I was put on SSRI's since I was 13

Some shit happened when I was young and my parents didn't really give a fuck about anything so I was put on a load of SSRI's and drugs like Prozac because I wouldn't study and I listened to metal (which we all know is evil)
Needless to say they really fucked me up, most of all I've become really really docile. My dad even says it was a huge mistake. I want to get my anger and passion for life back, what can I do, /pol?

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Dunno, try PCP instead of 'dem SSRI's?

Do it.

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bet more money than you have on a sporting event. knock a girl up. get into a car accident (think tree not traffic - don't endanger someone else). these kind of things might scare some life into you.


listen to tougher metal. like watain or something and become a tough satanic fucker for reals.

Pay debts.

Maybe he should just listen to better lyrics youtube.com/watch?v=zlCqgQMjuNw

join the Cobra Kai dojo

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>conan metal

its fucking conan metal

Listen to liberal and conservatives then choose a side

SSRI and SNRI "medication" cause permanent changes to the brain. Your parents really have killed the real you in favor of a 'good' you. Im very sorry for you, stop taking any and all pharma pills ASAP.
Stay away from the meds, lads

Serious answer OP - Go get your T levels checked. Dont take the docs word if he says theyre normal (docs are FUCKING useless if you didnt already know.)

Get a copy of your results then research. Alot of guys who come through the TRT forums have a history of SSRI use.

Not saying that IS your problem - but it might be. SSRI's can mess you up without destroying your T levels.

And what's fucking wrong with that, maggot? The sekrit of steel is important, brah.

it's the "riddle of steel" dude.

nothing I guess, it's just that manowar is like the sonic equivalent of a sweaty gay muscle lad orgy, and it's just not evil enough.

Their live gigs are pretty awesome, I don't regret going there when I was younger.

well I am of the opinion that any live show is a good show mein bruder

I quit the drugs cold turkey and after withdrawals life got way better. I dropped out of school but now I'm a chef in a hotel. I'm not some nuggy incel but I feel like i'm not a man anymore

I was listening to pantera mainly

just go do some man stuff like fishing or hunting or beat up a fag or something. or maybe paying bills and respecting women. i don't know anymore...

well shit pantera is pretty tuff. good choice.

On top of that, we Germans (well, those of us who grew up with metal) have a really soft spot for Manowar.


Disengage from all internet shit
find mountain/nature trails near you
spend all summer vigorously running up nature paths and trudging through steep hills
drink water and don't jerk off
do this for fun

>Pay debts.
you bloody fkn kraut shite keep your dirty euros and mass immigration to yourself on the mainland, cunts.

>respecting women

>I'm not some nuggy incel but I feel like i'm not a man anymore
well i was with you until you went and used that derogatory meme word from reddit so go ahead and rot in your seratonin deficient hell, ya pikey.

>On top of that, we Germans (well, those of us who grew up with metal) have a really soft spot for Manowar.
fkn trash, sounds like bad hair metal, no surprise coming from the only country on earth that likes David Hasslehoff.

Don't disturb me while I'm talking to my underlings.

are you:
1 fat? ssri's are known to boost apetite
2 able to get spontaneous erections? ssri's can give secondary impotence
3 well developed according to your age in general?
4prone to mood oscilations and/or accompanying heart palpitations?
if you checked all 4, then you should go to some mma class for starters...

since we're blogposting ITT
I was on SSRIs from age 10 to 20, plus "mood stabilizers" aka antipsychotics aka anticonvulsants from 15 to 20. totally fucked my ability to function, haven't had any friends since I was 12, dropped out of high school, haven't had a job in a over a decade, didn't get my driver's license till I was 24. they took me to the shrinks a week after my dog died because i was, in their words "too sad" worst part is my parents still take the moral highground and treat me like the servile idiot and treat my meth-addicted sociopath older brother like a fucking prince, who didn't move out until he was 30. its legitimately hopeless trying to get a job with a shitty resume like mine, and no help getting a job from my family, so I've tried to start multiple businesses over the years, buying consumer crap in bulk and selling it on ebay, lawncare/handyman bullshit, but my brother stole all my tools and equipment and sold it for dope. meanwhile I was practically the only one keeping the house from falling apart in the wake of him and his friends trashing it for years. I lost most of the weight by 25, started getting fit a couple years ago (part of why my brother finally split, he realized I could easily wreck him after he started a fist fight) getting fit and getting my diet in order helped my overall condition considering the permanent CNS damage the meds cause. Having a sustained break from the chaos is also making it easier to figure out ways to make money so I can finally get away from my pathological narcissist parents even if I have to bootstrap from nothing. Who knows? I might even leave behind enough of the shame and start to give enough of a fuck to finally get some kind of a social life.
TRT is for faggots, lift weights and eat right

get off the meds
eat healthy
reduce your time online

Have you tried whiskey, cocaine, and loose women? I am naturally docile and avoidant but a snort and a shot fix me right up. Make a habit of it and you won't be docile for very long.

>inb4 coke's bad for you
So are loose women. If you're concerned use amphetamines and get a loyal nympho instead. Worked for Hitler.

They won't do much to you. They technically should just make you more "up"/happier.

It's just Serotonin.

If you're docile, you might be depressed or something else could be going on.

Hitler only took amphetamines to help with digestive problems.

incel detected

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