What made baby boomers the worst generation?
What made baby boomers the worst generation?
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Notice how that infographic keeps getting browner. Just like my country...
Took the wealth that was handed to them by the greatest generation for granted, want to import 3rd world sub-80 IQ so they can live in a cheaper retirement home.
George Soros, and other people like him over the years, had much to do with contributing to immorality of the later half of the 20th century, and the early 21st century.
>What made baby boomers the worst generation?
Our crybabies children are our greatest failing.
We got blacked. Millenials probably still the worst desu, as seen from the pic as well
Why did you decide to tell them bullshit? I'm Millennial and don't get my peers and why you raised them that way. What exactly did you think was going to happen?
That's a lie, we all know boomers we're too lazy to parent properly and let the TVs raise their kids for them. Or maybe the boomers were raised by the TVs and just thought it was the right way like idiots. Either way they threw their country into the trash and get to watch it burn down on their death beds.
>Millenials probably still the worst desu
yeah, they are, if red pilled stuff was explained to boomers by the media, they'd be on our side, if it was explained to millenials they'd just reeee and double down on being a faggot
>George Soros, and other people like him over the years, had much to do with contributing to immorality of the later half of the 20th century, and the early 21st century.
You mean Jews, right?
>I'm Millennial and don't get my peers and why you raised them that way.
why do millenials need everything spoon fed? if it's not written down and with lots of "likes" they refuse to think something has any validity.
there is no independent spirit at all
remove non whites
It's been a slow burn, but the Boomers did the most to burn for narcissism and alienation by throwing out tradition and collectivism wholesale.
Because they were raised from birth to be the ultimate good goyim. Their brains have literally been wired a certain way after decades of watching kosher programming on cable tv. Imagine 150,000 hours of pure unfiltered kikery. We can’t even imagine what the world must look like through their eyes.
You're a Zoomer who was either not born on only a baby during Millennial childhood so it's not like you'd know the answer other than what your parents told you. I'm not asking you.
Not revolting when the CIA and the Fed murdered JFK
boomers gave us soros and the first sjws in existance also known as hippies
and then they try to pretend they dindu nuffin
The WWII generation that raised them.
I don't know. I'm a loner with Asperger's. I have no clue why they do things or don't. I don't care about likes either because I know I'm right and don't need validation for that.
I'm not really into generations theory of the world stuff, but I'm just gonna spitball it and say that they're an idealistic generation. It's all about the parade and the flag and the crusade for them. Gen Xers are another Silent Generation in which they're kinda nihilistic and don't take anything seriously, like this:
Millennials are actually another Boomer generation.
they were given everything and left the next generation with nothing
I'm used to peer hate and criticism for my values more than I would be if I were born in any other generation. The fact I turned out knowing the truth despite peers getting offended and angry says I have a stronger mind than anyone who thinks this way and is in a generation that agrees with them. I have no sense of social shame or collective guilt or collective responsibility for the actions of others.
They gave away our birthrite
this. the baby boomers through millennials were raised by tv from birth and it was their only source of information. now in the digital age we can break the conditioning but all the young people are mystery meat shitskins so theres not a whole lot we can do besides kill them en masse. what would be the best way to do that? release poison gas in the ghetto?
I see myself as an individual going up against the entire world who is trying to fuck me over. I don't have a sense of "peers" and see generation as a giant social construction invented by the media to tell age groups how to be like.
Most people are sheep and just listen to either the TV or social media. People are like putty that can be molded into anything if you get them young enough. What generation has my attitude?
Interesting theory, I’m an older millennial and I think most millennials are retarded and naive especially the younger ones
I'm a young border gen z millennial and I think the millennials are really delusional.
I was raised by libraries, book stores, museums (historical, art, and science), and Mensa puzzles, and zoos. My parents pushed me hard academically to keep raising my IQ level.
they are the most gullible goyim to ever exist
yeah well, your whole generation supports mostly fake corporate as fuck leftists like hillary, if that wasn't bad enough, infinity immigrants a year, if that wasn't bad enough, they'll dox you and ruin your life if you disagree, if that wasn't bad enough, they stick metal shit in their face, grow beards as if it's some big achievement and act like they are john lennon, i just can't get over how fucked they are
I'm a '94 millennial and grew up on this shithole, so... maybe I got lucky. I know many folks my age who oppose the new world order though, they just tend to turn toward video games instead of action, I suppose. All Americans are trash at the end of the day, circumcised jew slaves.
White boomers are evil. No other race fucked up their children as badly and THAT is why America is becoming browner. Let the browns take over. Boomers have killed the white race
>(generation) was dumb and did (mistake)
im tired of this generational bullshit. its just identity politics and no amount of discussion will ever help anyone. fact is most people are fucking stupid and evil regardless if generation.
Those brown and blacks are going to abuse the shit out of the boomers in the retirement homes
And you older generations expect me to want a social life in the 2010s. What a joke. My lack of a social life is why I can say anything I want. I don't even feel an ounce of shame for what you told me about my generation. My inability to feel collective guilt made me not receptive to racial guilt or any privilege arguments. If someone calls me privileged I think "Good. Keep raging in jealousy of what I have."
Yeah they dox people and get offended over everything. It's why having no social life is great. I can do anything socially unacceptable. I have no social status to lose.
Everyone knows something’s up there have been nationalist movements all over the west in recent years starting with Donald Trump, there are socialists coming to power, over 50% of millennials view communism favorably and now there are these yellow vest protests spreading across Europe
A storm is coming
Yes exactly. Boomers never bothered to raise us. That's why so many white millennials are NEETs
I think it's stupid to. It's like "Hur dur Millennial you are responsible for what Antifa does because your parents randomly had you at that time. Hur dur." Or "How dare you not think this way. You are this age. Reeeeeeee." Most people are morons like you said. I see generation as this group I'm randomly assigned to supposedly be like because my parents had sex then.
The worst generation was the goyest generation. Happy to destroy their kin for the benefit of the tribe.
While many ethnically Jewish personalities were involved, I don't really mean Jews as a blanket statement. Also, plenty of Gentiles have contributed to the general decline in American morality, whether those in the arts, business, or industry. Authentic Jews are supposed to follow the Torah, and the rest of the Tanakh. George Soros is an Atheist, and I suspect the majority of the Rothschild family are not exactly religious, either, except maybe on paper, and a few ritualistic practices related to holidays.
>want a social life in the 2010s.
no, i wouldn't want one either if my peers were gen y, yuck, "social" lives are just people hanging around talking complete rubbish anyway
>starting with Donald Trump,
It didn't start with Trump dumbass. It began in Europe 2008
yes exactly. besides, even if generational identity was applicable we could easily turn it around and ask the previous generation why we were raised the way we were or who was to blame for the economy
That's not the reason. The reason is they don't want to socialize because they see the world as moronic and stupid and totally different from logic and reason. This world bases everything on how well you fit in and people's idiotic fee fees. It's anti Aspie to the core. I want to go the rest of my life without being forced to socialize with the masses.
I'm handsome and get along with even the most retarded people because of incredible patience, and I'm an on-and-off-again NEET simply because modern culture is a nightmare pastiche of all the worst things, and I have no reason to humiliate myself by participating. Society doesn't offer any room for alpha men to exist or act in their natural way, so I choose to develop my own interests and hobbies independent of society, and fuck around in the virtual world when that isn't satisfying enough.
And I think you can choose any belief you want in adulthood. I think you can rationalize anything you want.
The "greatest" generation who fought for international communism against national socialism raised by the silent generation who had the brilliant idea to give women voting rights and die for the federal reserve and start acting out the Kalergi plan via killing mass numbers of whites in Europe for 4 years for no real (((reason)))
In with you on X'ers just not caring. I'm 25 but my older brother who was hip in the early 2000's, just doesnt care about anything at all. Smoked ciggs all day, watches the news, goes to work. That's about it
When they hate me I just continue to question and argue with them like an aggressive prosecuting attorney until they apologize to me or give up. Being reasonable doesn't work. That's why I laugh at so-called social skills. They don't work anymore. Being socially appropriate is stupid.
What happened in Europe in 2008
boomers never forced their kids to study hard and develop skills
the result is that tens of millions of white millennials are literal NEETs.
Gonna be awesome when America finally collapses economically and these boomers see the result of what they have done. And the economic collapse is probably much closer. Most experts are predicting a massive depression in 2019
at least he has a job, LOL
How old is your brother? I'm that way about social expectations. I'm so used to what I do being considered wrong I can do almost anything I want to even if people scream and yell. I care about getting my way a lot though. I have lots of willpower resistance because I'm used to large groups persecuting me. So I will push and push
and remember the WW2 generation also are the ones who created social security
sounds like you've suffered a lot of abuse at the hands of the boomers, i know your feel
boomers also abused me my entire life before i stopped tolerating that shit
any boomer talks shit to me now, i'll literally beat them into a fucking coma
bunch of old retarded 70 year old fucks, let's see how they enjoy being abused
and they WILL be abused since most of the retirement home employees are gonna be blacks and mexicans and asians, who hate white people, especially OLD white people
Karma is coming
Speak for yourself. I was sat down with for hours, given hard teachers, and had lots of logic problems, riddles, and Mensa puzzles. My parents gave me a mini encylopedia set at the age of 6. My dad would talk to me with problems like "All men are mortal, Socrates is a man
.. therefore Socrates is _____? And he'd have me fill in the blank.
congrats. You had one of the few mature boomer parents who weren't selfish lazy assholes.
btw are you white? Cause it sounds like your parents are asians. I've almost never heard of white parents doing that for their children.
Very subtle political compass meme. Nice
>Most experts are predicting a massive depression in 2019
Most experts were predicting a massive win for Hillary in 2016, too.
I was abused a lot by peers. That's why I don't get this whole generation thing. Microbiology, discrete math, and organic chemistry are easier for me than making small talk at an office, fitting in, blending, and not giving off weird vibes. I'm just off and weird by nature. It's my Aspergers.
Jesus christ
well the good thing is this.
No more white race = no more shitlib cultural Marxism
brown people are far more conservative than any so called white conservative
also brown people raise their kids right and don't let them sit on their ass 10 hours a day in front of the TV
so no more white race = no more boomer bullshit basically
it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the current bubbles in the education, medical, and real estate sectors are completely unsustainable
but hey don't listen to me, buy stocks right now, we're at ALL TIME HIGHS!
LOL, getting "bullied" by millennials? Come on man, millennials are pussies and you can beat their ass. It's boomer psychopaths who truly abuse everyone. And now they are old enough where if you threaten to kick their ass, they'll shut the fuck up real fast. You think a 70 year old wants to get beaten up by a 30 year old?
I am white but was parented this way.
i'd suggest finding a small-time self-defense teacher and learning from him. Learn to how fight
avoid the big schools and karate and bullshit cause that's all useless shit
go for street fighting "self defense" training. That is actually useful shit
well congrats, you are the lucky 1 out of a 100 who had boomer parents who actually gave a shit
> White and white
> White and white
> nigger and white
>tfw when wakanda
>getting darker by the genration
the end of the white race is not a bad thing
after all, it's only white people who are stupid enough to believe in shit like psychiatry, unaffordable healthcare, unaffordable college, and free money for jews.
We whites do not deserve to exist anymore.
Then what’s gen z?
Are you daft? Millennials didn't act the way they did now back in the 90s and much of the 00s. It was completely different. They became that way around 08 and then denied how they used to act all over the internet.
we millennials realized in 2008 how truly fucked we all are, due to the boomers destroying the economy
Why all these infographics have this fucking handwritten, slender typeface? I keep sighting in every fucking image or pamphlet defending migrants or identity groups. It's as obnoxious as this goddamn ukulele jingle music.
I was taught that by my dad but groups target people far more than individuals. I'm not talking about now but many years ago. I became much tougher from having to deal with that at a young age as they all decided to go collectively weaker. Now people even deny what I went through because I'm in a "pussy generation."
Infographic is informative.
Millenials are all race traitors and now Gen Z is mutt.
oh yes we millennials, white millennial men, are race traitors because we don't wanna marry shitty white-trash slut whores. No, we'd rather date nice asian or indian women.
Fuck you cuck. Enjoy your slut white women
Yea but that don't make white kids so your sperm, dating, kids, all that is useless as fuck. World is chalk full of brown. We don't need more. Get your shit together.
Ewwww indian woman, also Gen z looks down on you faggots as your Asian wife mentally abuses you.
What I mean is there used to be huge bullying issues for people around our age and they'd say things to people that they'd deny ever saying now. Also would be physically violent with feet, hands, and weapons, throw things at people continuously, try to trip them, steal their stuff, spread rumors.
They used to be a lot less PC too. They'd call people retards, queers, faggots, niggers, gay. They used to target people if they didn't wear designer clothes or wore glasses or were socially awkward in any way but now became their opposite. They'd target kids just for having an IEP, being a specific ethnicity, anything they wanted.
I'm not offended by the words just saying how it became different and the Zoomers think they're special. They should see if they're like that 10 years from now before they talk.
Indian and Asian women (as in Tula Tiqila Asian American not Jackie Chan) are like the biggest sluts, ironically yet this dudes cancer kekistani flag leads me to believe he wouldn't know in the slightest
>we millennials realized in 2008 how truly fucked we all are, due to the boomers destroying the economy
yep. pretty much one of my earliest redpills, well more like a redpill bottle, was looking around for careers and researching why the market came to that point
All the social programs started by the greatest generation that everyone blames the boomers for since the greatest win the war.
Ironically, seeing how everyone acted after 2008 made me care about myself more than the group. 9/11 in 2001 taught me most people are kneejerk reaction morons. I'm so used to seeing stupidity and lack of logic around me that my empathy for most people is down the drain. I was raised to be logical in an Illogical world.
who cares? At least i get to enjoy a nice submissive brown exotic wife.
indian women are submissive as fuck to white men.
yea i understand cause i got bullied a bit too but not that badly actually. Either way, anyone gives you shit, other than your boss who pays your salary, tell them to go eat shit and threaten to beat their ass. Learn how to fight, go to a self-defense class for a few years.
haha you are some beta male indian guy who is pissed your indian women love us white men and our BIG WHITE COCK so much, LOL.
same. I tried getting a job in 2008. Couldn't even get one at mcdonalds, the economy was so fucking bad.
fuck the WW2 generation and how they fought against our savior Adolf.
9-11 was a huge redpill too. It made me completely disgusted with how stupid most people are, to just blindly believe the government's lies.
I did learn to fight but I'm so off put I never again want a social life. Are you born in 1988? Just curious.
Pathetic, of course it's easy as fuck to get Pajeet and Gook pussy, it's just im self respecting enough to get with blonde women, gooks and pajeets fuck white men to raise social esteem and not actually because they have any affection for them, only a white women can love you for you.
1984 and i also avoid a social life. Who needs friends? All you really NEED is enough money to bang a cheap prostitute like once a week.
maybe i don't like white women? Maybe i am so disgusted by white women's feminism and masculine behavior that i have no sexual attraction to them? You sound like a fucking faggot.
Indian and asian women behave like REAL women.
>"Let's let some old, Jewish lesbian spinsters teach our children everything they need to know about sex and romance!"
>"That would be SO groovy, they will be so like, sexually liberated and stuff, what could possibly go wrong?"
Keep thinking that user, your kids are gonna be gooks lol, also did you search outside a college campus?
Yes, but for every person like you there are 10 that have grown to need a social media bubble echo chamber where no opinion they disagree with is allowed to be shown to them. The only time they look at opinions they don't like is if they are attacking them to virtue signal. Then they retreat to the safety of the echo chamber to regroup and get social media likes.
Destroy infrastructure and head for the hills before the riots start.
in the 70s my father was a high school dropout stoner that swept floors at a factory at night for $23 an hour.
boomers traded an economy where the biggest fuckups in society still made enough money to have their own place, car, and exorbitant drug addiction for tacos and having to work yourself into a stupor for anything higher than $15 an hour.
I asked because you mentioned 30 and I don't really care if people act their gender roles or not. I want to reform things like divorce law. I'm right wing in that I hate guilting, hate collectivism, love fighting for myself, love self defense, and love freedom.
I don't fully believe in Objectivism because there are some flaws but a lot of it resonates with the way I think. I have Asperger's and that causes my extreme individual mindset. For anything I wanted to do my mentality was not who will let me, but who will stop me.
If someone doesn't allow me to disagree IRL I argue with them and interrogate them like a prosecuting attorney. I don't stop until they give up or apologize.
>Boomers = White
>Gen-X = White
>Millennials = Racemixing trash
>Gen-Z = Niggers and mutts
If you were born after 1979 you're destroying the White race.
Can confirm
Born in 1983 and I'm married to an asian
>still more BASED than you, Schlomo
I live in a 90 percent white township. I can walk at 3am and be safe. Can you? Kek. No you can't.
I hope your pan-faced gook's hairy roast beef cunt was worth destroying your genetic heritage. I'll cry tears of joy when your disgusting hapa spawn eventually murders you.