (((they))) do on Jow Forums that is.

I hope you realize that paganism has no mechanism to keep it's followers from miscegenation either.
It is up to the institutions of man to decide that sort of thing.

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Christians are not under attack, its White people that are under attack and Christians are just as culpable.

That is Vag in the picture.

Varg I'd back on YT. He has a great new video out. Watch it now faggots.


I'm thinking religion in politics does more harm than good.
We shouldn't be focusing on which religion is the best, instead, we should be uniting to end (((globalist satanic elites))) and save the white race, regardless the religion of the individual.

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I personally have nothing against pagan beliefs and practices. I see it as a way for atheists/agnostics to engage in their cultural heritage without Christianity.
But the beliefs of paganism can never bring you to the ultimate truth, or the peace that passes all understanding.

Paganism is culture
Christ is the ultimate truth.

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>believing thuleans are anti Christians
>believing Christianity isn’t an amalgamation of pagan and some (((other))) religion

John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

>pagans shilling?
John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

>Christianity is the one true religion.
John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

>I will pray for you
John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

>You know how Cultural marxist do. They'll go in rounds between attacking Whites, Straights, Christians, and everything else (((they))) hate the most.
>that's why I attack whites
>I attack their traditions
>I attack their history
>I do this for (((Jesus)))

John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

>Pagans race mix like us do guys!
John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

>I think we should not talk about (((Jesus))) and focus on the devil he use to talk to.

John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

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>But the beliefs of paganism can never bring you to the ultimate truth, or the peace that passes all understanding.

This is why not having anything against pagan beliefs/practices is incoherent. You should by your own admission oppose these cretins.

>Paganism is white culture I must destroy
>(((Christ))) is the ultimate truth.
John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

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>How dare you not destroy white culture!
>We are (((Christians!)))
John 4:22
>You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.
-Rabbi Yeshua the messiah (know as jesus christ to european larpers)

Woah you really think you've discovered something profound with the John 4:22, all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.

>its a natural reaction to the failure of newer ideologies, like christianity

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>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.

>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.

>all Christians already know that the faith originated with the Jews.

Hey who would win, one obscure Jewish cult, or pagan Europe?

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>the ultimate truth
this video makes one mistake but the truth is in there, it focuses on the roman need to vilify the jews in israel, yet doesnt focus on the role the jewish tax collectors in alexandria played in creating the bible despite mentioning them.
this video is another good piece of the puzzle, the khazars were operating in rome before they converted to judaism

christianity being labelled an 'amalgamation' of paganism with anything else is purely on the superficial level, its to railroad people into being psychological subservient. im not against it, most people are semi retarded and need something to kneel infront of, lets just not pretend its something else.

I first heard Filosofem when I was like 8 and had no idea who Varg was or any of the politics involved.

Now that I'm older I love his work that much more, knowing him and what he did.

I oppose them in belief.
But it is their own choice and they have made it even when presented with the truth.
They will understand in the last days.
>If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

>traditional pagan religions are better
listen here you fucking idiot.
NO religion makes any more sense than any other. Its all a crock of bullshit.
God (or Gods) exist on AT LEAST the 4th dimensional plane. As 3rd dimensional beings, it is IMPOSSIBLE to comprehend them. Faith in the creator is okay and logical but if you start making abstracts about intent and, worst of all, appearance you are just one of many arrogant dumb animals.
Does God(s) exist? Its literally impossible to ever tell. I choose to believe in a creator simply because it affords some kind of sense of order on the utter chaos of life. But if you think your personal brand of moronic dogma is somehow more right, you are a fucking idiot


which one was backed by the flavian roman military?

I bet you watch My Little Pony. Faggot

>Hey who would win, one obscure Jewish cult, or pagan Europe?

Attached: JESUS ROME GOY.jpg (900x900, 529K)

>4th dimensional plane. As 3rd dimensional beings
parroting, retard. Grow up

Axis points dont make fairytale realms

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Fuck are those niggers suppose to be? Enslaved tribals by Arabs forced to fight knights?

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>John 4:22 is supposed to be a revelation according to this guy
>the fact that people living in Israel, pre-Christianity, were Jewish either ethnically or religiously is supposed to be an earth-shattering revelation
Big brain pagan boy over here

I just think they're slaves, user...
If they were forced to fight, why would they be chained up?

If they're not fighting why do they have spears?

What will we jewish mind slaves do in the face of this pagan genius who has finally hacked the gospels with this one dreaded verse John 4:22?

I watch anime.

I came to this conclusion independently you condescending bitch

Oh shit i never noticed that.
Makes more sense now.
This painting depicts a battle of the reconquista
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
I guess the arabs chained them up to form a frontline.

Yes it does, folkish paganism is an inherently ethnic religion. It's considered dishonorable to marry outside one's folk.

Their Muslim masters might of felt like being dicks during that day.

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I really do feel bad for you, dude.

>it's considered dishonorable to marry outside one's folk
Got anywhere that thats codified or is it just you talking out your ass?

At that point, what even is a Jew?

Is that a pagan institution or a man-made one?
Was it ever written in any pagan texts that it was dishonorable?
Most Christians thought the same of miscegenation as well.

It's right in the name European Paganism. We don't need written documents to follow our nature


But here's another one for you and your rock stacking earth carving ancestors ( Before they were enligjtened by Christ, installed with good morals and directed/blessed toward success and eventual world domination ) to muster on.

We worship the King of the Jews. The one who was and is 'I AM'. The one the Jews hated the most and had tortured and crucified. The one Cultural Marxist and Communist love to defile and shame the most.

The King of the Jews. The most righteous man.

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I'm pretty sure it means that it's European paganism as opposed to say African, Asian, or Native American paganism. Doesn't have anything to do with racemixing, try again

In Jesus' context it would have meant "Judean." Realities being of the tribe of Judah.
Jesus is referring to himself in this passage, given that he is of the house of Judah.


Holy fuck that is a good quote. Based and red-pilled.

>I think we should not talk about (((Jesus))) and focus on the devil he use to talk to.

I don't understand how what I said makes me a kike shill.
I clearly said that focusing on religion is not what's most important and it could even be detrimental because whites are scattered around various religions, many are atheists and many doesn't really care, aside from the fact that we don't have the numbers, and on top of all, we are not united. And that's crucial. We need UNITY. And that's something our enemies already have.
Many whites are hard core christians that also happen to be quite racist, so they are clearly an ally we can't allow us to dismiss.
Dude, this is a fight against the top 1% that owns the world, the bankers, the monarchs and top religious authorities and have been owning it since ancient times. This is not a fight for land or money, this is a fight for our own lives, our genes and our freedom. The NWO kalergi plan will make Orwell's 1984 look like a fairy tale. Do you really think it will matter if we manage to decide what religion we should be following while our politicians open our borders enabling millions of shitskins that will kill, rape and outbred us?
God damn, this threads are waste of fucking time. I'm leaving to eightchan.

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>Christians think of miscegenation as dishonourable
I don't dispute that. Christianity is fine, I think we can mutually coexist.

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The reputation of the greedy, usurper, loan shark jew comes from the middle ages.
And the Pharisees/Sanhedrin who wrote the Talmud, the source of Jewish usury.
Old testament religion is "Yawhism" not Judaism.

We all know where these posts are from. Definitely not pagans, just jidf trying to undermine their most hated religion. Sage

Each ethnic faith is different and unrelated. But to hopefully find middle ground, I agree that laws prohibiting miscegenation would be ideal.

>tfw quads and noone checks them

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Is that why Romans fucked every race they came in contact with and Roman pagan women were some of the biggest coalburners the world has ever known?

And pagans care about this why exactly? Blah blah blah something something desert.

I think you should understand that Christianity does not voice support for nor renounce race-mixing. It leaves that decision up to the will of the individual/governing body. This is because Christianity is concerned with the end result much more than the day-to-day.

Lee Goldson

Already your first line is wrong. Both pagan Greeks and Romans made Jews fantastically wealthy.

They have no understanding of why Jews are the way they are.
The think it reaches back to the beginning of time when in reality the origins of Jewish usury began in the middle ages.

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Omg fuck off Varg, please why won't this ugly useless snownigger fuck off already.

No white father would ever marry his daughter to a nigger or a sand nigger. Women were never supposed to marry freely anyways. They are literally too stupid to make that decision on their own. Give the choice back to the father.

>Was it ever written in any pagan texts that it was dishonorable?
Yes. Unlike your Jew worshiping cult which promotes christian-globalism, assimilation & race mixing. Our true European Pagan religions have written laws condemning race mixing as well as homosexuality & other christian degenaracy.

Tacitus Germania on Pagan German Morals

>Germanic Pagans are racially pure and healthy
In Chapter 4, “Racial characteristics of the Germanics“, he attributed to Germanic men & women that they all have common physical characteristics, fierce blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured blue, dark blue), red-blonde hair (rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow, golden-blonde") and tall framers (bodies), vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[5]

>Germanic Pagans do not racemix.
Tacitus says (Ch. 2, “Origion and descent of the Germanics”) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct (indigenous), racially pure nation, not a blood admixture of their neighbors: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations…" They are divided into three large branches, the Ingaevones, the Herminones and the Istaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather.

>Germanic Pagans reserve death penalty for deserters, faggots.
The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[9]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried & concealed.[10] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[11]


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>Germanic Pagans hold marriage sacred, abortion is criminal
He also records (Ch. 19, “Sanctity of marriage”) that adultery is detested and very rare, and that an adulterous woman is shaved of her hair and exiled by the community regardless of her beauty. To limit childbearing or to kill children (abortion) is considered criminal. “In Germany good morals (customs) are worth more than good laws.”

>Germanic Pagans Practiced monogamy
Tacitus says (Ch. 18) that the Germans are content with one wife, except for a few political marriages.

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This is a description of the Germanic peoples, not their religion.
Find me an example of the pagan religion explicitly rejecting miscegenation.

Again, a description of the day to day customs of the people and not the religion.

And how are any of those values you described in any way in conflict with Christianity?

Germanic Pagans - Killed homosexuals and deserters. Were tribal and opposed Mixing. Supported monogamy. Limiting child bearing was seen as evil and adulterers got their head shaved.

Christian Germans - Made homosexuals into priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children. The daughter of a priest and the leader of Christian Democratic Union (CDU) a devout christian whore Angela Merkel brought in the largest number of christian africans into Germany.

Attached: Angela Merkel Qoute - Daughter of a christian priest and the leader of Christian Democratic (807x380, 31K)

It absolutely does. God created the different races, and allotted them different times and nations. Racemixing is blasphemy by trying to destroy what was intended. What happened in the one example in the bible mass groups of people tried mixing?

Deuteronomy 23:2 King James Version (KJV)
2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord

Acts 17:26
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

Leviticus 19:19
Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

Christianity is not STRONG AND ARYAN if it were, Nietzsche, Ragnar Red beard and Jung would be featured prominently in your PATHETIC CHRIST KEK CHUCHES>

Therefore God is correct because he predicts this conclusion before Shitze.

That's not written in pagan texts, that's a description on outward appearances by someone from a pagan society filled with racemixing, child prostitution and pederasty.
Merkel is now a devout Christian is she? Wow that's low even for a LARPagan.

there's (((one))) in Holand

>This is a description of the Germanic peoples
Yeah, it was written when Germanic regions were still Pagan.

>a description of the day to day customs of the people
This is what Germanic Paganism is all about basically. Religion shapes society and we know that Pagan Germany was homogeneous, anti homosexual, and patriarchal. Looks like a healthy society to me compared to multi-racial, violent christian shit holes such as Brazil.

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>A bastard
Which is an illegitimate child, not necessarily a mixed one.
>Acts 17:26
Merely a description of the creative act of God, it does not condone nor renounce
>Leviticus 19:19
This is the only one I can agree with. But it still is within the tradition of the Israelites and not Christianity.

Name a religion that more explicitly white nations were founded under. Australia, America, South Africa, Rhodesia, NZ were all founded as white Christian nations.

probably backtrack and make up new shit to avoid facing the fact that christkikes are spiritual semites and promote spiritual jewish supremacism.
promoting eternal spiritual salvation as a thing only possible from semites is as jewish as you can be.

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>Yeah, it was written when Germanic regions were still Pagan.
Okay? These precepts were still kept long after the region had become Christianized.

Every single subject in your photo are the results of modernism infecting the institutions of man. None of it can be attributed to the teachings of Christianity.
In fact behavior like that is largely associated with a decline in christian teaching in society.

yes it all makes sense now, Jesus chased the currency exchangers of the temple sacrifice system in the late middle ages.

Then why do Jews hate Christianity so much? Why were Christians so based, only 100 years ago?
What changed?

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K I'm a spiritual Semite, so what?

It's a "mamzer", which means born from a taboo relationship. It means both mixed race and from an illegitimate birth.

>Merely a description of the creative act of God, it does not condone nor renounce
And undoing that act and going against his will would be? An affront to God, blasphemy.

I asked a question, what happened to the people that race mixed en masse in the bible?

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Sure, it happened before this. But their reputation as such did not arrive until the middle ages.